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Body part lesson 1Teaching contents: face, eye, nose, mouthTeaching aids: word cards face, eye, nose, mouthchips. Presentationface, eye, nose, mouth老师指自己的脸问学生这是什么,引出单词 face。老师指自己的眼睛问学生这是什么,引出单词 eye。老师指自己的鼻子问学生这是什么,引出单词 nose。老师指自己的嘴巴问学生这是什么,引出单词 mouth。. Game1.Simon says内容:face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师说 touch your nose, face, eye, mouth.当老师在这句话前加上Simon says 时,学生就跟着做动作,否则保持不动。做对得筹码。2. Lip reading内容:face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师读单词但不发出声音, 学生通过老师的嘴型来判断老师所说的单词。猜对得筹码。3. 大小声反向法内容:face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师来读单词老师大声说的时候,学生小声说,当老师小声说的时候,学生大声说,并且学生在说的时候要指到相应的器官。. Poker time. Exercise 小朋友和爸妈用英语玩 nose,nose,nose 的游戏。 Lesson 2Teaching contents: tooth, tongue, ear, hairReview: face, eye, nose, mouthTeaching aids: word cards tooth, tongue, ear, hairchips. Review Charade内容:face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师指自己的脸部器官,让学生来猜单词。猜对得筹码。. Presentationtooth, tongue, ear, hair老师指自己的嘴巴问嘴巴里有什么啊?引出单词 tooth 和 tongue。老师问我们是用什么来听声音的啊?引出单词 ear。老师问头顶上都长有什么啊?引出单词 hair。. Game1.Hit the monster内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:几位学生每人手持一张单词卡片站成一排,教师说单词,哪个学生拿着这张相应的卡片就要重复这个单词并举起卡片,太慢或说错就没机会了。教师可以点着这个学生而不说他的单词,这样玩起来更有挑战性。2. Finger pointing内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师指到一张卡片,并读这个单词,学生跟读,一直重复,老师要事先规定指哪张卡片时学生闭嘴。没出错的就可得筹码。3. Freeze game内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师说口令让学生向左转或向右转,学生们随着老师的口令反复说着turn left 或者 turn right, 当老师说“Freeze”时,学生马上不能动,维持此时的状态,老师可以规定时间看学生是否能坚持,为了增强趣味性,可以走近学生去逗他们,咯吱学生。然后让每个学生各读出两个单词。. Poker time. Exercise回家告诉爸爸妈妈牙齿,舌头,耳朵,头发的英文说法。Lesson 3Teaching contents: arm, hand, leg, footReview: tooth, tongue, ear, hairTeaching aids: word cards arm, hand, leg, foot chips. ReviewLighting flash 内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:快速闪卡片,让学生看单词。. Presentationarm, hand, leg, foot老师指自己的胳膊问这是什么啊?引出单词 arm。那 arm 前面是什么啊?是不是我们的手啊?引出单词 hand。老师指自己的腿问这是什么啊?引出单词 leg。那我们走路时除了用腿还用什么啊?引出单词 foot。. Game1. Wolf Game内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则;老师面对学生,手持卡片,学生一起来问问题 what do you want? 老师如果回答的是手上的卡片,学生就要跟读,若不是学生就要跑到老师事先设定好的安全地带。2. Rolling drum内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师击鼓带领学生唱 ABC 歌,学生依次传球, 当歌声停止时, 拿球的学生读单词卡片。3. Listen and run to take内容:tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth规则:老师发令,老师跑去并拿到相应的卡片。. Poker time. Exercise将卡片上的单词抄写在单词位置上,并向爸妈解释单词的意思。Lesson 4Teaching contents: body, head, neck, nailReview: arm, hand, leg, footTeaching aids: word cards of body, head, neck, nailchips. ReviewSlap and say内容:arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair规则:老师手持单词卡片, 学生要一边拍一边说单词,老师缩回卡片时,学生就不读。没出错就奖励筹码。. Presentationbody, head, neck, nail我们学的这些身体部位都长在什么地方啊?引出单词 body。Where is your nose, eyes, mouth, and ears?They are on your head. 引出单词 head。Whats between your body and head?引出单词 neck。Look at your hand. 手指头上有指甲。引出单词 nail。. Game1.Music chair内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair规则:三把椅子四个学生,也可以多些人玩,但是椅子的数量总是要比学生少一 个,游戏开始时学生们反复唱着 ABC 歌并围着椅子跑,当老师说“stop”时就要马上坐下,没有坐到椅子的就输了。抢到椅子的学生读单词卡片。2. Auction:内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair规则:老师把事先写好单词发给学生,让学生押注读纸条,读对获得双倍筹码。3. The tip of the iceberg内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair规则:用一个物品遮住卡片,只露出一个角让学生猜卡片上是什么,如果猜不到, 可以再多露出来一点,但同样的奖励也会降低,依次类推。. Poker time. Exercise把卡片上的单词抄写在相应的位置上。Lesson 5 Teaching contents: knee, heel, toe Review: body, head, neck, nail Teaching aids: word cards of knee, heel, toe chips . Review Whats Different? 内容: body, head, neck, nail 规则:把卡片面朝上放在桌上。学生看上几秒钟,然后闭上眼睛。教师变化一 张几张卡片的位置,并问学生:Whats different?学生睁开眼睛说出 被移动的卡片。 . Presentation knee, heel, toe 我们的腿为什么可以弯曲啊?引出单词 knee。 我们的脚上都有什么啊?引出单词 heel 和 toe。 . Game 1. Cockfight 内容:knee, heel, toe 规则:两位学生,每人拿一张卡片放在身体后面,图片向外,两个学生要想尽 办法看到对方的卡片,记得给学生限定时间,为了防止学生乱猜,还要限 定说的次数,拿上卡片的时候不能挡住图片及单词,不能背靠墙不动或者 用其它办法挡住图片。2. What is missing 内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe 规则:先给一定的时间让学生记住老师出示的卡片,一般不要太多,然后从中 抽走一张,再让学生看,并说出抽走的是哪一张,熟悉了以后可以一次 多抽出几张。 3. Bungeeing jump 内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe 规则:类似小时候玩的套圈,砸中哪排并全读出单词的话,就得几个筹码。单 词有 body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe。 . Poker time . Exercise在单词卡片的空白位置涂上相应的颜色。并且要不看图告诉爸爸妈妈单词的意 思。 Lesson 6 Teaching contents: I touch my Review: body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe。 Teaching aids: word cards of body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe。 chips . Review Charade 内容:body, head, neck, nail, arm, hand, leg, foot, tooth, tongue, ear, hair, face, eye, nose, mouth, knee, heel, toe 规则:给学生一个单词,让他来做动作,不能说话,其他学生来猜,猜对得筹 码。 . Presentation I touch my 摸摸自己的鼻子怎么说?I touch my nose。摸摸嘴巴怎么说呢?教会学生替代 单词。 . Game 1.Simon says 内容:I touch mybody, head, neck, nail, a
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