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黑黑 龙龙 江江 工工 程程 学学 院院二九年六月The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeDesign of Light Commercial Vehicle Transmission Shaft and Cardan JointCandidate:Tian YuSpecialty :Vehicle EngineeringClass:B05-18Supervisor:Associate Prof. Su QingyuanHeilongjiang Institute of Technology2009-06Harbin本科生毕业设计I摘 要汽车的万向传动轴是由传动轴、万向节两个主要部件联接而成,在长轴距的车辆中还要加装中间支承。万向传动轴主要用于工作过程中相对位置不断改变的两根轴间传递转矩和旋转运动。在本世纪初万向节与传动轴的发明与使用,在汽车工业的发展中起到了极其重要的作用。随着汽车工业的发展,现代汽车对万向节与传动轴的效率、强度、耐久性和噪声等性能方面的设计及计算校核要求也越来越严格。本毕业设计将依据现有生产企业在生产车型(CA1041)的万向传动装置作为设计原型。在给定整车主要技术参数以及发动机、变速器等主要总成安装位置确定的条件下,对整车结构进行了分析,确定了传动轴布置方案,采用两轴三万向节带中间支承的布置形式。在确定了传动方案后,对传动轴、万向节总成、中间支承总成进行设计,使该总成能够在正常使用的情况及规定的使用寿命内不发生失效。关键字:传动轴;万向节;中间支承;设计;校核本科生毕业设计IIABSTRACTThe universal drive shaft of automotive is composed of transmission shaft and cardin joint. The main function of the universal drive shaft is to transmitting torque and rotation movement between two shafts whose relative position is variation in the working process. At the beginning of this century the transmission shaft and cardin joint play an important role in the development of automobile industry. As the development of automobile industry, the automobile demand that the design and verification of transmission shaft and cardin join stricter in the efficiency, intension, durability and noise performance. This graduation design chooses existing production business enterprise of basis is producing the car type(CA1041) of ten thousand to spread to move to equip the conduct and actions design prototype. Under the conditions of the main technical parameters of the given vehicle, installation location of engine, transmission and other major assembly are determined , the structure of the vehicle is analysised, the transmission shaft layout program is determined. Two shaft-three cardin joints is adapted. After determining the transmission options, the right drive shaft and universal joint assembly, intermediate bearing assembly is designed, so that the assembly can be used in normal situations and the life within no failure. Keywords:Transmission shaft;Cardin joint;Middle supporting;Design ;Verification本科生毕业设计目 录摘要IAbstract II第 1 章 绪论11.1 选题的目的和意义11.2 国内外研究现状、发展趋势11.3 研究内容及方法21.3.1传动轴方案的选择及主要参数的确定21.3.2万向节类型的选择21.3.3十字轴式万向节的结构分析21.3.4万向节总成主要参数的确定与校核31.3.5中间支承的设计与校核3第 2 章 传动轴总成的设计52.1 万向传动轴总体概述52.2 传动布置型式的选择52.3 传动轴断面尺寸的确定与强度校核62.3.1 传动轴的运动分析62.3.2 传动轴断面尺寸的计算与校核92.4 主传动轴滑动花键的设计122.5 中间传动轴花键的设计152.6 本章小结17第 3 章 万向节总成的设计183.1 万向节类型的选择183.2 十字轴式万向节的结构分析193.3 万向节的受力分析203.3.1 单十字轴万向节的受力分析20本科生毕业设计3.3.2 双十字轴万向节传动223.3.3 多十字轴万向节传动233.4 万向节总成主要参数的确定与校核
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