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1动词不定式专题练习1. This company was the first _ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. A. producing B. to produce C. having produced D. produced 2. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _it more difficult. A .not making B. not make C .not to make D. nor to make 3. Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music . A .making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D .to make herself heard 4. I dont know whether you happen_ ,but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September. A .to be heard. B. to be bearing C .to hear D .to have heard 5. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _the film stars had left. A .to tell B .to be told C .telling D .told 6. You were silly not _your car. A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked 7. The teacher asked us _so much noise. A .dont make B. not make C. not making D .not to make8. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _clear warnings before firing any shots. A .to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issued9. Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_ a room with someone else. A. to share B. to have shared C. share D. sharing10. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_ in broad daylight yesterday.A. robbed B. to have been robbedC. being robbed D. having been robbed211. A number of paintings in the castle are believed _in a fire.A. being destroyed B. having been destroyed C. to be destroyed D. to have been destroyed12. The meeting _ next week is sure to be a great success. A. to take place B. to be taken place C. to have taken place D. being taken place13. As a result of my laziness, I failed _ my work in time. A. and finished B. to finish C. and finishing D. to finished14. I am sorry _ written you a letter at the time. A. to have not B. to not have C. not to have D. not having 15. Will you lend him a magazine _? A. to be read B. for reading C. to read D. he read16. He could do nothing but _for the bus _.A. wait, to come B. wait; come C. waiting; coming D. waited; came17 .It is a problem that doesnt need _ right now. A. to solve B. solving C. being solved D. to be solving18. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ trouble. A. making B. to make C. to have made D. having made19. I remember _him _the bike needed _. A. hearing, saying, to repair B. to hear, say, to repair C. hearing, say, repairing D. to hear, saying, to be repaired20. - You should have thanked her before you left. - I meant _, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere. A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so321. Robert is said to _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying22. Im gong to Xian next week. Have you anything _ to your parents? A. to take B. to be taken C. to be bought to D. to buy23. when are they _ in their plan? A. hand B. handed C. to hand D. give24. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survived D. will survive25. When we hurried to the station, there happened _ no bus at that time. A. to have B. to be C. having D. being 26. I lost my way in complete darkness and, _ matters worse, it began to rain. A. made B. having made C. making D. to make27. At _ time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, though she is always too busy _ a good rest. A. no, to take B. no, taking C. any, to take D. one, taking28. -Are you a student? -No, but I used _. A. to be B. to was C. to do D. to be a29. I stopped to listen, and my son seemed _ himself _ in the living room.A. to enjoy, to shut B. to be enjoying, shutting C. to be enjoying, shut D. to have enjoyed, having shut30. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly- elected president is having a hard time.4A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled31. Were leaving at six oclock, and hope _ most of the journey by lunch time.A. to do B. to have done C. to make D. to have made32. The study of the wild world may help to make the world easier _.A. understood B. to be understood C. to understand D. understand33. Who will you get _ the project for us?A. design B. to design C. designed D. designing34
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