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- 1 -第一章设 计 总 说 明1.工程概况工程概况松江东部地区污水处理厂建设场地为一直边梯形地块,其尺寸为:底边350m,上边 300m,高 300m。北侧民强路为主要通道,东侧为规划路,南侧为北泖泾,西侧为规划路。场地内地面基本平整,为一般闲置农田,无拆迁内容。地面标高 3.84.2m 范围之内。进水管由场地西北角接入,进水管管径为1350,管低标高-1.5m,管道充满度 0.70。污水处理处理量 7.5104m3/d。设计进水浓度与出水水质标准见下表。表 1 设计进水浓度CODcrBOD5SSNH3- NTKNTP 项目pH (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)指标值6950025022025354.5(注:污水除生活污水外还可能含有各种行业的工业废水,重污染与特种污染行业的废水已经处理达到污水排入城市下水道水质标准(CJ 18-86)的有关规定。)表 2 出水水质标准CODcrBOD5SSNH3- NTNTP 项目pH (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)指标值696020208151.03.设计原则设计原则1.贯彻国家关于环境保护的基本国策,执行国家的相关法规、政策、规范和标准;2.污水处理厂作为环保工程,设计中尽量减少污水处理厂本身对环境的负面影响,如气味、噪音、固体废弃物等;3.污水处理工艺的选择必须根据原水水质与水量,受纳水体的环境容量与利用情况,综合考虑南通市的实际情况,通过经济技术比较优先采用低能耗、- 2 -低运行费用、低基建费用、占地少、操作管理方便成熟的处理工艺;4.积极慎重地采用经过鉴定或实践证明是行之有效的新技术、新工艺、新材料和新设备。污水处理厂出水水质达到国家和地方现行的有关规定;5.污水处理设备、仪表选用首先立足于国内,对目前暂不能生产或质量尚未过关的部分产品考虑适当引进;6.污水厂总平面布置力求紧凑,土方平衡,减少占地和投资费用;7.以人为本,充分考虑便于污水厂运行管理的措施;8.污水厂的劳动组织、劳动定员、环境保护和安全卫生均严格按照国家和地方的有关规定;9.污水处理产生的污泥,其处理和处置的工艺按污泥量、污泥性质,根据国情和当地的自然环境以及农业、园林业的可利用条件、卫生填埋等因素综合考虑确定;10. 污泥处理应因地制宜采取经济合理的方法进行稳定化处理。4.工艺简介工艺简介根据松江东部地区污水处理厂的污水水质、要求的处理标准以及处理后排放时对污水水质的要求,松江东部地区污水处理厂污水处理工艺采用 MSBR 工艺的主体二级处理工艺。5.工艺特点工艺特点该工艺的主要特点是:1.为了防止硝酸盐影响厌氧池中的磷释放,在污泥进入厌氧池之前设置了预缺氧池,依靠内碳源反硝化去除污泥中的硝酸盐,好氧池后续的两个序批反应池,将其中之一作为沉淀池使用时,通过特殊的配水及中间碟板构造形式,使该序批池可对好氧池的混合液进行接触絮凝沉淀作用,而且不会使系统污泥在该池中过度积累,另一个序批池则进行缺氧、好氧序批反应。2.MSBR 的总体特点是借助大流量低扬程过墙式回流泵、空气控制出水堰及表面搅拌器等设备,使各处理功能区可以有机地组合在一起,配上自动控制系统,各反应区域相互协调,功能上相互促进,使灵活集约化的设计理念得以实现。- 3 -3.MSBR 系统始终保持满水位、恒水位运行,得以在较小的体积内保持高的去除率。与传统 A2/ O 工艺相比,MSBR 系统各单元(包括序批池) 合建为一体化处理构筑物,省略了各构筑物间的联络管道,既便于平面布置,又减小了整个处理流程的水头损失,降低了工程造价。4.系统运行过程中在沉淀区没有污泥回流,从而降低了沉淀区的水力及悬浮物固体负荷,减少了沉淀体积;反应和沉淀的交替运行避免了任何的老化污泥及反硝化污泥的上浮,稳定了污泥性质,排出的剩余污泥浓度比一般工艺要高许多(中试及实际运行数据测得污泥含固率 2 %) ,可降低污泥处理的费用。5.MSBR 系统的高度一体化,所以混合液回流和污泥回流系统的扬程仅需克服相邻池体的水位差,采用搅拌推进式过墙回流泵则大大降低了回流系统的造价及运行能耗。6.MSBR 系统的搅拌目前都采用浮筒式表面搅拌器,在有效搅拌的同时不会形成液面的剧烈更替,降低了空气的表面复氧率,保证了较为绝对的厌氧或缺氧条件。7.序批池采用空气堰控制出水,控制灵活,可有效防止表面浮渣及其他悬浮固体进入出水管道,出水悬浮固体量的降低是保证较低的磷酸盐浓度的重要前提。8.污泥进入厌氧池之前有一个浓缩和预反硝化过程,浓缩过程保证了在较小的污泥回流量下厌氧池内有足够的污泥浓度,增加了厌氧池的实际水力停留时间,同时减少了对进水的稀释,相当于提高了反应物的浓度,从而增加了反应速率。9.原水直接进入厌氧池,易降解有机物及在厌氧条件下产生的挥发性脂肪酸优先供给聚磷菌使用。相对于厌氧池污泥浓度而言,提高厌氧池的挥发性脂肪酸的浓度更有利于保证聚磷菌的磷释放,从而提高系统的除磷效果。10. MSBR 系统完全自动化控制,运行管理简单,通过对各阶段时间长短进行调节,可实现不同进水水质的处理要求。工艺流程如下:- 4 -技术经济指标技术经济指标工程总投资:7000 万元(污水处理厂内投资,不含征地费)。吨顿水运行成本:0.50 元/t关键词关键词 城市污水处理厂;MSBR;脱磷除氮;General Statement of DesignDesign taskThe construction place of Songjiang East Area Wastewater Treatment Plant is a Rtechelon,down side is 350m,up side 300m,hight is 300m.Mingqiang Road in the north is the primary 1 road,in the east is Wuming Road,in the south is Wuchu Road and Beimao river is in the west.Flow of wastewater is 7.5 103 m3/d.The quality of inflow and out flow is as followed.