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用心 爱心 专心1辽宁省辽阳九中辽宁省辽阳九中 2011-20122011-2012 学年七年级英语上学期期末质量检测试学年七年级英语上学期期末质量检测试题(无答案)题(无答案) 人教新目标版人教新目标版全卷满分为 100 分,时间为 90 分钟、 听力 (20 分)(1)请听录音,选出与其意思相符的图片.( 5 分)1._2._3._4._5._(2)请听句子, 选出最佳答语. ( 5 分)( ) 6 . A .Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. Yes, Id like ( ) 7. A. I am a teacher B. I used to be short C. I have got a fever ( ) 8. A. Beef noodles B . Some noodles C. Large ( ) 9. A. By plane B. To Sanya C. Next week ( ) 10. A . Speaking B. Yes, I am. Who are you ? C. Hello, I am (3)根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案(每小题 1 分) (共 5 分) 11.Li Ying is going to the zoo with his _. A. uncle B. grandmother C. family D. classmates 12.They have breakfast at_. A. 8:00 B. 7:00 C. 8:30 D. 7:30 13. Li Ying feels unhappy for_. A. monkeys B. tigers C. all the animals D. pandas用心 爱心 专心214.They eat lunch in _. A. the zoo B. the shop C. a restaurant near the zoo D. a shop near the zoo 15.They buy _ in the market. A. food and a pair of pants B. food and fruit (4)请听短文, 完成下面的表格. ( 共 5 分)II选择填空:(每小题 1 分 15 分)( ) 1. - Is this your mother?-Yes, _A. it is B. she is B. her is D。 its( ) 2. He _TV _ two hours every day.A. watch , for B. watches , in watches , for D. watch , in( ) 3. Sunday is the _ day of the week. A. last B. first C. sixth D. seventh ( ) 4. Can you help me _ my English?A. do B. work C. look D. study ( ) 5. We have bags _ all colors _$10 each.A. in , at B. at , for C. at , in D. in , for ( ) 6. This room is _.A. Tom and Mike B. Toms and Mike C. Tom and Mikes D. Toms and Mike( ) 7. Who _ the English club?A. want to join B. wants to join C. wants joins D. wants joining ( ) 8. -Happy New Year! - _.A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Thats all right D. Not at all( ) 9. He likes comedies, and I _ like_.A. also , them B. also , it C. also , him D. too , him ( )10. Can you _ my English book here?A. takes B. brings C. take .bring( )11. - I like comedies. How about you? -Me , too. _ I dont like romances _ action movies.用心 爱心 专心3A. But , and B, But , or C. And , and D. And , or ( )12. Tom likes _guitar and he also likes_ basketball.A. playing a , a B. plays / ,the C. playing the , / D. plays / ,/ ( )13. He brushes his _ and has a shower every day.A. tooths B. teeth C. toothes D. tooth ( )14. Ann often _ home at five in the afternoon after school.A. gets to B. get to C. get D. gets ( )15. - Could I have some milk? (选自 2005 大连)- Certainly. Theres _ in the bottle.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few IIIIII补全对话。补全对话。 (共(共 1010 分)分)1.在横线上填入适当内容,是对话意思完整。 (可以是词,短语,句子,5 分)A: _1_B: Yes, please. I want to buy a shirt. A: _2_ What about this one ?B: I dont like black. Do you have any other colors?A: Other colors ? _3_B; Can I have a look at the yellow one?A: Yes, please.B: _4_A: Twelve yuan.B: Ok. _5_. Heres the money.2.根据上下,从方框内选择最佳选项,将对话补充完整(有两个多余选项) (5 分)A:Hi, Li Ming! Where do you want to go? B: ( 6 ) 。A: What do you want to buy? B: ( 7 ) .A: Do you have time after supper? B: ( 8 ) I finish my homework at school.A: I have some questions about English. Can you help me? B: Yes, of course. ( 9 ) 。 A: ( 10 ) .B: You are welcome. A. Yes, I am not busy today.B. Thank you. C. My mother needs some eggs for dinner. D. What time do you have supper? E. I want to go to a food store. F. I want to play sports after supper. G. You can come after supper. 用心 爱心 专心4IVIV句子翻译:(句子翻译:(1 13 3 题各题各 2 2 分,分,4 47 7 题各题各 1 1 分)共分)共 1010 分。分。 1. Sam 和 Tom 在星期一和星期二上音乐课。_ 2. Mary 周末在家不做作业。_ 3. 谢谢你帮助我。_ 4. 我的爸爸正忙着看报纸My father is_.5. 我们的老师对我们要求严格。Our teachers are _6. 这鞋的价格是 50 美元。_these shoes is $50.7. 这个男孩子太胖。 他需要参加体育运动。The boy is too fat. He needs _ V V完形填空:(完形填空:(1515 分)分)A). 从 A,B,C, D 四个选项中的正确形式完成短文,使意思完整。(10 分)I m a middle school student. My school1(1)_ big and nice. Im in (2) _. There are six(3)_ in our grade. Our English teacher is Miss Zhao. There
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