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必修四 Unit 4 Body language 复习学案 必修四 Unit 4 Body language 复习学案 一、 重点单词: 1. n. 陈述,说明 2. vt. 代表,象征 3. n. 宿舍 4. n. 飞行,航班 5. adv. 好奇地 6. vt./vi./n. 接近,靠近;方法 7. vt. 保护,保卫 8. adj. 主要的 9. vt. 误解,误会 10. n. 成年人 11. adj. 口语的 12. adj. 可能的 13. n. 十字路口 14. n. 功能,作用,职能 15. adv. 真实的,真正的 16. adj. 主观的 17. n. 等级,军衔 18. vi./vt. 拥抱 19. adj. 面部的 20. adj. 错误的,假的 划的需要掌握的词汇: frown respectful employee misread 二、 短语填空: 1. 保护以免受 2. 很可能;有希望 3. 总的来说,通常 4. 舒适,快活,自由自在 5. 丢脸 6. 背对,背弃 7. 把目光从上移开 8. 在大多数情况下 9. 拥抱某人 10. 对误解 请使用以上短语补全下列句子: 1. In most places around the world, frowning and someone shows anger. 2. Defense is an action of oneself an enemys attack. 3. If Tom cannot keep his promise, he will . 4. The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people . 5. You Tom; hes not married after all. 6. He said he run for the President. 用心 爱心 专心 1 7. The beautiful scene out of the classroom made him the blackboard. 8. She big her mother. 9. , fear is a healthy reaction to a dangerous situation. 三、 精讲词汇 1. represent: vt. 代表;象征;表现;描绘 representative adj. 有代表性的 n. 代表,代理人 represent sb/ sth 代表某人、象征某物 represent sth to sb 向某人描绘/陈述- represent oneself as/to be 自称是-、假装是- eg: The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. 这次比赛吸引了代表八个不同国家的 500 多名参赛者。 让我试着用另一种方式向你陈述我的观点。 Let me try to represent my ideas to you in another way. He represented himself as an expert. 他自称是专家 。 2. approach : v. 靠近,接近 eg: She approached the birds quietly and watched them. 她悄悄靠近那些鸟观察它们。 冬天就要来临。 Winter is approaching. . n. 接近;方法;途径 She didnt hear his approach and jumped as the door opened suddenly. 她没有听到他走进的声音,所以门突然打开时吓了一跳。 辨析:approach/ way/ means/ method 注意搭配: approach to (doing) sth by means of with the method of way of doing / to do 单选题: Doctors have developed a new to the treatment of cancer. A. way B. method C. approach C. approach D. means 四、 精讲短语 用心 爱心 专心 2 kiss sb. on the cheek take/grasp/seize/catch/hold sb. by the ear/nose/hand/arm/sleeve hit/strike/touch/pat sb. in the face/eye/stomach/chest hit/strike/touch/pat sb. on the head/shoulder/nose/neck/back 表示可能性的形容词: possible/probable/likely 可能性大小:probable likely possible 常用句型: probable: it is probable that likely: it is likely that; sb./sth. is likely to do possible: it is possible that; it is possible for sb. to do; asas possible; if possible turn ones back to 背对;背弃 turn a deaf ear to 对-充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to 对-视而不见 五、 重点句 1. Not allNot all cultures greet each other the same way, nornor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 翻译:各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间的距离程度也并不一样。 2. With so many cultural differences between peopleWith so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. 人们之间的文化差异非常多,但好在身势语有一些相似之处。 仿句练习: 1. 买了所有需要的东西之后,她高兴地回家了。 With everything she needed bought , she went home happily. 2. 他开着灯就出去了。 He went out, with the lights on . 六、 选择最佳答案: 1. Dont pay more attention to the appearance, as is more important than form. A. comment B. connection C. achievement D. function D. function 2. Dont trust the dishonest man. He showed us certificates.(文凭) A. wrong B. falseB. false C. mistaken D. improper 3. At the 15th Asian Games, China won 165 gold medals, first of all the competing countries. A. ranked B. rankingB. ranking C. to rank D. rank 用心 爱心 专心 3 4. In order not to , he spent the whole night preparing for the speech of the next day. A. lose heart B. lose faceB. lose face C. lose voice D. lose hope 5. Peter phoned to say theyd arrived safely, so please put your mi nd . A. with ease B. by heart C. in peace D. at ease D. at ease 6. A proper approach to your lear ning efficiency is of great significance to every student. A. improving A. improving B. improve C. improved D. having improved 7. He our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him. A. is on behalf of B. stood for C. stood out D. represented D. represented 8. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, , refusing them when they turn to him. A. if neve
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