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平远中学 高二英语 Book7 Unit2 Robots 2015.5.8 编写人:张美兰 审核人:1Period 5: Listening and speaking 导学案 Name:_ _ Group:_ Class:_ _ 学习目标学习目标 (Learning goals): 1、培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。使学生能够感受到科幻小说所反映出的科 学思想(A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.) 2、学习未来机器人 Tony 的故事,掌握女主人公克莱尔的感情和心理上的变化。 3、掌握朗读技巧,获取英语信息,处理信息和传达信息,应用英语的能力; 4、 训练学生记录关键词的能力;关键词的选择:尽量多元化,最好能够包括不同词性的 词语,短语,数字,避免单一。 教学难点和重点:教学难点和重点: 1、如何使学生能利用关键词对文章内容进行有效输出;听力教学微技能的应用。 2、如何引导学生体会 Clair 对 Tony 的情感变化,提高学生分析、推测的能力。. 一、自主学习一、自主学习(Autonomic learning)Step1 task1 A. Tongue twister(绕口令):(绕口令):它是将若干双声、叠词词汇或发音相同、相近的 语、词有意集中在一起,组成简单、有趣的语韵,要求快速念出,所以读起来 使人感到节奏感强,妙趣横生。 B. English tongue twister practice(绕口令练习) 注意重读、弱读、连读、停顿和 升降调。 How many cookies / could a good cook cook / if a good cook could cook cookies? / A good cook / could cook as many cookies / asa good cook / who could cook cookies. 如果一个好厨师可以做饼干,那么一个好厨师可以做 多少个饼干呢?一个好厨师应该可以做和一个会做饼干的厨师一样多的饼干. Task2 Reading aloud practice Listen to Para 2, imitateimiteit (模仿)the pronunciation(语音),intonation(语调)and read aloud. 朗读技巧:即重视语音、语速、语调的准确性、掌握弱读、重读、停 顿、连读和升降调技巧 。 Para 2 (P11) Claire didnt want the robot / in her house, especially as her husband / would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that / the robot wouldnt harm her / or allow her to be harmed. It would be a bonus. However, when she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. His name was Tony / and he seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome / with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed.Step2 How to raise questions? Basic structure of Simple and Special questions Simple questions: Do/Did/Does sb/sth do sth? Can / May / Could sb/sth do/be sth? Be sb + ? Have/Has/Had + sb / sth + done? 平远中学 高二英语 Book7 Unit2 Robots 2015.5.8 编写人:张美兰 审核人:2Special questions: WH-words/How + do/be + other parts WH-words/How + Simple question Task1 Simple questions: Translate them into English. 1 你认识这个作家吗? 2.我能问你几个问题吗? 3.你熟悉计算机吗? Task2 Special questions: Translate them into English. 1.谁知道故事的结果? 2.你在哪里可以找到答案? 3.为什么 Tony 会打开窗帘? Task 3: 1.What information did you want to get when asking the questions?May I ask you some questions about Robots ? -_ _ How long did Tony stay at Claires house? - _ _ What about the household robot?-_ _ Do you mean Tony looks like a human being?-_ _ Who knows the result of the story?-_ _ Why did Larry put Tony into his family? -_ _ Where did Claire borrowed a pile of books for Tony to read, or rather, scan? _ 2. Please make a dialogue according to the content of para1&2(p11),and then present it in class without looking at the paper.(脱稿展示脱稿展示)二、二、 探究学习(探究学习(Inquiry Learning)Step4 Watch a video about robots and think about the question: Is it possible for Robots to have feelings and fall in love with people? And try to guess the answer in the video and prove it in Step 5 Role play. Step5 Role play: Task 1.Listen to para.1,2,3&4 twice and then get ready to ask your partners three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips. Your partner will answer your questions. During listening you have to write down words to fill in the blanks. Question1. 为什么为什么Larry把把Tony放到他的家里?放到他的家里?平远中学 高二英语 Book7 Unit2 Robots 2015.5.8 编写人:张美兰 审核人:3Answer1. It was going to be by Larrys wife, Claire. Q2. 机器人机器人Tony外表看起来是怎样的?外表看起来是怎样的? Q3. Claire 在一看到在一看到Tony时为什么会感到很吃惊时为什么会感到很吃惊,后来为甚么又会感到尴尬?后来为甚么又会感到尴尬?A3: She felt alarmed because he seemed a machine and later Claire felt embarrassed because Tony asked her .Task 2 .Para. 5,6,7&8 Listen to Para. 5,6,7&8 twice and then get ready to answer five questions in English given by me. Q1. Where did Claire borrow a pile of books for Tony to read, or rather, scan? A1. . Q2.What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed? A2. Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by .He helped her so that she would not . Q3. What might make Gladys Claffern surprised? A3. . Q4. What made Claire know that Gladys though
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