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初二年级下册英语自主探究学案初二年级下册英语自主探究学案内容:Unit 8班第 小组 姓名 导学导学目标目标 重点句型:-What should I get my mom for her birthday?-How about a scarf?/Why dont you get her a scarf?-No, thats too boring. 一新知导学一新知导学翻译下列句子1).Whats up? 2).What should I get my mom for her birthday?_3).Why dont you get her a scarf?_4).A scarf is too cheap._ 二合作探究二合作探究 1.听录音,完成 1b 的听力测试。2.听录音,选择正确答案。( )1.Why doesnt the boy get his mother a scarf for birthday?A. Because its too personal. B. Because its too boring. C. Because its too cheap.( )2. What is too expensive?A. Dictionary. B. Camera. C. Tennis balls ( )3. How many things do you hear?A.3 B.2 C.43.再次听录音,并完成下列空格。Boy 1: Whats ?Boy 2: I need help. What I get my mom for her ?Boy 1: How about a ?Boy 2: No, thats too .Boy 1: Hmm. How about a ?Boy 2: Thats too boring, too.Boy 1: Well, why dont you get her a ?Boy 2: No way! Thats too .Boy 1: Ive got it. What about some ?Boy 2: Tennis balls? No, theyre too .3.小组完成以下几个句子的练习。 (1)根据1c,完成下列对话。A: What I get my mom for her birthday?B: about a scarf?A: Thats too boring. B: about a camera?A: Thats too expensive. B: you get her some tennis balls.A: Thats too cheap. (2)小组讨论,归纳出以上几个句子的作用,他们是用来询问什么的?你还知道其他的表达吗?_三巩固提升三巩固提升 (一)单项选择。 ( ) 1. What should I get my mom her birthday?A. on B. for C. at D. in( ) 2. Mike, you are late for class. Why you get up early this morning?A. dont B. didnt C. not D. not to ( ) 3. Why not boating with us in the park?A. to go B. going C. go D. goes ( ) 4. -Your English is pretty good! How about some advice to me?-With pleasure.A. give B. gives C. giving D. given( ) 5. -Why dont we get her a bike?- . Lets get her a cheaper gift.A. Good idea B. Thats too expensiveC. No problem D. Yes, Id love to(二)翻译下列句子。 1. 作为生日礼物相机太贵了。A camera is as a birthday gift. 2. 我应该为爸爸的生日买什么呢?I my father his birthday.3. 为什么不给她买本相册呢?her a photo album.4. 明天去游泳怎么样?tomorrow.
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