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摘 要无线传感器网络是计算机科学技术的一个新的研究领域,是传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术相结合的产物。与传统网络相比,无线传感器网络具有造价低、功耗低、布局灵活性强、监测精度高等特点,因此在军事、医疗、家用等多个领域均有广阔的应用市场。 本文重点研究基于无线传感器网络的泛洪式路由协议,无线传感器网络节点数量庞大、单个节点资源有限,其路由协议设计的首要目标是提高能量有效性,延长网络寿命。本文总结了 WSN 的概念、结构、特点,分析了 WSN 的关键性技术问题及网络协议;研究了 WSN 的网络协议体系和路由协议的分类,分析比较了目前国内外学者提出的几种有代表性的路由协议及其性能优缺点;选择了 flooding 路由协议为研究重点,分析了该路由算法的具体实现,针对传感器节点能量及传输范围有限等特点,提出了一种基于延迟的自适应泛洪路由算法,首先通过源节点在网内用较小的路由请求报文和路由回复报文来建立路由,路由建立的过程中自适应地确定等待时间以使更优的路由请求报文得到转发,然后源节点再沿着建立好的路径转发较大的数据报文。并采用MATLAB 网络仿真工具对该路由协议进行了整体仿真,并对其数据进行了分析。仿真实验表明新算法较 Flooding 节能,能较好的克服 Flooding 算法中报文冗余度高、能耗大等不足。关键词:无线传感器网络;flooding 路由协议;MATLAB 仿真ABSTRACTWireless sensor networks are a new research field of computer science and technology. They are the integration of sensor techniques, nested computation techniques, distributed computation techniques and wireless communication techniques. Comparing with traditional networks, the wireless sensor networks features with low cost, low power loss, flexible layout and high monitor precision, therefore the sensor networks can be used for various application are as such as military, chemical, home.This article focus on wireless sensor networks based on the Pan Hung-routing protocol, wireless sensor network nodes large number of individual nodes with limited resources, the routing protocol designed first and foremost objective is to improve energy efficiency and extend the network lifetime. This paper summarizes the WSN the concept, structure and characteristics of the WSN the key technical problems and network protocols; study of the WSN system and network routing protocol agreement the classification, analysis and comparison of the current domestic and foreign scholars have proposed several representatives The routing of the agreement and its performance advantages and disadvantages; chosen the flooding focus on routing protocols, analysis of the routing algorithm to achieve the specific, the sensor nodes the limited scope of energy and transmission characteristics, a delay based on the Adaptive Flood routing algorithm, first of all through the nodes in the network source in the smaller routing, and routing the request to restore the text to create a routing, routing the process of establishing adaptive to determine the waiting time to make better Routing the request was transmitted by text, and then another source nodes along the path forward the establishment of good data on the larger text. MATLAB and use the network simulation tool for the overall routing protocol simulation, and the data were analyzed. The simulation shows that the new algorithm than Flooding energy-saving, can better overcome Flooding algorithm message redundancy and high energy consumption, such as the insufficient.Keywords:WSN;flooding routing protocols;MATLAB Simulation目 录1 绪 论.11.1 课题背景.11.2 国内外技术研究现状.21.3 课题研究的目的和意义.32 WSN 综述.42.1 WSN 的概念.42.2 WSN 的结构.42.2.1 节点结构.42.2.2 网络体系结构.52.3 WSN 协议栈.62.4 WSN 的拓扑结构.72.5 WSN 的特点.102.6 WSN 的关键性技术问题.112.6.1 功耗问题.122.6.2 节能策略.12 2.6.3 通信问题.14 2.6.4 网络安全问题.152.6.5 定位问题.152.6.6 数据管理.
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