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Homework(9) 1. A wave with a period of 15s and height of 2m is propagating in water of 20m, what is the maximum size of sediment that can be set in motion?332 0.522650/,1000/,1.65215 ,2 ,20 ,2-313/ ,195 ,0.03220.61/ ,1.45sinh2sinh 2D0.5mm,(s smmmcm c smc c skg mkg mTs Hm hmcm s Lm kL HHum s amTkhkh uaifDmmgDDuif 由图得不成立0.2520.463 ()2.79,)2.79maDmmgDDthen Dmm成立2. A wave with a period of 5s is propagating normally toward the shoreline over bottom topography(地形)with straight and parallel contours. The wave height in deep water is 1.7m. The bottom is composed of a sand of 0.12mm diameter. What is the critical(临界) water depth for completely active movement?2000 05 ,39.01 ,1.5 ,0.1227.802/gTTs Lm Hs DmmLcm sThc1hc2L1L2 0.80.8215487241018.10073897 0.8215487240.89387003418.1007389710.827527 0.8938700340.92263448910.82752718.58829875 0.9226344891.0101319918.5882987511.78067917 1.010131991.04956036811.7806791719.18646432 1.0495603681.15860431119.1864643212.89789297 1.1586043111.21459942612.8978929719.9353676 1.2145994261.35611151919.935367614.23791795 1.3561115191.43967601414.2379179520.89883994 1.4396760141.63438502720.8988399415.89676738 1.6343850271.76870257415.8967673822.18664038 1.7687025742.06244350122.1866403818.04672601 2.0624435012.30685900818.0467260124.00998988 2.3068590082.83137541824.0099898821.04387325 2.8313754183.40631360621.0438732526.85535939 3.40631360626.8553593925.82867233 hc=3.406m
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