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The necklaceUnit 15Made by: Miss Tian Look at the picture and answer the questions.Pre-reading1 Have you ever acted in a play? what roles did you play?2 Have you seen some plays?a well - known French novelist and short - story writer Guy de MaupassantAbout the authorThe necklace was his best short story.He had a fine use of irony(讽刺).The Necklace Look through these three scenes and summarize one topic of each scene.Scene 1: meeting with an old friendScene 2: an invitation to a ball at the palaceScene 3: the story of a lost necklaceLook at the picture and then listen to the dialogues in scene 1Scene1 Answer the questions after listening to scene 1. 1.When did the story happen? ( ) 2.Why Jeanne could not recognize Mathilde? 3.What made Jeanne think thatMathilde was ill?1870 She didnt look well.Mathilde changed a lot and became so old.Watch the video (Scene2) Look at the picture and then listen to the dialogues in scene 2.Scene2Answer the questions after listening to Scene2. 1.Why did Pierre say it was wonderful news?2.Why didnt Mathild want to wear a flower?3.What decision did they make finally?Because he was invited to the ball at the palace.They borrowed jewellery from their friends.Because everyone would wear jewellery .Play a role Please play the roles of Scene 1 and 2 . Scene 3Look at the picture and then listen to thedialogues in scene 3The development of the play:getting the invitationborrowing a necklacelosing the necklacebuying a new necklacereturning the necklacelearning the truthDiscussion:What do you think of the three persons in this play?Mathilde:Pierre:Jeanne:Pretty, vainHonest, poor, devoted to his wifeGenerous, kind, beautifulThe story hasnt been finished yet. Can you imagine what will happen to Mathilde after she knows the truth? Continue the play .Homework; http:/www.100join.net/ 德国益粒可官网 djm265ach 我感谢我的岳父岳母,在我最需要帮助的时候伸出了援助之手。只有这样,我才能一大早去拉菜,上午到山里去赶集,下午回 家干地里的农活,日子虽然过得十分清苦,但是晚上回到县城的小屋时,岳母已做好了饭菜,岳父烫上壶酒,我们一家人围坐 在一起,倒也其乐融融逢五排十便是我的家乡大集,我的亲朋好友或者邻舍百居都光顾我的青菜摊。这样一来,我们之间就能得到彼此的沟通和交流 。村里的马老爷子成了我的常客,现在他已退休在家照看孙子,我们谈论的自然是孩子上学的事。他不时地夸我能打破世俗是有 远见的人,因为在当时我的家乡还没有人把孩子送到县城去读书的。说实在的,除了他赞同我的所作所为以外,还没有人理解 我甚至有人还暗地里说我在出山相!“苏林啊,回家好好劝劝你的父亲,让他不要整天挂念他的孙子”马老爷子语重心长地对我说。他的话惊醒了我这梦中人!孩子不光是我一个人的,他是整个家庭的粘合剂,生儿育女究竟是为了什么?难道我不是太自私了 吗?回家的时候,我看见我的父亲呆呆地站在村头的杨柳树下,望着放学归来的孩子们久久不愿离去“爹我们回家吧”我走向前,握着他的手。“爹要想开些人生好比接力赛,父辈们希望子孙接过他们手中的接力棒一代代传下去,但是并不是父辈们种地,子 孙们就一定扛锄,他们应该有新的生活我叫小荷和宝根去城里上学,就是为了让他们将来比我们生活的”“什么也别说了”父亲打断了我的话。我这时才发现一滴晶莹的泪珠从他那充满皱纹的眼角慢慢滑落,他流着泪点了点头。从此,我答应父亲,每到星期六带宝根回家一次,让祖孙二人欢欢乐乐地相聚一天。一天上午,刚摆上摊,我的手机响了。电话是小荷的班主任打来的,让我抓紧去趟学校。生意只好有肖艳一个人照顾着,我便急急忙忙地向学校赶去。到了学校,已是中午十点多钟。小荷的班主任是一位中年女教师,她仔细地询问了我的家庭状况后,便开诚布公地对我说:“这次叫你来主要是跟你谈一谈孩 子近期在校的表现和学习情况。苏小荷进步很大,在我班已进入前十名,但我发现她精力不集中,爱看小说,回家后你要 跟她好好谈谈,我认为她的学习成绩还能向前提。相反地说,苏小刚的成绩很差,这孩子毛病很多,学习不认真,贪玩,有的 同学反映他还去附近的网吧上网,没有自我约束能力,这样下去要想考高中很难。山里人到城里来上学很不容易,我 不想让孩子把时光白白地浪费掉。”回家后,我把今天的事告诉了妻子。在她地追问下,小荷交出了厚厚的小说,原来是一本新版西游记。“小荷,让你到城里来是为了什么?十几岁的孩子了怎么这么不懂事!”肖艳责备起女儿来。
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