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商务英语对话练习商务英语对话练习A: Good morning,Mr.Feng.This is Jack Brown from an Australian _1_. B: Good morning,Mr.Brown.What can I do for you? A:I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you,Mr.Feng. B: Go ahead,please. A:The goods you sent to us are not_2_the specifications of the contract and made us lose a lot of moneny,so we feel that you should fix up the problems and make it up to us. B: Just be patient,please.Any criticism of our goods is sincerely invited.Lets talk about the problems first. A:As soon as the shipment arrived at our port,we had it inspected.To our disappointment,we found the goods were underweight. B: Is that so?OK.Ill check why the goods were underweight. A: Good.As well we feel that the percentage of the goods of inferior quality was too high. B: Im sorry you feel like that.As everybody knows,our products enjoy _3_ in the world.Complaints about the quality are very _4_indeed.But I promise Ill check into these problems ,and find out if they were our fault. A: OK.Ill be waiting for your result. (Several days later) B: As to the underweight,Id like to point out that the goods were weighed before shipment.The certificate confirms we deliverd full shiping weight.So I think the shortage might have occurred during _5_.Therefore,your claim,in my opinion,should be referred to the insurance company as the liability _6_ them. A: Then,how about the inferior quality? B: Upon investigation,we have found that the error occurred in the factory.Some of the workers mistook Article No.103 for Article No.102.when they packed the goods.Were really sorry for that and wed like to accept your claim on it.Please tell us what you want us to do. A: You can make amends for the losses by replacing all of the inferior products,and paying the money we have lost. B: That sounds OK.One of my people will go to your company tormorrow to talk about what replacements are needed, and the money for your future losses. A: I really appreciate your correct attitude in this case.And I sincerely hope that everything will be smooth in our future business. B: Please believe me.This is a singular case.Im sure that everthing will be smooth in our future business. - 请大家填写空白处并设置回复楼主可见。答案及更多内容回复后刷新页面可见哦 - 参与答题奖励 50HY,提供对话音频额外奖励 150HY -以下为回复可见内容-答案:1.Import and Export Company 2.in conformity with 3.high prestige 4.rare 5.transit 6.rests with 参考译文 A: 冯先生,早上好.我是澳大利亚一家进出口公司的杰克.布朗 B: 早上好,布朗先生。您有什么事? A:冯先生,我要和您谈一件很不愉快的事情。 B:您请讲。 A:你方送来的货物与合同规格不相符,这使我们损失了很多钱,所以我们认为你方应负责解决问题,并补偿我方的损失。 B: 别着急。我们真诚的欢迎对我们货物的批评。我们先来谈谈问题吧。 A:货物一到,我们就进行了检查。令我们失望的是,我们发现货物短重。 B: 是吗?好的,我会查清楚货物为什么会重量不足。 A: 好的。还有,我们觉得劣质货物的比率太高。 B:很抱歉您有这种感觉。众所周知,我们的产品在国际上享有盛誉。对我们质量的抱怨真的非常少。不过,我保证一定会认真调查这些问题,看看是不是我们的错误。 A: 好的。我会等待您的调查结果。 (几天后) 关于重量不足的原因,我得指出货物在装船前是过了磅的。证书证实我们发货时,货物足重。我们认为重量不足是在运输过程中发生的。因此,我认为你们应当向保险公司提出索赔,因为责任在他们身上。 A: 那么,质量低劣又是怎么回事? B: 经过调查,我们发现是在工厂里出的错,一些工人在包装时错将103 号货物当成了 102 号。我们真的很抱歉,愿意接受你们的索赔。请告诉我们你们想要我们做什么。 A: 你们可以更换所有的劣质产品,并赔偿我们这一次所丢掉的生意,以弥补我们的损失。 B: 可以。明天我们会派人到贵公司去,就换货和赔偿其他损失需要多少钱一事进行洽谈。 A: 我们非常欣赏你们在这件事上的正确态度。真心地希望我们以后的业务往来能诸事顺利。 B: 请相信我,这只是个别情况。我肯定今后的业务往来一定会一帆风顺。 经典句型 10. The goods you sent to us are not in conformity with the specifications of the contract and made us lose a lot of moneny,so we feel that you should fix up the problems and make it up to us. 11. To our disappointment, we found the goods were underweight. 12. Your claim, in my opinion, should be referred to the insurance company as the liability rests with them. 13. Were really sorry for that and wed like to accept your claim on it. 14. You can make amends for the losses by replacing all of the inferior products, and paying the money we have lost. 15. I really appreciate your correct attitude in this case. And I sincerely hope that everything will be smooth in our future business. 固定搭配 10.Import and Export Company 进出口公司 11.underweight 短重 12.enjoy high prestige 享有盛誉 13.make amends for 赔偿损失 14.notice of claim 索赔通知 知识百科-国际商务谈判中的要诀 为了获得良好的提问效果,需掌握以下发问要诀: 1.要预先准备好问题 2.要避免提出那些可能会阻碍对方让步的问题 3.不强行追问 4.既不要以法官的态度来询问对方,也不要接连不断地提出问题 5.提出问题后应闭口不言,专心致志地等待对方作出回答 6.要以诚恳的态度来提问 7.提出问题的句子应尽量简短 以上几点技巧,是基于谈判者之间的诚意与合作程度提出的,切忌将这些变成谈判者之间为了自己的利益而进行必要竞争的教条。
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