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I编号: ( )字 号本科生毕业设计(论文)题目: 姓名: 学号: 班级: 二一三年六月徐州市大学生体育意识现状的调查研究徐州市大学生体育意识现状的调查研究13095412体育教育体育教育 09-209-2 班班II摘 要 现代体育与现代社会飞速发展, 学校体育面临新的挑战, 特别是新中国成立以来, 针对学校体育卫生工作最高规格的文件中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年 体质的意见的颁布,宏观上为学校体育工作在宏观上提供了指向,同时文件强化了健康第 一的指导思想。体育意识也成为现代人应具备的重要意识之一, 培养大学生终身体育意 识, 努力使体育渗透到每个学生的生活和学习中, 引导学生追求更高质量的健康生活, 这是本文研究的最终目的所在, 为此做出了积极的探索, 希望引起学校体育管理人员和 体育教师对此问题的重视, 也可以进一步完善体育课教学改革。本文将中国矿业大学、徐州师范大学、徐州医学院、徐州工程学院等 4 所徐州市高 校在校大学生为研究对象, 对这 4 校在校生进行问卷调查,用文献资料法、问卷调查法、 数理统计法等研究方法进行分析和研究。 通过分析各项统计数据发现: 徐州市大学生体 育意识发展不均衡, 缺乏科学的锻炼方法, 在运动技能,健身常识和参与体育活动意识 方面表现较弱, 针对徐州市大学生体育意识现状分析得出结论并提出相应的建议: 提高 学校对体育的认识, 营造学校体育锻炼氛围, 培养学生体育意识, 为终身体育奠定基础, 为徐州市高校体育健康教育和教学改革, 提供一定的参考价值。关键词: 徐州市; 大学生; 体育意识; 现状IIIABSTRACABSTRACT TModern sport and the rapid development of modern society, school sports are facing new challenges, especially since the founding of New China, school sports and health work for the highest standard of documentation issued by State Council on strengthening youth sports enhance youth physical views of the promulgation of the macro for the school sports work at the macro provides links while documents reinforces the guiding ideology of health first. Sports consciousness has become a modern one should have an important awareness, training students lifelong sports consciousness, trying to make sport to every student life and learning, guiding students to pursue higher quality of healthy living, which is the final of this study that purpose, this made a positive exploration, I hope to attract school sports management and physical education teachers the importance of this issue, you can also further improve the physical education teaching reform.This article will China University of Mining, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou Engineering College, Xuzhou other four university undergraduates for the study, these four students in the school conducted a questionnaire survey with literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistical analysis and other research methods and research. By analyzing the statistical data discovery: Xuzhou college sports consciousness development is not balanced, the lack of scientific training methods, in motor skills, knowledge and participation in sports activities fitness awareness weaker for college sports awareness Xuzhou analysis concludes and the corresponding recommendations: improve understanding of sports schools, to create atmosphere of school physical exercise, students sports consciousness, lay the foundation for lifelong sports, college sports in Xuzhou City, health education and teaching reform, to provide some reference value.Keywords: Xuzhou City; university students; sports consciousness; Situation目目 录录1 1 前前 言言.1 1 1.1 选题依据.1 1.2 体育意识概述.1 1.2.1 体育的概述.1 1.2.2 意识概述.2 1.2.3 体育意识.2 1.3 国内外相关研究综述.3 1.3.1 国外研究综述.3 1.3.2 国内研究综述.3 1.4 研究目的和意义.4 2 2 研究对象与方法研究对象与方法.5 5 2.1 研究对象.5 2.2 研究方法.5 2.2.1 文献资料法.5 2.2.2 专家访问法.6 2.2.3 问卷调查法.6 2.2.4 数理统计法.6 3 3 研究结果与分析研究结果与分析 .7 7 3.1 对徐州市大学生体育意识现状的调查与分析.7 3.1.1 对徐州市大学生体育认知意识的调查与分析.7 3.1.2 对徐州市大学生体育情感意识的调查与分析.8 3.1.3 对徐州市大学生体育动机意识的调查分析.10 3.1.4 对徐州市大学生体育参与意识的调查分析.
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