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1UnitUnit 1010 ItsIts a a nicenice dayday,isntisnt it?it?SectionSection A A(1a-2c1a-2c)预习案预习案 预习导学预习导学 一、词汇精粹一、词汇精粹 学习建议 从课本 1a-2c 中找出下列的单词、短语,英译汉或汉译英。1. noon 2. small talk 3. 开始一段对话 4. 看起来像 5. put in order 6. on the weekend 二、听力内容预测二、听力内容预测 (一)牢记课文出现的生词,扫清听力障碍。 (二)观察 1a 上面的图片,大胆预测:1. Where is the woman in Picture a ? 2. What is the man wearing a hat thinking? 3. Does the girl in Picture d have the mans new CD? (三)阅读 2b,尝试未听听力前将问句和答句填到对应的位置。等到听听力的时候再核对一下。三、语法聚焦三、语法聚焦 翻译 下列句子。 1. Its a nice day,isnt it? Yes,it is. I really love hot weather.2. Youre Jennys friend,arent you? Yes,I am.3. It looks like rain,doesnt it? Yes,it does.4. You love baseball game,dont you? Yes,I do.想一想: 1.四个问句都由两部分组成,前面是 句式,后半部分是 句式。 2.前后两部分在含义上(肯定与否定)一致吗?3.答语和一般疑问问的答语有什么联系? 2预习自测预习自测 一、词汇精粹一、词汇精粹 1.在正午 2.闲聊 3.把按顺序排列 4.The flower (看起来像)a butterfly. 5. What will you do (在周末)? 二、语法聚焦二、语法聚焦 1. She is a beautiful girl,is she?(纠错)2. Henry like football,doesnt he?(作出肯定回答)我的疑惑?我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。 探究案探究案 导入新课导入新课 方案一:TeacherTeacher:We are meeting strangers all the time. Have you ever talked with them? Where do you meet them? Then how will you talk with them? It has some skills and rules to start a co nversation. Lets come to Unit 10. Look at these pictures. What are they doing? Lets listen how they start conversations. 方案二:Use specific situations. Ask them what they will say at first. Its important to remember to be polite. The teacher can let students read the background knowledge before class. Make them ready for the class. 洗耳运动洗耳运动1. Listen to 1b and number the pictures in the order you hear them.2. Listen again and answer. Picture a:(1)How long have they been waiting?(2)What are they going to do?Picture c:(3)Is the train late?(4) How does the boy go to school?3.Listen to 2a and finish requirements in 2a&.2b. 教学建议 因为 2b 部分在预习过程中已要求学生猜测过,所以在这里听的过程中核对一下答案即可。这 样可以帮助学习培养听前预测的能力。 质疑探究质疑探究 教学建议 此部分无典型词汇值得探究,重点是反意疑问句的理解与运用。 学习建议 请同学用 5 分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。 探究点探究点 重难点句子和语法探究重难点句子和语法探究1.1. HeHe suresure is!is! 思考:思考:3(1)这句话的意思是 。 (2)sure 是 词,同义词是 ,用在此处目的是 。 2.2. DoDo youyou thinkthink itllitll stopstop byby noon?noon? 你认为雨到中午会停吗你认为雨到中午会停吗? ? 思考:思考: (1)首先这是一个复合句,是含有 的一般疑问句。 (2)by 意为 ,与表示交通工具的名词连用时,意为“乘,骑” ,by 与名词连用 中间无需加 ;与表示位置的词连用时,意为 。 3.3.反意疑问句反意疑问句 学习建议 请结合课本中的例句来理解该句型的结构、含义和用法。It is really cold today,isnt it? (1)反间疑问句是指说话者先将自己知道的事情用陈述句说出来,再加一个简短附加问句向对方求证是 否属实。相当于汉语的“ ” 。 (2)它的基本结构是 。 (3)附加问句部分的系动词、情态动词、助动词在人称、时态、数上与陈述部分有什么关系? (4)前面的陈述句部分是肯定时,后面的附加疑问部分用 形式,前面的陈述句部分是否定时, 附加疑问部分要用 ,既“ ”原则。注意表示否定意义的词有 never,hardly,no,nobody,no one,few,little 等。 即时练习: 1. It is very cold today, ? 2. We had much time, ? 3. There is a little water in the cup, ? 4. There is little water in the cup, ? 5. Mrs Smith lives n Italy, ? 6. She can hardly speak German, ? 7. She has few friends in Germany, ? 8. There isnt anybody at home, ? 9. Open the door, ? 10. Lets go to school, ?SectionSection A A(3a-43a-4) 预习案预习案 教材助读教材助读(二轮阅读) 一、一轮阅读做题目一、一轮阅读做题目 观察 3a 旁边的图片并阅读 3a 对话,完成下列题目。 1. Answer the question: (1)What does B think of the weather?(2)Where are they going?(3)Which beach is never crowded?2. Complete the conversation.(3a)二、二轮阅读找难点二、二轮阅读找难点 学习建议 认真阅读 3a 对话至 4,找出下列单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语并勾画在课本上。 1.含沙的;多沙的 42. bookstore 3.穿过 4. elevator 5. 低的 6. slow ,反义词 7.浏览 8.炎热的天气 9. wait 10.步行去学校 (二)重点句子: 1.今天天气很好,不是吗?2.但是天气对于我来说有点热。3.你打算去哪个海滩?4.不,从来不拥挤。5.祝你度过愉快的一天!我的疑惑?我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。 探究案探究案 导入新课导入新课 方法 1:Revision. Ask students to do the exercises quickly.口头完成,每题限时一秒钟,想出答案的起立抢答。 The boy is Japanese, he? The book isnt interesting, it? He knows a lot about English names, he? The girl doesnt like apples, she? There are two birds in the tree, there? The man came to China last month, he? 方法 2:Ask and answer. T:In summer,as we know,its very hot. Then how would you like to be cool? Ss:Use the fans T:Yes,there are various ways to keep us cool. Have you ever been to the beach? Its a good place to spend our weekend or holid ay. Now the two people in the picture are going to the beach. Lets see what they are talking about. 质疑探究质疑探究 教学建议 课堂评价必不可少,本环节的评价更具有重要意义。评价包含多方面,如学生展示的准确度、 精彩度等。 学习建议 请用 5 分钟时间独立思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。 探究点一探究点一 单词和短语探究单词和短语探究 1.1. crosscross v.v.穿过穿过 (1)Two people are waiting to cross the road.两个人正等着过马路。 (2)If it wrong,please draw a cross besi
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