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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读易错点解析【题目的脸】摘要: 我也看懂文章了,也对应到选项了,怎么还是错了呢?!不要锤墙!如果选项信息确实与原文对应完全没有问题,那么做这样一个思考:题目的脸,你仔细看了过吗?这道题究竟问的是什么呢?我的选项是对应可以回答这个问题的信息吗?是不是所答非所问了呢?来看看下面这几个题P2: Why were these hundreds of thousands of settlersmost of them farmers, some of them artisansdrawn away from the cleared fields and established cities and villages of the East? Certain characteristics of American society help to explain this remarkable migration. The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic. Many of those who experienced this sharp break thereafter lacked the ties that had bound them and their ancestors to a single place. Moreover, European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited. In American society, however, the class structure was less rigid; some people changed occupations easily and believed it was their duty to improve their social and economic position.According to P2, all of the following are reasons why Americans migrated westward EXCEPTA.the desire to move from one place to the nextB.the hope of improving their socioeconomic statusC.the opportunity to change jobsD.the need to escape religious or political crises这道题问题最多的要数D选项了,因为屌丝们看到了本段第三句话:The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic。屌丝们好不容易定位到了一句话,于是马上去对应选项,然后看到了D选项里有一样的词!religious or political crises!于是马上排除了D选项!虽然选项D和原文都讲到了宗教和政治因素,但是需要注意的是题目中问题的主体是为啥美国人西迁,而原文这句话的主体是The European ancestors,它跟美国人是否迁徙没有关系,所以这个选项并不能回答问题,自然就是except的那个。所以大家在做题时务必注意:定位回原文后,为谨慎起见,再扫一眼题目,以确保你定位到的句子是可以回答人家的问题的。正确答案解析题干问下面哪一个不是美国人向西迁移的原因,段首句就提出一个问题:为什么这些居民会离开东边呢?后一句答这是由于美国的社会特性,下文就具体论述什么具体特性导致西迁,我们只需一一对应选项就可以。这道题正确选项是D,ABC三个选项我们分别可以对应到“As a result, many Americans were an inveterately restless, rootless, and ambitious people”;“it was their duty to improve their social and economic position“;“some people changed occupations easily“再来看这道题P3: The subjects of the paintings are mostly animals. The paintings rest on bare walls, with no backdrops or environmental trappings. Perhaps, like many contemporary peoples, Upper Paleolithic men and women believed that the drawing of a human image could cause death or injury, and if that were indeed their belief, it might explain why human figures are rarely depicted in cave art. Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these people sought to improve their luck at hunting. This theory is suggested by evidence of chips in the painted figures, perhaps made by spears thrown at the drawings. But if improving their hunting luck was the chief motivation for the paintings, it is difficult to explain why only a few show signs of having been speared. Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals. Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing.7.According to P3, scholars explained chips in the painted figures of animals by proposing thatUpper Paleolithic artists used marks to record the animals they had seenthe paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals for huntingthe artists had removed rough spots on the cave wallsUpper Paleolithic people used the paintings to increase their luck at hunting这道题误选率最高的就是B选项了。还原一下屌丝做题的思路:用chips定位,扫一眼发现这句话好像没有答案,然后就漫无目的的开始往下读,看到倒数第二句里提到了supply,然后B选项也讲到了supply,于是选了B。这里屌丝犯了两个错误,一是根本没有了解题干的问题究竟想问什么,只是机械地在定位、对应;二是不仔细读句子就企图做对题。supply的理论是说对于画画的动机有另外的可能,跟解释chips一点关系都没有,因此虽然作为对应原文的信息,但是并不能回答问题,也自然就不能作为正确答案。正确答案解析题干问:学者解释动物画像上的碎片通过提出什么?其实也就是在问学者是如何解释动物画像上的碎片的。根据题干中的关键信息:chips、figures of animal回原文定位至第六行:这个理论能被画上碎片的证据表明,这些碎片可能是被矛戳的。从这句中我们知道碎片作为一个证据可以解释某个理论。再进一步想:证据与理论之间本身就是相互支持的关系,证据表明理论,理论也可以解释证据。进而就可以得出学者解释证据chips其实就是靠一个理论,这个理论是什么,通过本句this指代找到上一句:人们画动物的一个解释是想要提高打猎的运气。因此答案对应到D。同理,拿老师经常黑的小明同学举个例子,比如原文关于小明说了以下几点信息:小明是高富帅,他女票是小红,小明他爸是警察,他妈是老师,问题问:小明的女票是谁?四个选项给出:A.高富帅 B. 小红 C. 警察 D.老师,大家肯定觉得这个题简直白痴,答案无疑是B,其他选项虽然在原文重现,但与问题无关。同样的陷阱放在英文文章里大家怎么就侦查不出来了呢?我们在做题选答案的时候,往往会倾向于选跟原文信息相似的,这确实是正确答案需要有的条件。但这个相似的信息是否能回答问题,更是一道题做对与否的关键。只有准确掌握题干信息,才能准确的知道这道题要去找什么,找到这个信息才有接下来对应选项等等过程。各位筒子切记:不可匆匆浏览题目便一头扎进文章读,明确要什么,有的放矢,才能弹无虚发。
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