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多核论文:基于多核平台的大规模地形模型并行绘制多核论文:基于多核平台的大规模地形模型并行绘制【中文摘要】在图形学领域,如虚拟现实、三维游戏、军事仿真模拟、影视特技等,多核平台的应用还刚刚展开。三维大规模场景实时绘制和渲染在图形学领域是非常重要的研究内容,因此该领域中广为使用的大规模森林地形模型初始化绘制过程有广泛的研究价值。同时随着主流芯片厂商的大力推广,多核处理器已经越来越普及,串行程序设计方法也不能充分利用多核 CPU 的资源,因此多线程程序设计思想已成为软件开发面临的重要问题。研究工作主要内容包括以下两个方面:首先结合多核平台的并行程序设计思想和三维山地森林漫游场景绘制程序,分析了 OGRE 引擎第三方插件 PagedGeometry 的一个三维山地漫游场景渲染大数目微小实体的实例,在 OGRE 平台上进行大规模森林场景初始化的绘制,设计了大量实体 Mesh 加载的多核并行快速绘制算法,在充分利用个人多核处理器处理能力的同时,增强系统的真实感和实时性;对于大规模地形的快速绘制采用 LOD 层次细节模型,需要在预处理阶段使用网格简化算法对模型进行简化。分析了大规模地形层次细节模型算法在预处理中可并行优化的地方,总结出一种基于四叉树网格划分的多核并行模型简化算法。利用通用的并行编程环境 OpenMP 对其进行线程化,通过优化前后的结果对比表明并行化后的加速比与计算效率有显著提高。创新之处是使用Intel Parallel Amplifier 分析器从函数的角度分析性能瓶颈,设计了 OpenMP 并行化时的多线程创建与同步、动态设置线程数量、线程调度策略,使性能得到提高。并在多核平台上获得了验证,有效改进了大规模三维地形漫游场景模型的加载速率,加快了地形场景的显示,提高了绘制效率,并证明图形学应用与多核并行计算理论相结合的优越性。开发关键是设置共享变量的数据保护和处理器核之间负载分配与平衡,以保证多个处理器核均处于高负载状态并准确完成并行计算任务。【英文摘要】In the graphics fields, such as virtual reality, three-dimensional games, military simulation, film special effects, etc., the application of multi-core platform has just begun. Real-time drawing and rendering large-scale three-dimensional scenes in the graphics are very important content of research. Therefore initialization drawing process of using large-scale mapping of forest terrain model has widely research value in this field. With the promoting chip manufacturers to the mainstream, multi-core processors have become increasingly popular at the same time, the design method of serial programming can not take full advantage of multicore resources of CPU, so multi-threaded program design has become an important problem of software development.Research work includes the following two aspects: First, multi-core platform with parallel programming ideas and drawing three-dimensional mountain forest scene roaming procedures, analysis a three-dimensional scene rendering a large number of mountain roaming instances of small entities of the third-party plug-ins PagedGeometry of OGRE engine. OGRE platform in the large-scale rendering of forest scenes initialization is designed to load a multi-core parallel fast rendering algorithm with the designed large number of entities Mesh, multi-core processors in the full use of individual processing capacity, enhanced realism and real-time systems; For fast rendering of large scale terrain adopt LOD levels detail model by the need to use mesh simplification algorithm to simplify the model in pre-processing stage. Analysis of large-scale terrain level detail model algorithm can be optimized in parallel place in the pretreatment, summed up a multi-core parallel model simplification algorithms based on meshing of quad-tree. Use of common parallel programming environment for OpenMP its threaded by comparing before and after optimization results show that after the parallel speedup and efficiency have improved significantly.Innovation is using the Intel Parallel Amplifier analyzer from a function point view to analysis the performance bottlenecks, and designing the multi-thread creation and synchronization、dynamic set number of threads、thread scheduling policy while OpenMP paralleling, so that performance is improved. Obtaining validation in the multi-core platform, improving the loading rate of the large-scale terrain model effectively, roaming the display of the terrain scene and improving the efficient of drawing, and proving that the excellent combine the graphics applications with multi-core parallel computing theory. The key is to set the shared variable development of data protection and load distribution between the processor core and balance to ensure that the number of processor cores is high loading and accurately complete the parallel task.【关键词】多核 OpenMP 渲染引擎 LOD 并行计算【英文关键词】Multi-core OpenMP Rendering Engine Parallel Computing【目录】基于多核平台的大规模地形模型并行绘制 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4-5 1 绪论 8-12 1.1 课题背景 8-9 1.2 研究现状 9-10 1.2.1 国内外场景绘制技术发展及现状 9 1.2.2 多核并行技术的研究现状 9-10 1.3 本文研究内容 10-11 1.4 本文组织结构 11-12 2 相关技术简介 12-24 2.1 OGRE 简介 12-14 2.2 OGRE 新插件 PagedGeometry 14-18 2.2.1 更新几何页面 14-16 2.2.2 层次细节及多重可视范围 16-17 2.2.3 增加树木灌木和草 17-18 2.3 OpenGL 简介 18-19 2.4 并行计算理论 19-24 2.4.1 并行多线程编程概述 19-20 2.4.2 并行程序设计模型 20-21 2.4.3 OpenMP 共享存储编程模型 21-24 3 多核并行技术在三维场景加载中的应用 24-30 3.1 三维场景生成技术 24-27 3.1.1 OGRE 图形渲染引擎 24 3.1.2 加载森林中的 Mesh 24-25 3.1.3 加载过程并行化 25-27 3.2 实验结果及分析 27-29 3.2.1 实验环境及数据 27-29 3.2.2 实验结果分析 29 3.3 本章小结 29-30 4 三维地形模型生成 LOD 多核并行算法 30-36 4.1 Intel Parallel Amplifie 30 4.2 LOD 模型简化 30-32 4.3 LOD 多线程并行模型生成 32-33 4.3.1 四叉树的构建 32 4.3.2 模型生成并行化 32-33 4.3.3 OpenMP 分块设置过程 33 4.4 实验结果及分析 33-34 4.5 本章小结 34-36 结论 36-38 参考文献 38-41 攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况 41-42 致谢 42
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