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山东交通学院毕业论文(设计)I摘 要在全球信息化快速发展的今天,随之而产生的电子商务正进行着广泛、深刻的商业变革。网上购物作为电子商务的重要组成部分,它的便利性主要在于人们足不出户就能选购到满意的产品或服务;而物流配送正成为网上购物的关键影响因素,让人们“足不出户”便可以获得及时、准确、安全的物流服务。本文对网上购物的物流配送进行了分析,将网上商店物流的各个方面进行对比研究,以解决网上购物的配送需求给网商带来的压力,对存在的问题提出应采取的解决措施。通过从正面分析物流配送在网上购物中的必要性,从反面探讨网上商店的物流配送方案发展中存在的问题,进一步讨论物流配送将来的发展趋势和前景,并针各种问题提出相应的解决措施。关键词:电子商务,网上购物,物流配送,解决措施陈治:网上商店的物流配送方案研究IIAbstractThe rapid development of information technology in the world today, the attendant commerce is conducted extensive and profound business transformation. Online shopping as an important part of e-commerce, its main convenience is that people will be able to choose to stay at home with products or services; while logistics are becoming key factors of online shopping, so that people “go abroad households “will be able to get timely, accurate and secure logistics services. In this paper, logistics and distribution of online shopping were analyzed, the online store to compare all aspects of the logistics research to solve online shopping distribution network operators need to bring pressure on the existing problems should take measures to resolve it. By analyzing the logistics from the front of necessity in online shopping, online stores from a negative study logistics problems in program development, logistics and distribution to further discuss the future trends and prospects, and needle issues put forward corresponding countermeasures.Key words: E-commerce ,Online shopping ,Logistics distribution ,The measures陈治:网上商店的物流配送方案研究目 录前 言.11 绪论.21.1 研究背景.21.2 研究意义.21.3 本文主要研究内容.32 网上购物的概述.42.1 网上购物的概念.42.2 网上购物的优势.42.3 网上商店的类型.52.4 网上购物的发展瓶颈.63 物流配送的概述.73.1 物流配送的概念.73.2 物流配送的作用.73.3 物流配送对网上购物的影响.84 电子商务环境下的物流配送.104.1 电子商务与物流配送.104.2 我国电子商务中物流配送的发展现状.114.3 电子商务物流配送的电子化与数字化.124.4 电子商务的物流配送模式.134.4.1 企业自营配送模式.134.4.2 第三方物流配送模式.144.4.3 共同配送模式.154.5 基于 AHP 方法电子商务物流配送模式的选择.155 网上商店物流配送的现状及存在问题.185.1 网上商店的物流配送现状.185.1.1 国内网上物流配送的发展情况.185.1.2 国外网上物流配送的发展情况.185.1.3 几种网上商城物流配送的比较.205.2 网上商店物流配送存在的问题.225.2.1 物流配送服务质量差.225.2.2 物流配送成本高.225.2.3 电子商务市场的不成熟.
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