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发布日期:2012 年 2 月 1/3Avalon FM20 胎儿监护仪胎儿监护仪配置单配置单Avalon FM20 Fetal Monitor configuration订货编号订货编号 PO No. :M2702A 保修期保修期 Warranty:主机:主机 1 年,附件年,附件 3 个月个月 Unit (1 years),accessory (3 months)胎心 1FHR1胎心 2FHR2胎心 3FHR3宫缩TOCO自动胎动图FMP母亲无创血压NIBP母亲心率MHR打印机recorder中央联网network 功能附件功能附件功能附件功能附件功能附件功能附件产品配置产品配置Configuration说明:“”表示标配, “”表示选配产品描述产品描述Description功能特点功能特点 Functions :标准配置包括胎心、宫缩压、FMP 自动胎动描记三种功能功能 Standard configuration including fetal heart rate, uterine contractions pressure, Fetal Movement Profile detects and automatically records gross fetal body movements three functions6.5 英寸 TFT 彩色显示器,可倾斜、折叠,视角宽,字体大 Tilt and fold 6.5 inch TFT color display with a wide viewing angle and large numerics触屏操作 Touchscreen operation智能传感器防水、轻便、佩戴舒适和易于清洁 Intelligent transducers are water proof, light, comfortable to ware and easy to clean当胎儿有心搏过缓或心搏过速时自动报警 Automatic alarm when fetal bradycardia or tachycardia 内置记忆备份功能可恢复 1 小时波形数据,传输到记录纸或中央站 Internal backup memory allows recover of up to one hour of trace data to paper or central station自动通道管理功能,胎儿传感器插槽可连接任意胎儿传感器、病人模块和遥控事件按钮 Automatic channel management lets you connect any fetal transducer, patient module or remote event marker to any fetal sensor socket交叉通道识别技术,当胎心之间或胎心率与母亲心率重合时及时报警,保证胎儿安全 Cross-Channel Verification between all fetal and maternal heart rate, warning timely when any coincidence happen. Guarantee the safety of the fetus双胎曲线分离技术, 当两条胎心曲线重合时,将 US2 增加 20bpm,便于观察 Separate FHR trace when the two FHR with similar baseline, increase US2 20 bpm for facilitate observation 传感器查找功能,蓝色 LED 帮助识别哪个传感器监测哪个参数 The blue transducers Finder LED help you identify which transducer is monitoring which measurement发布日期:2012 年 2 月 2/3内置 6 英寸记录仪,自动打印胎儿、母亲的曲线和参数 Build in 6 inch recorder for automatic printing of fetal and maternal parameters on the trace具有联网功能 Network capabilityAvalon FM20产品配置清单产品配置清单(roduct configuration list)订货编号订货编号 PO No.产品说明产品说明 Product descriptions数量数量 Quantity备注备注 RemarksM2702AAvalon FM20 胎儿监护仪 Avalon FM20 Fetal Monitor 1包括 1 个胎心探头、1 个宫缩探头(TOCO)、1 本打印纸(30-240BPM规格,已安装)、内置打印机M1562A(989803104111)腹部绑带(5 个)Reusable Abdominal Belt- 50mm wide, 5 belts1需选配需选配M2702A_P0230-240 BPM 记录纸 30-240 BPM Paper Scaling1已安装在机器内已安装在机器内M2702A_ K01增加第二个超声传感器Add 2nd US Transducer1需选配。双胞胎监护需选配。双胞胎监护M2702A_ C73M2702A_ K02三胞胎监护功能Triplet Monitoring增加第二个和第三个超声传感器Add 2nd & 3rd US Tranducer11需选配。三胞胎监护需选配。三胞胎监护M2702A_ B71M2702A_ K31母亲无创血压功能Maternal NIBP无创血压套件NIBP Assortment Kit11需选配。增加母亲血压需选配。增加母亲血压M2702A_ K03病人模块(含 MECG 适配电缆 M1363A)Patient Module1需选配。增加母亲心率需选配。增加母亲心率M2702A_ J70系统接口(1 个 RS232 和 1 个 LAN)System Interface1需选配。增加联网接口需选配。增加联网接口M2702A_ K04遥控事件按钮Remote Event Make1需选配。增加事件标记按钮需选配。增加事件标记按钮M2702A_ J22PS/2 接口(键盘和鼠标)PS/2 Interface1M2702A_ P0150-210 BPM 记录纸50-210 BPM Paper Scaling1需选配。其他事件需选配。其他事件FM20 耗材耗材M2736A超声传感器 US1M2734A外置宫缩传感器 TOCO1M2738A病人模块 Patient Module1M1363A母亲心率适配电缆140493D/E母亲心率电极片(随弃式)1989803143411遥控事件按钮1耗材耗材/附件购买附件购买发布日期:2012 年 2 月 3/3中国代理商电话:中国代理商电话:18121069696M1910A打印纸,美标 30-2401M1911A打印纸,欧标 50-2101M2740A#A01垂直挂墙式1M2740A#A05水平挂墙式1M2740A#C02可固定角度推车式1M2740A#R01圆支架推车式1M2740A#U01可固定遥测推车式1M2740A#W01挂墙式轨道1固定方式,选配固定方式,选配
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