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真题分类真题分类填空填空No.2-1No.2-1No.2-1No.2-1 填空填空Section1Section1Section1Section1 1. When an oppressed group revolts against a society, onemust look for the - forces that led to the groups - that society. (A) disparate .acknowledgment of (B) specific . dependenceon (C) altered .redistribution within (D) focused .interference with (E) underlying . alienation from 2. Every novel invites us to enter a world that is initially strange; our gradual and selective orientation to its manners- infants - to their environment. (A) imitates. welcome (B) completes . introduction (C) resembles .adjustment (D) alters .blindness (E) reinforces .resistance 3. Superficial differences between thespecial problems and techniques of thephysical sciences and thoseof thebiological sciences are sometimes cited as evidencefor the - of biology and for theclaim that the methods of physics are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry. (A) autonomy (B) vitalism (C) purposiveness (D) obsolescence (E) irrelevance 4. As the creation of new knowledge through science has become- resistance to innovation has becomeless - taking the form of inertia rather than direct attack. (A) controversial . sporadic (B) institutionalized .aggressive (C) essential .effective (D) public . circumspect (E) suspect . lively 5. Lizzie was abrave woman who could dare toincur a great danger for an adequate -. (A) risk (B) combat (C) object (D) event (E) encounter 6. Rousseaus short discourse, awork that was generally - thecautious, unadorned prose of the day, deviated from that prosestyleinits - discussion of the physical sciences. (A) critical of .lengthy (B) superior to . austere (C) bolder than . intelligent (D) consistent with .unrestrained (E) influenced by .uninspired 7. Certainly Murrays preoccupation with the task of editing theOxford English Dictionarybegot a kind of monomania, butitmust be regarded as a - or at least an innocuous one. (A) tame (B) tendentious (C) meretricious (D) beneficent (E) sincere填空填空SECTIONSECTIONSECTIONSECTION 2 2 2 2 1. Although there areweeks of negotiations ahead, and perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders of both parties are - that their differences can be resolved. (A) optimistic (B) perplexed (C) apprehensive (D) incredulous (E) uncertain 2. Thelosing animalina struggle saves itself from destruction by an act of -, an act usually recognized and - by the winner. (A) submission.accepted (B) hostility. avoided (C) bluffing .reaffirmed (D) anger.condoned (E) hatred. duplicated 3. He never - thewisdom I had claimed for him, and my friends quickly dismissed my estimate of his ability as -. (A) repudiated.irony (B) inhibited . propaganda (C) demonstrated. hyperbole (D) masked.exaggeration (E) vindicated. understatement 4. It would seem that absolute qualitiesinart - us, that wecannot escape viewing works of artin- of time and circumstance. (A) enlighten.a pattern (B) frighten. an absence (C) confuse.a welter (D) elude .a context (E) deceive. amilieu 5. This new government is faced not only with - its economy but also with implementing new rural development programs to - the flow of farm workers to the city. (A) managing. stem (B) offsetting. harness (C) bolstering. transmit (D) challenging. measure (E) modernizing. subsidize 6. An analysis of the ideasinthenovel compels ananalysis of theform of the work, particularly when form and content are as - as they areinThe House of theSeven Gables. (A) symptomatic (B) delineated (C) integrated (D) conspicuous (E) distinctive 7. Theblueprints for thenew automobile were - at first glance,but thedesigner had been basically too conservative to - previous standardsof beauty. (A) striking. flout (B) impractical. ignore (C) impeccable. dispel (D) influential .assess (E) confusing. incorporateNo.2-2Section11. Becauseits average annual rainfall is only about four inches, oneof the major tasks faced by the country has been to find -sources of water. (A) discontinuous (B) natural (C) supplementary (D) pervasive (E) initial 2. Both television commercials and programs present - view of the material world, one which promotesa standard of living that most of us can probably not attain. (A) an unrealistic (B) an imprudent (C) a standardized (D) a perplexing (E) a banal 3. Althoughitis unusual to denouncemuseumgoers for not painting,itis quite common, even for those.who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize- forathletic-. (A) artists. ignorance (B) spectators. inactivity (C) athletes.snobbery (D) scholars.apathy (E) commentators. partiality 4. Becausethe orderinwhich theparts of speech appearinthe sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom,itis- to maintain that every departurefrom that order constitutes a -of a natural law. (A) traditional. transformation (B) conventional. transgression (C) necessary. prototype (D) unjustifiable. violati
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