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2. 如何扫除阅读障碍如何扫除阅读障碍【猜词悟义猜词悟义 扫除阅读障碍扫除阅读障碍】词汇是阅读理解的基础。猜词是应用英语的重要能力,也是中考中常用的题型。它不但需要准确无误地理解上下文,而且要有较大的泛读量,掌握或认识较多的课外词汇。我们要学会“顺藤摸瓜“,通过构词,语法,定义,同位,对比,因果,常识,上下文等线索确定词义。(一)定义法(一)定义法这种同义或释义关系常由 is,or,that is,in other words,be called 或破折号等来表示。1)Example1:Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. 句子给予 annealing 以明确的定义,即“退火“。 2)Example2:It will be very hard but also very brittle-that is , it will break easily. 从后面的解释中我们可以了解到 brittle 是“脆“的意思。 3)Example3:The herdsman , who looks after sheep,earns about 650yuan a year. 定语从句中 looks after sheep 就表明了 herdsman 的词义为“牧人“。(二)同义反义法(二)同义反义法通过同义词猜词,一是要看由 and 或 or 连接的同义词词组,如 happy and gay,即使我们不认识 gay 这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如 Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.此句中的 Venus(金星)、Mars( 火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道 planets 就可猜出这几个词都属于“行星”这一义域。通过反义词猜词,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如 but,while,however 等;二是看与 not 搭配的或表示否定意义的词语,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.根据 not at all.handsome 我们不难推测出 homely 的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。 If you want to be a musician,you usually have to move to an area that has a lot of jobs,such as New York City. The cost of living in these areas is usually very high. The third disadvantage is that you cant have a stable family life. Different jobs will take a musician to different places,so most musicians are unable to have a regular family.What does the underlined word “stable” mean in Chinese?A.幸福的 B.稳定的 C.健康的从后一句话说“Different jobs will. a regular family.”,由句中的“different places”和“regular”所以可判断 B 为正确答案。(三)因果法(三)因果法 通过因果关系猜词,首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词(如 because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore 等等)表示前因后果。例如: You shouldnt have blamed him for that,for it wasnt his fault.通过 for 引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出 blame 的词义是“责备” 。 The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again.从后面的结果“永远不能再运动“中,可以推测 permanent 意思是“永久的”(四)描述法(解释法)(四)描述法(解释法)描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物做出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。例如:The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.从例句的描述中可以得知 penguin 是一种生活在南极的鸟类。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。 Example:A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful. It gives us some interesting phrases(短语). One is “ to let the cat out of the bag”. It is the same as “to tell a secret”.Now when someone lets out (泄漏) a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag.”John “lets the cat out of the bag” means he _.A. makes everyone know a secretB. the woman bout a catC. buys a cat in the bagD. sells the cat in the bag在这篇文章里, “let the cat out of the bag”虽然是一个新出现的短语,但紧接着后面就给出解释 It is the same as “to tell a secret”根据这一解释,我们就可判断出正确答案应为 A。(五)同位法(并列法)(五)同位法(并列法)如: They traveled a long way , at last got to a castle, a large building in old times. 同位语部分 a large building in old times 给出了 castle 的确切词义,即“城堡“。 We are on the night shift-from midnight to 8 a.m.-this week. 两个破折号之间的短语很清楚地表明 night shift 是“夜班“的意思。 (六)对比法(转折法)(六)对比法(转折法) She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. but 一词表转折,因此 but 前后的意思正相反。后半句的意思是她今天“第一节上了一半才来“,因此反向推理,可得出她平时一向“准时“的结论。 (七)构词法(七)构词法 (前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)在阅读文章时,总会遇上一些新词汇,有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意,而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用,此时,如掌握了一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识,这些问题便不难解决了。Perhaps, we can see some possibilities for next fifty years. But the next hundred? possibility 是 possible 的同根名词, 据此可以判断定 possibility 意思是“可能性“。 a.分解复合词分解复合词 复合词即由两个或两个以上的词合成的词。如:backgroundback +groundclassroom class + roomrunawayrun + awaynewspapernews + paper b.辨认前缀辨认前缀前缀是一个词或一个音节,加在另一个词的开头以改变或增加其词义。in-, il- 不 indirect 间接地,illiterate 文盲的, illegal 非法的im-, ir- 不 impatient 不耐烦的,irregular 不规则的mis- 误、错 misunderstand 误解,mistake 错误 misjudge 误判un- 不 unfair 不公平的re- 再、重新;返回 remarry 再婚,return 返回dis- 不 dislike 不喜欢,dishonest 不诚实over- 超出、过量 overwork 工作过量under- 不足 underdeveloped 不发达的sub- 在下面 subway 地铁pre- 在前、预先 preschool 入学前的、学龄前的post- 在后 postwar 战后co- 共同、一起 co-owner 共有人ex- 前 ex-wife 前妻bi- 两、双 bicycle 自行车non- 不 non-existence 不存在,non-essential 不主要的anti- 反. anti-Japanese 抗日战争c.辨认后缀辨认后缀后缀可以是一个或多个音节,加在某些词的后面。形容词后缀:形容词后缀:-ful 充满的,有性质的 peaceful 和平的-less 无 careless 粗心的-y 充满.的,似的 snowy 多雪的-able (-ible) 可.的;能的 movable 可移动的名词后缀:名词后缀:-ment amazement 惊奇-ion,-ation 状态,机构等 suggestion 建议,education 教育,organization 组织-ness kindness 和善, happiness, usefulness-ity activity 活动,feasibility 可行性-ty difficulty 困难-or,-er actor 男演员 leader 首领-ist scientist 科学家,artist 艺术家
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