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1最新高一英语听力测试题及答案最新高一英语听力测试题及答案1 1第一题:听写第一题:听写 20 个单词、词组个单词、词组(每个 1 分,共计 20 分) majority recommend pointless medium overweight location humid confirm foggy shower overcast thunderstorm economy class waste away good for nothing well-done round-trip ticket weather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to第二题:听写第二题:听写 10 个句子(个句子(每句 2 分,共计 20 分) 5 个英译汉个英译汉 1. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank? 2. Itll only take about five minutes to walk. 3. Its not very serious, but you should take two weeks off. 4. Ive had a pain in my stomach since morning. 5. I took the wrong bus! Please let me off here.5 个汉译英个汉译英 1、我给你开点药。 2、你能告诉我什么时候该下车吗? 3、从这里到火车站共有几站? 4、您今天感觉怎么样?我感觉好多了。 5、-请问到金山宾馆怎么走?-左转。第三题:听第三题:听 task 2 的对话,填的对话,填 5 个空个空(每句 2 分,共计 10 分) Peter: my birthday party? Tom: Oh, Yes. Thank you very much. ! Peter: Its next Sunday, the 8th. Tom: Oh, well, one minute, please. Let me look in my diary. I am not sure if I could.match on Saturday afternoon. Oh, what a pity! Peter: in the evening? Tom: Oh, yes, . Ill be there!第四题:听第四题:听 2 个单元个单元 task 3 的的 10 段小对话,填空段小对话,填空(每句 2 分,共计 20 分)Conversation 1 W: Sometimes I feel that I am good for nothing. M: If you waste all your time playing computer games, youll never get anywhere in life. Q: What is the womans problem? A: .Conversation 2W: Do you have any hobbies? M: Yes, I like bowling. Q: What is the mans hobby? A: .2Conversation 3 W: I am crazy about birds. You know I have raised several birds to watch. M: I have little interest in bird watching, but it sure beats working. Q: Does the man love bird watching? A: .Conversation 4 W: One of my colleagues gave me a ticket for the concert tomorrow evening. But you know I am not interested in classical music. M: Really? Give it to me then, classical music is my favorite. Q: What will the man probably do tomorrow evening? A: .Conversation 5 W: My husband and I quarreled last night. M: Whats up? W: Well, he loves collecting porcelain. I am not against his hobby, but he spends too much money on it. Q: Why did the woman quarrel with her husband? A: .Conversation 6 W: Good morning. Hongxia Restaurant. May I help you? M: I want to book a table for seven, please. Q: How many people are going to come for dinner? A: .Conversation 7 W: Would you like another beer? M: Ive had enough, thank you. Q: What does the man mean? A: .Conversation 8 W: How about a steak? M: That sounds fine. Q: What does the woman recommend? A: .Conversation 9 W: May I take your order, sir? M: Yes, Ill have the beef and vegetable dish. Q: What is the woman? A: .Conversation 10W: Waiter, could I have the check, please? M: Certainly. Q: What does the woman want to do? A: .第五题:口语对话。第五题:口语对话。Unit 1unit 10 中 task 5 中的 1 组3conversation,每两个同学一组进行口语展示,考核学生的口语能力 及语言的综合表达能力。 (共计 30 分)试题答案试题答案 第一题第一题 majority recommend pointless medium overweight location humid confirm foggy shower overcast thunderstorm economy class waste away good for nothing well-done round-trip ticket weather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to 第二题:第二题: 5 个英译汉个英译汉 1、你能告诉我到最近的银行怎么走吗? 2、步行只需要 5 分钟。 3、不是很严重,但您得休息两周。 4、从今天早晨开始我就胃疼。 5、我坐错车了,请让我在这里下车。5 5 个汉译英个汉译英 1. Ill prescribe some medicine for you. 2. Could you please tell me where I should get off? 3. Excuse me, how many stops are there to the railway station? 4. How are you feeling today? Im feeling much better. 5. Excuse me, how do I get to Jinshan Hotel? Turn left.第三题:听录音,填空第三题:听录音,填空 1. Would you like to attend 2. That sounds good ! 3. I have to play in a tennis 4. How about later 5. the evening is much better.第四题:第四题: 1. She wastes all her time playing computer games. 2. Bowling. 3. No, he doesnt. 4. He will probably go to listen to the concert. 5. Because the husband spends too much money on his hobby. 6. Seven. 7. He wont have another beer. 8. A steak. 9. A waitress. 10. She wants to pay for her meal.第五题:口语展示。第五题:口语展示。
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