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http:/www.wenduedu.com/cet46/ 2017 年 6 月英语四级写作范文:勤奋的重要性2017 年英语四级考试作文复习,除了勤写多练也没有更好的办法,这里是文都网校小编为大家整理的 2017 年 6 月英语四级写作备考参考范文:人际交流的重要性,希望为大家提供更多的 2017 年 6 月英语四级写作素材。Directions:Write a composition entitled Early Bird Catches the Worm. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.1.“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”是大家都熟悉的谚语;2.人们这么说的原因;3.作出总结。Is Television a Blessing or a Curse“Early bird catches the worm“ is a well-known proverb which all of us are familiar with. I fully agree with it and its implication, in my mind, can be justified in three respects.“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”是个很出名的谚语,我们都很熟悉。我完全赞同这句话,而且我认为,它的含义可以从三个方面进行说明。First, it takes time to accomplish a task the earlier you begin,the more likely you will reach your goal earlier. Otherwise you call never be sure of http:/www.wenduedu.com/cet46/ your success. Second, when diligence becomes a habit, nothing will be difficult to a determined and persistent person. For example, you will never feel bored and tired at doing social investigation if you really enjoy it. Third, looking at the matter from another perspective, we will find that social resources are always limited and opportunities are always for those prepared minds.第一,要完成一项任务需要时间一一你越早开始,就越有可能更早达成你的目标。否则你不可能确保你的成功。第二,当勤奋变成一种习惯,对一个有决心能坚持的人来说,没有事情是困难的。比如说,在做一项社会调查的时候,如果你真正喜欢它,你就从不会感到无聊和疲惫。第三,从另一角度来看这一问题,我们会发现,社会资源总是有限的,机会总是留给那些有准备的人的。Living in an age when most people are intelligent, diligence seems more than necessary. As the modem competition becomes more and more fierce, we should realize the importance of early beginning. (152 words)生活在一个大部分人都很聪明的年代,勤奋看起来非常有必要。由于现代的竞争变得越来越激烈,所以我们应该意识到早点开始的重要性。每天进步一点点,6 月通关大可期!2017 年 6 月英语四六级备考之路,文都网校四六级资讯站愿助您一臂之力!更多 2017 年 6 月英语四六级备考资讯,请点击文都网校四六级资讯站!
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