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I摘要换热器是进行热交换操作的工艺设备。广泛应用于化工、石油、石油化工、电力、轻工、原子能、造船、航空、供热等工业部门中。特别是在石油的炼制和化学加工装置中,占有非常重要的地位。固定管板式换热器的管束连接在管板上,管板与换热器壳体焊接。其结构设计简单、制造方便、能承受较高压力、造价低;但材料的利用率不高;本设计严格按照要求,主要对固定管板式换热器进行工艺计算,结构设计和强度计算,采用的方法分别为:根据两流体的温度变化情况和物料性质,选择换热器类型;再根据物料操作条件,估算换热器的传热面积,然后求出总传热系数 K,核算传热面积;按照 GB150-1998,分别对换热器的各个部分结构进行选择、设计;严格按照GB151-1999,分别对封头、筒体、管板法兰进行强度计算和校核。然后再结合石油、化工、制药、食品等行业实际而进行优化设计,解决了换热器设计中多目标之间相互矛盾的问题,以及提高材料的利用率,增强换热效果,节省了材料。本换热器适用性强,用途广泛,具有非常广阔的发展前景。关键词:换热器;管板;筒体;折流板;工艺计算;结构设计;强度计算IIAbstractHeat exchanger for heat exchange operation is a common process equipment. Widely used in chemical, petroleum, petrochemical, power, light industry, metallurgy, nuclear, shipbuilding, aviation, heating and other industrial sectors. Particularly in the oil refining and chemical processing unit, occupies an extremely important position. Fixed tube plate heat exchanger tubes connected to the tube sheet, tube sheet and shell welding. Its simple structure, convenience, able to withstand high pressure, low cost; but the material utilization is not high; designed in strict accordance with the requirements of the standard GB151-1999, mainly on the fixed tube heat exchanger for process calculation, structural design and strength calculations, the methods used were: two-fluid temperature changes according to circumstances and nature of the materials, select the type of heat exchanger; according to the operating conditions of the material, estimate the heat transfer area, and then find the overall heat transfer coefficient K, accounting for heat transfer area; according to GB150-1998, were all part of the structure of the heat exchanger selection and design; in strict accordance with GB151-1999, respectively, on the head, cylinder, pipe flange for strength calculation and checking. Then combine the oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries to optimize the design of practical and solve multi-objective design of heat exchanger between the conflicting issues, and improve material utilization, enhanced heat transfer effect, savings in materials. The heat exchanger applicability, versatility, and has broad prospects for development. Keywords: heat exchanger; bundle; tube plate; head; cylinder; flange; process calculation; structural design; strength calculationIII目录摘要.IAbstract.II第一章 绪论.1 1.1 选题背景和意义.1 1.2 国内外研究现状.1 第 2 章 设计方案.3 2.1 选择换热器的类型.3 2.2 物料流程安排.3 第 3 章 工艺计算.4 3.1 确定物性参数.4 3.2 估算传热面积.4 3.3.1 热流量.4 3.3.2 平均传热温差.4 3.3.3 传热面积.5 3.3.4 冷却水用量.5 3.4 工艺结构尺寸.5 3.4.1 管径和管内流速.5 3.4.2 管程数和传热管数.5 3.4.3 平均传热温差校正及壳程数.6 3.4.4 传热管排列和分程方法.6 3.4.5 壳体内
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