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论文写作指导、论文代发 QQ625880526吉林市万科城营销策略研究吉林市万科城营销策略研究 摘摘 要要 房地产行业是二十一世纪以来统筹世界经济的支柱性行业,一直受到各国的高度重视。由于它投资大,周期长等特点,所以它被定义为高风险行业。随着投资力度和购买力的相互促进,房地产销售占据了十分重要的地位,随之而来的便是对销售的方式方法和各种问题的深入探讨。房地产的营销策略是投资者经营成败的关键。以顾客为中心,有了正确的市场营销策略才能让投资者真正在市场上竞争中立于不败之地。在现有的中国房地产企业中,多数中小企业还在忙于生存,只有少数实力雄厚、管理相对规范、有一定品牌影响力的企业开始注意从战略层面思考企业未来的发展。本文针对吉林市万科城的销售进行了分析,第一部分介绍了吉林市房地产行业的现状和吉林市万科城的简要介绍,第二部分对万科城进行了优势分析、劣势分析、机会分析、成本分析,第三部分针对万科城存在的产品、价值、渠道、促销和品牌形象提出了问题,第四部分介绍了产品的完善过程,实行动态价格策略,采用多种销售渠道,完善促销,塑造房地产品牌形象以求可持续发展。 关键词关键词 吉林市万科城 房地产 市场定位论文写作指导、论文代发 QQ625880526Abstract The real estate industry co-ordinating the twenty-first century world economy pillar industries, has been national attention. Because of its large investment and long life cycle characteristics, it is defined as a high-risk industry. With the purchasing power of the mutual investment and promote real estate sales occupy a very important position, what comes next is the sales methodologies and various issues in depth. Real estate investor business marketing strategy is the key to success. Customer-centric, with the right marketing strategies in order to allow investors to truly compete in the market in an invincible position. In the existing Chinese real estate enterprises, most SMEs are still busy living, only a few strong, management is relatively standardized, there is a certain brand influence enterprises begin to pay attention to the strategic level thinking from the future development of enterprises.In this paper, the city of Jilin Vanke sales were analyzed, the first part describes the current situation and the real estate industry in Jilin City in Jilin City Vanke City brief introduction, the second part of the advantage for Vanke City were analyzed, weaknesses analysis, opportunity analysis, cost analysis The third part of the product for the presence of Vanke City, value, place, promotion and brand image raises questions, the fourth section describes the process of improvement of products, the implementation of dynamic pricing strategies, using a variety of sales channels, improve promotions, shaping the real estate brand image in order to sustainable development.KeyWords Jilin Vanke; Real Estate; Positioning论文写作指导、论文代发 QQ625880526目目 录录中文摘要中文摘要英文摘要英文摘要目目 录录正正 文文1一、吉林市房地产背景概述一、吉林市房地产背景概述1(一)吉林市房地产行业现状1(二)吉林市万科地产介绍1二、吉林市万科城二、吉林市万科城 SWOT 分析分析2(一)吉林市万科城优势分析2(二)吉林市万科城劣势分析3(三)吉林市万科城机会分析4(四)吉林市万科城威胁分析5三、吉林市万科城市场营销中存在的问题三、吉林市万科城市场营销中存在的问题6(一)万科城存在的产品问题6(二)万科城存在的价格问题7(三)万科城的渠道单一7(四)万科城促销策略单一7(五)过于追求高利润,忽略品牌形象8四、吉林市万科城市场营销对策四、吉林市万科城市场营销对策8(一)完善产品,做好前期市场调研8(二)实行动态价格策略9(三)采用多种销售渠道10(四)完善促销11(五)塑造房地产品牌形象以求可持续发展12论文写作指导、论文代发 QQ625880526参考文献参考文献13- 1 -一、吉林市房地产背景概述一、吉林市房地产背景概述( (一一) )吉林市房地产行业现状吉林市房地产行业现状随着住宅和房地产业在国民经济比重越来越高,房地产行业已经成为保持国民经济快速持续发展的重要组成部分。房地产业作为国民经济先导性和基础性产业,在我国的年增加值大体占 GDP 的 8%至 10%之间。市场机制在住房资源配置中的基础性作用逐步确立,房地产业年增长值从
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