- 5 -Table1 designed inflow concentrationCODcrBOD5SSNH3- NTKNTP itempH (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)indicate6950025022025354.5Table2 designed outflow concentrationCODcrBOD5SSNH3- NTNTP itempH (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)indicate696020208151.0Design Principle1 Implement the national policy of environmental protection, relevant policy, regulations and state-level norm and standard.2 As a environment-friendly project. The wastewater treatment plant tries to minimize its negative effect on the environment such as unpleasant odor, noise, solid wastewater, etc.3 The treatment processes are to be choosed according to the influent character and the environmental capacity and using situation of accepting water body. Alternative designs are to be compared regarding some economic and technological index, and priority is to be given to the alternative design with widely-used technology, lower energy consumption, less operation expenses , less investment for infrastructure construction, more convenience for management reaction sediments and the turn of the operation to avoid any sludge and the aging of the floating sludge denitrification And stable nature of the sludge, from the remaining sludge concentration higher than the average of many (in the test and the actual operation of the data measured sludge containing solid rate of 2%), can reduce the cost of sludge disposal.5. MSBR highly integrated system, so the mixture of sludge and returning back the lift system only to overcome the water level in the adjacent pool of poor, by mixing a wall push-back pump will greatly reduce the cost of returning the system and energy consumption.6. MSBR system of mixing the current use of surface floats blender, stir in the effective and will not create the dramatic change of surface, reducing the surface of the air-oxygen rate, the absolute guarantee that a more anaerobic or hypoxic conditions.7. Sequencing Batch weir pool using air control water, control flexible and can be effective in preventing the surface drosses and other suspended solids into the water pipes, water reduce the amount of suspended solids is to ensure that low concentrations of an important prerequisite for phosphate.- 9 -8. Anaerobic sludge into the pool before a pre-enrichment and denitrification process of enrichment process to ensure the sludge to a less
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