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LPI OriginatorLPI Originator 创始研究者创始研究者詹姆士 库泽斯詹姆士 库泽斯巴里 波斯纳巴里 波斯纳(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.com? 通过强调共同 目标和建立信 任来促进合作? 通过分享权力 来增强他人的 实力? 明确自己的理念? 使行动与共同理 念保持一致,为 他人树立榜样? 展望未来,想 象令人激动的 各种可能 ? 诉诸共同愿景, 感召他人为共 同的愿景奋斗? 通过追求成长、 发展、的道路 来猎寻机会? 进行试验和冒 险,从错误中 学习? 通过表彰个人 的卓越表现来 认可他人的贡献? 通过创造一种集 体主义精神来庆 祝价值的实现 和胜利(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comLPI LPI MISSIONMISSION LPI的LPI的使命使命? To liberate the leader in each individual.? 释放每个人的领导力(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comESSENTIAL ESSENTIAL STUDY 研究的STUDY 研究的基石基石? How ordinary people lead others in accomplishing extraordinary things?? 平凡的人们是如何带领他人做到不平凡的结果的?(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comLPI LPI PROVIDEPROVIDE 卓越领导者的五种行为习惯卓越领导者的五种行为习惯 提供提供? 30index / 10scalepoint leadership behaviors assessing tool and commentating for self and observers. 5组共30项指标的卓越领导力行为习惯360度评估和报告解读(包括被评估者本人及其上级、下属、平级和相关合作伙伴)。? A series of behavioral statements that described actions leaders take when getting extraordinary things done in organizations.详细的卓越领导力行为习惯描述清单和发展指南手册。? Training and coaching service based on assessment.卓越领导者的五种行为习惯培训课程和教练服务 。(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comWHATS DIFFERENCE 卓越领导者的五种行为习惯WHATS DIFFERENCE 卓越领导者的五种行为习惯 的的卓越之处卓越之处?Databased, standardized leadership development solutions.基于大数据的标准化领导力发展解决方案?Trainee is first! Coaching, not training.学员前台、教练幕后的教练模式,颠覆培训师的主角地位?Action learning process to create a new leadership culture.足以塑造全新领导力文化的行动学习过程?Lead to changes in thinking and behavior, significantly improved the relationship between leader and the led.引发领导者思维和行为的改变,大幅改善领导者和被领导者的关系?Provide data basis for horizontal comparison of different leadership competencies and longitudinal comparison of development level of same leader.为横向比较不同领导者胜任能力和纵向比较同一领导者发展程度提供数据依据(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comWHY LPI CAN BE WHY LPI CAN BE TRUSTEDTRUSTED 为什么LPI 值得信赖为什么LPI 值得信赖? Constantly being evaluated and tested for its reliability and validity by hundreds of scholars since 1985. 自1985年诞生以来被数以百计的专家学者证明信度和效度。? Most worldwidely used by 4,000,000 leader and their observer samples.全球400万评估样本数据库。? Elegantly simple yet powerful coach skills 简单而有效(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comWHY WHY 360-DEGREE 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT 为什么需要FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT 为什么需要360度360度的反馈的反馈? Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. 领导力就是“领导者”与“追随者”之间的关系? Only by collecting multiple perspectives can leaders see a complete picture of how they were leading.只有通过全角度的反馈,才能令领导者完整看清自己是怎么领 导的。Defining Defining LeadershipLeadership 定义领导力定义领导力(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comKEY KEY OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES 关键组织关键组织目标目标Engaging aspiring leaders in the LPI experience has consistently proven to generate positive outcomes for organizations looking to:LPI研究经验证明:使用抱负远大的领导者对有下列期望的组织有积极价值?Build a common language and vision around goals and values建立围绕目标和价值观的共同语言和远景?Create a climate of trust that fosters innovation and creativity建立引发创新和变革的信任文化?Recruit, retain, and nurture the development of key talent who are passionate, dedicated, and loyal招募、保留和培养激情、专注和忠诚的关键人才?Improve operational efficiencies, overall performance, and bottomline results through enhanced collaboration and teamwork通过加强团队协作提升运营效率、整体绩效和执行力(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comLEADERS MAKE A LEADERS MAKE A DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE 领导者领导者创造差异创造差异?Leaders who engage more frequently in The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership are more effective and successful than those who do not.在卓越领导力的五种行为习惯上表现更多的领导者比其他领导者更加高效和成功。?People working with exemplary leaders feel more committed, powerful, and influential.与卓越领导者共事的人会感到更加具有责任感、执行力和效率。?Organizations benefit from such positive outcomes as job satisfaction, talent retention, employee commitment, and sales performance.组织在工作满意度、人才保留、雇员忠诚度和业绩表现上获益良多。(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comWE WE DO NOT DO NOT BELIEVE 我们BELIEVE 我们否定否定? Leadership is an innate quality people are born with.领导力是一种天生的素质。? Only a select few can lead successfully.只有特定的少数人才能够成功地进行领导。(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303室62104886hrlink126.comRESEARCH RESEARCH CONFIRMEDCONFIRMED 研究研究证明证明? Leadership has nothing to do with position or status, and everything to do with behavior.领导力与身份地位无关,只与行为习惯有关。? Leadership is an observable set of skills and abilities that are useful whether one is on Wall Street or Main Street.领导力由一系列可见的、普适的行为能力构成。(LPI) 4/e Copyright 2013 上海无真忧企业管理咨询有限公司上海市延安西路1030弄长峰中心14号聚贤阁303
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