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首都师范大学博士学位论文关汉卿新论姓名:林喦申请学位级别:博士专业:中国古代文学指导教师:段启明20040501内 容 提 要 关汉卿是中国古代戏剧发展史上一位杰出的戏剧家文学家元明清三代都 有人对其进行研究但研究成果非常零散如果说 1 9 1 3 年王国维宋元戏曲考 一书的出现是近代中国戏剧研究的标志的话那么现当代关汉卿研究也正是在 此时开始逐渐活跃起来在王国维吴梅等第一批学者的努力下以考据学方法 为主导的关汉卿研究已经初具规模自兹以降胡适王季思孙楷第冯沅君 郑振铎等一大批学者力图把考据学和社会学结合在一起 尤其重视运用社会学的 方法研究关汉卿为当时的关汉卿研究领域注入了一股清新的空气1 9 5 8年 关汉卿被世界和平理事会提名为世界文化名人 学界以此为契机展开了大规模的 研究及关氏的戏剧编演活动取得了丰厚的成果但由于受政治思想等因素的影 响在关汉卿的研究中未能立足于文学与戏剧艺术本身和作家本身而仅仅是 围绕作者生平籍贯作品主题思想人物形象等内容进行分析与探讨 政治思维定势以其极大极强的优势侵占着人们的头脑导致文学研究被异化 于是关汉卿就成为了反封建的勇敢斗士这种研究的结果无疑是历史局限性 的 本文之所以称为新论一是研究视角新论文从分析元代及元以前传统 文化 思想对他的影响入手 并对其作品所呈现出的当时广阔而生动的社会生活 文化特征 生活情趣和心理境界等元素的分析 综合地探讨在一个特定的环境中 关汉卿特有的文化品性 创作风格 审美体验和艺术心态力求还原一个 真实 的关汉卿二是定位新论文把关汉卿定位在士子才人的范畴之内既不是 以往所谓战斗性格的斗士也不是人们一贯认为的浪子才人由士 子才人的定位再去研究关汉卿及其作品就会发现关氏特有的文人风范艺 术魅力三是研究的目的新不仅是为了还原一个真实关汉卿的问题更重 要的是通过对关氏及其作品的研究 来探讨传统的戏剧文化在当下的文化环境中 如何挖掘存在与发展如何使传统戏剧这棵老树在当下发新芽开新 花展现新的艺术魅力创造新的艺术奇迹的问题这应该是古典文学研究的 一个思路 或者也是一个古典文学研究走出困境的出路 以上三点是本文出 新 之处 论文大约 16 万字共分四章第一章主要分析关汉卿战斗性格说的形 成原因并对此进行了批判并在历史文化的发展脉络中寻求与关汉卿相 似的文人类型总结和认定关汉卿为士子才人进而论述了关汉卿独特的文 化品性第二章主要从关汉卿的杂剧创作实践入手探讨关剧中呈现出来的多种 文化观念思想意蕴创作技巧以及作品中所折射出关氏本人多重复杂的思想观 念等进而论述了作者的思想与作品中呈现的内容之间是如何相互交织在一起 最终达到高度融合的境地并由此认证关汉卿为士子才人第三章着重揭示 了关汉卿散曲创作的心境 总结了关氏散曲创作的风格 成就 历史地位与影响 第四章主要从分析关剧的成就地位与影响入手论述了当下研究关学的历 史意义与急待解决的关学问题分析了研究以关剧为主的传统戏剧文化如何 在当下大众文化盛行的环境中发展和创新问题 关键词关汉卿 士子才人 文化透视 心境 历史影响 现代意义 ABSTRACT Guan Han-qing is a distinguished dramatist and writer in the Chinese antique drama history. Someone had studied Guan Han-qing in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty. But none of the study is integrative and systematic. “The Study on Opera in Song and Yuan Dynasty”,written by Wang Guo-wei published in 1913 ,which was regarded as the beginning marker of the opera study in modern times in China. From then on ,the study about Guan Han-qing entered into an active and fast developing stage especially in modern and current times. More and more people began to study Guan oriented In textual method on the base of the study of Wang Guo-wei , Wu Mei and some others who had been regarded as the first scholars paying attention to Guan. Later ,some scholars such as Hu Shi, Wang Ji-Si, Sun Kai-Di, Feng Yuan-jun, Zhao Zhen-duo tried to study Guan in not only textual method but also sociological method, especially the latter. Of course their work gave a new view to the study of Guan at that time .In 1958 the World Peace Council named Guan Han-qing the eminent person of world culture, and then the world saw a lot of study on Guan and lots of Guans operas had been put on. While all the study of at that stage didnt orient in literature, drama and their writers, but in the writers life and native place ,theme ,character and so forth, and also affected seriously by political ideology. In such situation the literature study was dissimilated and distorted, and of course Guan Han-qing was nor longer regarded as a dramatist and a writer, but a militant struggling against feudalism. There is no doubt that the study was confined by the meanwhile history. There are some reasons to bear out that this article is a novel discussion on Guan Han-qing. First, we study Guan Han-qing from a new perspective. We attempt to give readers an authentic Guan Han-qing as a dramatist and a writer. We synthetically analyze the moral culture character, creation style, esthetic inspect and art psychology of Guan in the special context on the ground of Guans works and the social background of both his times and that before his times. Second ,we give the study of Guan Han-qing a new orientation. Guan Han-qing,I think ,is neither a militant with bellicose nature nor a so-called prodigal talent but a literati talent. Studying Guan and his works in the light of this point ,well find the unique literati manner and esthetic charm in Guan Han-qing and his works. Third, we study Guan Han-qing for a new purpose. Of course , well restore an authentic Guan Han-qing to readers through the analysis of Guan Han-qing and all his works, whats more we want to explain how to study the traditional dramatic culture in current context and develop it in order that they will take on a new look and reveal its new art charm .The above will be a train of thought of classic culture study and will provide an outlet through which classic culture study may make its way out of predicament . There are 160 thousand characters in this article and divided into four chapters .In the 1st chapter, we analyze and criticize the standpoint of bellicose nature of Guan Han-qing ,set our mind that Guan Han-qing was a literati talent, and expound his culture nature. In the 2nd chapter, we focus on Guans creative work on drama. In this section well analyze all kinds of culture conception, ideological content, creative skills in Guans dramas and point out Guans complicated ideology. Furthermore, we show how the ideology of Guan and his works integrate and at last why we regard Guan as a literati talent. In the 3rd chapter, we explore Guans mood during his creation and summarize the style, achievement, historical status and af
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