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柏成教育网柏成教育网 www.bcjy123.com 柏成家教网柏成家教网 jj.bcjy123.com 柏成柏成题库题库网网 www.bcjy123.com/tiku/人教版小学六年级英语下册人教版小学六年级英语下册 unit4 my holiday 单元测试卷单元测试卷 1 带答案带答案基础全练全测一、 【四会词汇】写出下列单词的过去式及汉语意思。(44 分)1learn 2sing 3dance 4eat 5take 6climb 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/7have 8buy 9row 10see 11get 二、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语。(10 分)1中文;汉语_ 2.和_3好的_ 4.礼物_5小船_ 6.大象_7怎么;如何_ 8.去滑雪_9去滑冰_ 10.仅余的_三、 【二会词汇】给英文单词选出正确的汉语意思或写出完整形式。(18 分)( )1.cousin ( )2.miss( )3.leave ( )4.relax( )5.prepareA想念 B堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹C准备 D放松 E离开 6Ill(完整形式)_四、 【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(28 分)( )1.What did you do on your holiday?( )2.I ate good food. 柏成教育网柏成教育网 www.bcjy123.com 柏成家教网柏成家教网 jj.bcjy123.com 柏成柏成题库题库网网 www.bcjy123.com/tiku/( )3.Where did you go on your holiday?( )4.I went to Xinjiang.( )5.I bought presents. ( )6.How did you go there?( )7.I went by train.A我乘火车去的。B我去过新疆。C你怎么去的那里?D假期里你做过什么?E假期你去过哪里?F我吃好吃的食物。G. 我买了礼物。综合全练全测听力部分(40 分)一、听音,将下列短语用字母(AF)排序。(12 分)1make a snowman 2.go to Canada( ) ( )3go skiing 4.play pingpong( ) ( )5last trip 6.learn English( ) ( )二、听写句子。(每空 2 分)(22 分)1Tomorrow I am going to _ _ _2A:_ did you _on your holiday?B:I went to Hong Kong.3I went to Zhejiang _ _4We _ _ _ _ on our holiday.三、听音,完成对话。(6 分)Teacher:_1._柏成教育网柏成教育网 www.bcjy123.com 柏成家教网柏成家教网 jj.bcjy123.com 柏成柏成题库题库网网 www.bcjy123.com/tiku/Sarah:_2._Mike:_3._笔试部分(60 分)四、找出画线部分发音不同的一项。(5 分)( )1.A.read Bbread Ceasy( )2.A.study Bus Cexcuse( )3.A.cook Bgood Cfood( )4.A.fish Bhiking Clittle( )5.A.fly Bsky Cbusy五、火眼金睛,选一选。(8 分)( )1.I_good food on my holiday.Aate Beats Ceated( )2._Friday we went to a park.AAt BIn COn( )3.I_a teacher. She_a nurse.They_doctors.Aam;is;is Bam;is;are Cis;am;are( )4.People_by plane many years ago.Adont travel Bdidnt travel Ctravelled( )5.What did you see?I_many flowers.Asee Bseed Csaw( )6._1998 I went to Shenyang.AOn BAt CIn( )7._did you go there?AWhat BWhere CHow( )8.What is your mother doing?柏成教育网柏成教育网 www.bcjy123.com 柏成家教网柏成家教网 jj.bcjy123.com 柏成柏成题库题库网网 www.bcjy123.com/tiku/She_clothes.Awashes Bis washing Cwashs六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(8 分)1My sister _ (buy) presents for me last week.2I _ (do)my homework now.3He often _(play) football with his classmates.4There are many _ (strawberry)there.5I_(sing) and_(dance) with my new friends last night.6Lets _(climb) mountains.7Mike and Sarah _ (be) in Class 1.8Did they _ (go) skiing?七、根据汉语提示完成句子。(6 分)1John went to Xinjiang by _(飞机)He _ _ _(照许多照片)2Amy went to a zoo with her parents.She _ _(看大象)八、句子大变身。(6 分)1They sang_and_danced on the weekend.(就画线部分提问)_ _ they _ on the weekend?2I ate good food.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ good food?九、选词填空。(7 分)went with last did got long leftIt was a _ holiday. We _ Changchun on May 1st and _ to Shenzhen on May 2nd.On the first day,I went to a park _ my father and my mother.On the second day,I _ swimming.On the third day, I _ my homework. For the _ day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to work or school.十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)Mike is a traveler.He went to many places.Sometimes he travels by plane, 柏成教育网柏成教育网 www.bcjy123.com 柏成家教网柏成家教网 jj.bcjy123.com 柏成柏成题库题库网网 www.bcjy123.com/tiku/sometimes he travels by train.Sometimes he takes a bus and sometimes he goes on foot.He is very tired but he enjoys it. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/Last week,he came to China.On Monday,he got to Beijing.He went there by plane.He visited the Summer Palace.On Tuesday he visitedthe Great Wall.On Wednesday he went to the Palace Museum.He saw many beautiful houses.On Thursday he went to the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park.He sang and danced. He had a good time.On Friday he went shopping and ate good food.Beijing Duck was his favourite.He took many pictures in Beijing.( )1.Mike went to many places.( )2.Mike went to the Great Wall on Monday.( )3.Mike didnt go to Beihai Park. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/( )4.Mike didnt eat Beijing Duck.( )5.Mike came to Beijing by train.十一、书面表达。(10 分)以“Last Sunday”为题写一篇短文,描述一下你上周日进行的活动。要求:1.语法正确,条理清晰。2.字迹工整、规范。3.不少于 5 句话。_
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