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毕业设计(论文)报告纸共 页 第 页装 订 线二二 一一 二二 届届 毕毕 业业 设设 计计基于 PLC 的远程抄表系统设计学学 院:电子有控制工程学院院:电子有控制工程学院专专 业:建筑设施智能技术业:建筑设施智能技术姓姓 名:殷博文名:殷博文学学 号:号:201232060126指导教师:余雷指导教师:余雷完成时间:完成时间:二二一二年七月一二年七月毕业设计(论文)报告纸共 页 第 页装 订 线摘摘 要要现今中国社会铺张浪费十分常见,特别是对电力资源的使用毫无节制,即使政府已经出台了各种节能减排的政策,我们仍需在节能方面更进一步。节能减排要从多方面入手,不仅仅是能源使用,人员的利用和规划也很重要。基于 PLC 的远程抄表系统正可以解决此问题,它实现了无人或少量人员值守,高效的数据采集和处理,从而降低了人工成本并挺高了数据采集的准确性和稳定性,为节能减排打下了坚实的基础本文设计了一个基于 PLC 的远程自动抄表系统。这个系统是通过 PLC 采集各表脉冲数据,并计算,再以 RS485 通讯协议为基础,以 RS485 串口总线为传输介质,以 PLC 为采集和控制模块,实现了对仪表的数据采集,并将数据传输到上位机,之后便可在上位机完成其余操作。本系统使用工控组态软件 STEP7-Micro/WIN 为开发工具进行程序编写,使 PLC 可以采集仪表脉冲,并计算数据。使用组态王 6.55 进行上位机程序编写,做到仪表数据的实时监控,及历史查询。最后本次研究进行了多次模拟实验,实验过程中能够稳定的从读取并计算各表数据,实验结果准确无误。关键词:远程自动抄表系统;RS485 通讯;可编程控制器;数据采集与监视控制软件;毕业设计(论文)报告纸共 页 第 页装 订 线AbstractAbstractNowadays Chinese society extravagance and waste is very common, especially the use of power resources without control, even if the government has introduced a variety of energy- saving emission reduction policies, We also need to further in terms of energy saving. Energy saving and emission reduction should start from all aspects, not only the energy use, the use of personnel and planning is also very important. Based on PLC remote meter reading system is able to solve the problem. It realizes the no or few people on duty, highly efficient data acquisition and processing, thus reducing the labor cost and very high accuracy and stability of data acquisition, for energy-saving emission reduction laid a solid foundation A remote automatic meter reading system based on PLC is designed in this paper. This system is sampled by PLC with each pulse data, and calculated again based on RS485 communication protocol based, with RS485 serial bus as the transmission medium, with PLC for acquisition and control module, the realization of the of the instrument data acquisition and transfer data to PC, and then in the PC to complete the rest of the operation. This system uses industrial control configuration software STEP7-Micro/WIN as the development tool for programming, so that PLC can collect the instrument pulse, and calculate the data. The use of Kingview 6.55 host computer program, to achieve real-time monitoring of meter data, and query history. Finally, this study carried out a number of simulation experiments, the experimental process can be stable from reading and calculating the table data, the results of the experiment is satisfactory.Key words: remote automatic meter reading system; PLC; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; RS485 communication目目 录录第一章 引言.51.1 研究的背景.5毕业设计(论文)报告纸共 页 第 页装 订 线1.2 国内外研究现状.51.2.1 电力线载波抄表.61.2.2 RS485 电气系统总线抄表 .61.2.3 电话线网络控制抄表系统 .61.3 本文的研究内容.7第二章 远程抄表系统的需求分析 .72.1 目前抄表的问题.72.1.1 新老抄表系统的优劣 .72.1.2 远程抄表系统的不足 .72.2 远程抄表系统的需求.82.2.1 我国电力行业的市场化 .82.3 远程抄表的应用与前景.8第三章 远程抄表系统的方案设计 .93.1 可编程控制器简介.93.1.1 PLC 的特点.93.2 可编程控制器 PLC 的选择.113.3 远程抄表系统的设计方案 .133.3.1 系统的构建.
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