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华中科技大学博士学位论文商业银行大客户管理运作机理与创新研究姓名:窦荣兴申请学位级别:博士专业:管理科学与工程指导教师:陈荣秋;刘英姿20051025II而忽视其衰退时期给银行带来的巨大风险。本文充分剖析商业银行大客户 “双刃剑”属性,认为只有充分的识别风险,并且适时的选择退出策略,才能有效的规避大客户给银行自身带来的巨额损失。 关键词:关键词:商业银行 大客户管理 客户经理团队 潜在客户 IIIAbstract The Key Customers discussed in this thesis, refers to particularly 5% of the top of the customers namely they are regarded strategically as the most important customers by the vendors in the industrial market. The Key Customers Management (KCM), a strategic management methods employed by the vendors, is to satisfy the customers specific needs by means of continually providing them with customized goods or services so as to increase the degree of customers loyalty. The highly related core questions of Key Customers Relationship Management of the identification and classification of the potential Key Customers in the bank, maintenance of team of customer manager on the Key Customers and withdrawal timing of the commercial banks Key Customers etc were researched deeply in this thesis. The research put forward the basic method of the identification and classification of potential customers, designed the model of team management of key customers manager and established the operation mechanism of withdrawal timing of the commercial banks Key Customers. The main contents included: 1) Marketing scheme of the identification and classification of the potential Key Customers The author discussed the concrete method of the identification of potential customers from huge historical transaction information of customer in the bank using the technology of data mining of related analysis, analysis of time series, clusters analysis and classification method etc, and proposed the basic mode of the identification of the potential Key Customers in the bank. Furthermore, the five important factors of the identification of the potential Key Customers in the bank were analyzed and the tactics of management and market of key customers through the mean of Key Customers Management was put forward in this thesis. Many scholars studied the identification methods of customers behavior by the technology of data mining in the world. However, the findings seldom involved the identification and market of potential Key Customers in commercial banks. The findings of this thesis was very important for commercial banks to explore new customer resources and customized the effective market scheme. 2) The design of the model of team management of key customers manager Confronted with the drain of Key Customers in current marketing of key customers managers, the incentive model of customers managers was established IVbased on the mode of team management in this research. Moreover, the relevant nature of models was derived and the real example is examined. The conclusion indicated the new management mode is more effective than the traditional mode. The literatures on customer managers of banks mostly focused on qualitative description and policy advices, and lack of profound study on the risk due to customers managers fired. The author proposed the motivation system of key customers manager based on the mode of team management that may decrease the loss of customers drain due to the demission of customers manager through the model of team management of key customers. 3) Mechanism of withdrawal timing of the commercial banks Key Customers The three mistakes about the understanding of key customers in commercial banks were discussed in this thesis. The author summarized the firms characteristics of in decline phase using the theory of enterprises Life Cycle. The four approaches of reducing the risks caused by the Key Customers were put forward by the case study of CNOOCs bid for Unocal. The scholars generally thought that the key customers could bring the enormous profits to firms, but ignore the risk caused by key costumers. This research analyzed deeply the key customers “double-edged sword” attribute to commercial banks. Therefore, the mechanism of withdrawal timing of the commercial banks Key Customers was proposed in this thesis. Key Words: Commercial Bank Key Customers Management Team of Customer Manager Potential Customers 11 绪绪 论论 本章首先介绍本文研究的背景和意义;分析我国商业银行实施大客户关系管理的现状,指出目前在大客户关系管理研究方面存在的不足并提出所要研究的问题,给出全文的整体架构和主要内容,详细论述了本文研究的主要创新之处。 1.1 问题的提出问题的提出 1.1.1 研究背景研究背景 中国商业银行在应对经济全球化、金融国际化、信息技术化的种种挑战时,业已考虑并采取了相当多的措施和改革方案,以加速实现向真正市场化运作的商业银行的转变。我国金融市场的供求格局目前已发生根本性转变,买方金融市场的特征已初步形成,国内金融市场已被国有商业银行及中小银行初步分割完毕,规模效益不再突出,资产质量日益成为银行的生命线。这使得各商业银行的经营策略都逐渐朝抢占垄断行业和优质客户的方向倾斜,造成了今天银行同业竞争白热化的局面。应当说,在这样一个充满希望更充满艰辛的过程中,中国商业银行改革图新之路,不仅在于要着力培育金融市场、规范金融秩序、优化金融资源、锻炼金融人才,同时我们的银行经营管理者必须以高度创新的经营观念、以领先时代的创造意识、以超越常规的发展思路来推动商业银行“以客户为中心”的营运和盈利战略;必须树立客户战略,建立长期稳定、科学管理的客户关系,深度挖掘客户资源的效益;必须大力开展以关系营销为主的金融营销和以优质文明服务为主的服务支持与吸引活动,实现银行与客户在价值利益上的“双赢” 。 中国银行业刚从计划经济时期转变过来,对“以客户为中心”的理解一直处于表面状态,不能够深入地了解客户的需求,长期以来对客户实行无差别服务,不能够抓住真正的赢利客户。与国外银行相比,中国的银行不缺乏资金与分支机构,而是缺乏管理经验和方法。国外银行尤其是在客户关系管理方面已有多年的经验,而国内到目
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