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索取号:K231密级:公开硕 士 学 位 论 文硕 士 学 位 论 文先秦儒家理想人格主体性探析先秦儒家理想人格主体性探析研 究 生:研 究 生:耿丽娟耿丽娟指导教师:指导教师:王曰美 教授王曰美 教授培养单位:培养单位:历史文化学院历史文化学院一级学科:一级学科:中国史中国史二级学科:二级学科:专门史专门史完成时间:完成时间:2015 年 3 月 10 日2015 年 3 月 10 日答辩时间:答辩时间:2015 年 5 月 31 日2015 年 5 月 31 日硕士学位论文硕士学位论文专门史专门史耿丽娟耿丽娟曲阜师范大学曲阜师范大学曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文独创性声明曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文独创性声明(根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”)本人郑重声明:此处所提交的博士/硕士论文 先秦儒家理想人格主体性探析,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除注明部分外不包含他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式注明。本声明的法律结果将完全由本人承担。作者签名:日期:曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文使用授权书曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文使用授权书(根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 先秦儒家理想人格主体性探析 系本人在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间,在导师指导下完成的博士/硕士学位论文。本论文的研究成果归曲阜师范大学所有,本论文的研究内容不得以其他单位的名义发表。本人完全了解曲阜师范大学关于保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关部门送交论文的复印件和电子版本,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权曲阜师范大学,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文,可以公开发表论文的全部或部分内容。作者签名:日期:导师签名:日期:I摘 要摘 要儒家文化作为中国封建社会的主导意识形态,一直以来影响着中国人的思维方式,规范着中国人的行为,塑造着中华民族的性格。先秦儒学自孔子创立始,后经孟子、荀子的发展基本定型。先秦儒家的核心思想是关于理想人格“内圣外王”的设计与塑造, “内圣外王”一词虽出自庄子天下篇,但却与先秦儒家学者所设计的理想人格模式不谋而合,因而“内圣外王之道”足以概括儒家理想人格的旨归。同时先秦儒家理想人格的构建过程,也是人的主体意识觉醒并逐渐高昂的过程,特别是春秋战国之际,以儒家为代表的士人阶层不断壮大,从孔子开始人类已有了明确的个体意识,到孟子、荀子,最终实现了个体主体意识的完全觉醒。本文拟从主体性方面来具体分析先秦儒家特别是孔、孟、荀三人对理想人格模式的设计, 揭示个体主体意识在理想人格方面的自主选择和创造。 本文主要从四个方面进行论述:第一部分,介绍孔子对理想人格的追求。在论述孔子理想人格模式之前,简略的介绍了人的主体意识觉醒的过程:原始社会,物我混同,这时的人们还没有明确的主体意识;殷商之际,鬼神崇拜浓厚,人祭、人殉现象普遍,人类的主体意识缺失;西周社会,人们开始有了群体意识,但周礼的束缚使个人作为主体的个体意识还没有觉醒。从孔子开始人类有了明确的主体意识,并且提出了他的理想人格模式君子以及最终实现途径“修己安人”,即“内圣外王”。第二部分,介绍孟子在继承孔子“内圣”学说的前提下,提出了他的理想人格模式大丈夫。 这一理想人格的提出也彰显了孟子高扬的主体意识, “舍我其谁”的霸气大大超越了孔子的个体独立意识。同时孟子“性善论”的提出为他的理想人格找到了理论上的根据。第三部分,介绍荀子发展了孔子的“外王”学说,提出了他的理想人格模式成人。与孟子不同的是,荀子认为人性是恶的,但通过学习可以“化性起伪”;在天人观上,荀子超越了孔子、孟子对天的畏惧,“天人相分”思想的提出,又使他在主体意识发展上大大向前了一步,肯定了人“最为天下贵”的主体价值。第四部分,简要论述先秦儒家理想人格对当今社会的价值,在培养国民的道德品质、社会担当意识和创新意识等方面,先秦儒家思想都发挥了积极作用。关键词关键词:先秦儒家;理想人格;主体意识;当代价值IIAbstractConfucian culture as the dominant ideology of feudal society of China, has been affecting the Chinese way of thinking, standardizing the behavior of the Chinese people, and shaping the character of the Chinese nation. The pre-Qin Confucianism was first founded by Confucius, and after the development of the mencius and xunzi, basic design was finalized. Throughout the pre-Qin Confucians thought, its core is about the design of ideal personality and shape, the so-called “inside the saint outside the king“. The process of the construction of the pre-Qin Confucian ideal personality, is peoples subject consciousness awakening and gradually processing. This is decided by the social environment at that time: at the Spring and Autumn period , the economic, political, and social changed. The social ideology was also changed. Peoples subjective consciousness continuously outstanded. Represented by Confucian gentry class was growing. Starting from the Confucius, human had developed clear individual consciousness, then by mencius and xun zi, finally realized the complete awakening of the human subject consciousness. This paper would want to start from the aspects of subjectivity to specific analysis the pattern design of ideal personality of the pre-Qin Confucianism, especially the Confucius, mencius and xunzi to reveal personal subjective consciousness in terms of ideal personality of the independent choice and creation. This article mainly discusses from four aspects: The first part, introduces Confuciuspursuit of ideal personality. Before talking Confucius ideal personality model, briefly introduces the process of mens subject consciousness awakening: Primitive society, the subject consciousness of the people was not clear. At Shang Dynasty, peoples subjective consciousness was also very lack. The western society, people began to have group consciousness, but the bondage of rites to make personal as the main body of the individual consciousness also did not wake up. Confucius began to have clear human subject consciousness, and his ideal personality model was put forward. The second part, mencius inherited Confucius theory and his ideal personality model was put forward. The ideal personality also highlighted the mencius of the subjectconsciousness.Whilemenciustheoryofgoodnesswasfoundashisideal personality .The third part, xunzi developed the Confuciuss theory of “king outside“, and put forward his ideal personality model - the adult. Unlike mencius, xunzi thought the human nature was evil, but learning could change humans nature. On the view of nature and man, xunzi was beyonded Confucius and mencius, making him greatly in the development of the subject consciousness. The fourth part, briefly discusses the the value of pre-Qin Confucian ideal personality in todays society. In the cultivation of moral quality, the social responsibility of national consciousness and innovation consciousness, the pre-qin Confucianism has played a positive role.Keyword:pre-Qin confucian; ideal personality; subjective consciousness;contemporary valueIII目 录目 录绪论. 1(一)选题背景.
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