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第十三讲 从句的翻译 导入译例 Love is what you feel when you feel the feeling you have never felt before. 爱情是一种当你感觉到以前从未感觉到的感觉时的那种感觉(表语从句、状语从句、定语 从句) The doctor examined the rat that carried the flea that harbored the germ that infected the poor Indian. 大夫检查了那只耗子,耗子身上寄生有跳蚤,跳蚤身上则寄生有细菌,这种细菌使那个可 怜的印第安人染上了病 大夫检查了那只寄生有跳蚤的耗子,是跳蚤身上的细菌使那个可怜的印第安人染上了疾病 寄生在跳蚤身上的细菌使那个可怜的印第安人染上了病,大夫检查了那只寄生有跳蚤的耗 子 The old Saturday Evening Post cartoon the husband yelling at the mother who yells at the kid who kicks the dog who bites the cat who claws the mouse remains a classical American strategy coping with anger. 现在美国人发泄愤怒的策略还是像周六晚报上刊登的漫画那样:丈夫冲着妻子吆喝, 妻子冲着孩子吆喝,孩子就拿狗出气,狗就去咬猫,猫再去抓耗子定语从句之溶合翻译法:前置定语 A man who doesnt try to learn from others cannot hope to achieve much. 一个不向别人学习的人是不能指望有多大成就的 The few points which the president stressed in his report were very important indeed. 院长在报告中强调的几点的确很重要 They like Mary, who is warm and pleasant, but do not like John, who is aloof and arrogant. 他们喜欢热情活泼的 Mary,不喜欢冷漠高傲的 John Janes laughter, which is very infectious, broke the ice. Jane 极富感染力的笑声打破了僵局 溶合翻译法:做谓语 There are many students in this class who come from big cities. 这个班的许多学生来自于大城市 There are a growing number of entrepreneurs who cast their eyes on China, the fastest growing economy in the world. 越来越多的企业家把目光投向了中国这个经济增长最快的国家 溶合翻译法:连动或者兼语式 I need someone who can look after my child when I am away. 我需要有人在我不在的时候来照顾我的小孩(兼语式) He took a bottle of wine out of his pocket, which he began to drink slowly. 他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来(连动式)拆分翻译法:保留关系词 They will fly to Kunming, where they plan to stay for two or three days, and then go on to Guilin. 他们将坐飞机去昆明,在那儿停留两三天,然后继续出发去桂林 A few days before I had called on a friend of ours, a physician, whose son my son Tony wanted to play with while I did the shopping.几天前,我拜会过一位朋友,是位内科医生。我儿子 Tony 想在我购物时跟他的儿子一起 玩 拆分翻译法:省略关系词 I planted these apple trees three years ago, which have not borne any fruit. 这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实 After dinner, the four parties resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 饭后,四方继续会谈,一直到深夜 拆分翻译法:“这”字简单句 The relations between China and the United States of America have been improved, which will contribute to global peace and common prosperity. 中美两国关系已经得到改善,这将有助于推动全球和平和共同繁荣转换法 My publishers, with whom I have excellent relations, always give my new books wide publicity. 由于我和出版商关系很好,他们总是为我的新书广作宣传(原因状语) As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead. 她走到拐角处突然想起一个新主意,于是立刻停了下来(结果状语) Many American boys who had few advantages in their youth have worked their way into prominence. 许多美国孩子虽然年轻时并没有多少优越条件,但凭个人努力出人头地(让步状语) How can anyone hope to be a political leader who doesnt know what the neighborhoods are thinking? 一个人如果不知道自己的左邻右舍在想什么,怎么能指望他成为政治领袖呢?(条件状语)Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aides to the students who are enrolled in a lecture course. 学生听讲时如能写下正确而字迹清楚的笔记,将会非常有用(时间状语)巩固练习 The sun, which had shone brightly in the morning, was covered by noon. 上午是阳光明媚,而到了中午就阴天了(溶合) Scarcely an adventure or character is given in his works that may not be traced to his own party- colored life. 他的作品中几乎没有一桩事件或者一个人物不是取材于他一生丰富多彩的生活经历(溶合)He had a face in which the leathering wrinkles began only where the scars left off. 他的脸上疤痕累累,没有疤痕的地方则是又粗又深的皱纹 There was something original and independent about this plan that interested them all. 这个方案富有新意,别出心裁,因此他们都很喜欢(转换法-结果状语) It is he who received a letter that announced the death your uncle. 是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了(拆分)状语从句顺序法 Wuhan lies where the Yangtze River and the Hanshui River meet. 武汉位于长江和汉水汇合处Since no one is against it, we will adopt the proposal. 既然没人反对,这个提案我们就通过了 The balloon floats in the air as a boat floats on water. 气球浮在空气中,犹如船只浮在水面上 状语从句逆序法 Stormy applause broke forth the moment she appeared on the stage. 她在台上一出现就响起暴风雨船的掌声 Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions. 在有疑问的地方可以做个记号 We will let you use the room on the condition that you will keep it clean and tidy. 如果你能保持整洁的话,我们可以让你用这个房间 状语从句分拆和溶合 I didnt know a word of English until I came here. 我来这儿之前一句英文都不懂 When he entered the room, he found them sitting together singing. 他进屋时看到他们坐在一起唱歌 It is easy to think to oneself that ones emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and ones mind more keen. 人们往往会对自己说,我过去感情多么丰富,思想多么敏锐,现在不行了 Later in life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said:”when you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it is only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is two hours. That is relativity. ” 许多年以后,有人请爱因斯坦给青年人解释他的相对论原理。他说:“你要是跟一个漂亮 的姑娘在一起呆上两个小时,你会觉得只过了一分钟。但如果你在灼热的火炉上呆一分钟, 你就觉得呆了两个小时。这就是相对论” (时间状语转换为条件状语) 巩固练习 When your children are grow up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them unless they are unusually callous. 孩子们长大之后就希望独立生活,如果你还像他们年幼时那样关心他们,你就会成为他们 的累赘,除非他们特别麻木不仁 If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summers day we shall find that the blue co
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