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高中英语作文四步教学法高中英语作文四步教学法组句训练组句训练(一一)实验班一(实验班一(18)班)班用不同的表达补充句子。用不同的表达补充句子。1 如果您考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。Ill thank you _.Ill appreciate _. 2 众所周知,公园属于公共场所。_that parks are public places ._ that parks are public places._ that parks are public places._, parks are public places. 3 一看到猫,那只狗就开始叫。_, the dog began to bark._, the dog began to bark. the dog began to bark._, the dog began to bark.Hardly _ the dog began to bark.No sooner _ the dog began to bark.At _, the dog began to bark. 4 汤姆又迟到了,老师很生气。Tom was late again , _._ that Tom was late again._made the teacher very angry._ made the teacher very angry.It was _ made the teacher very angry. 5 那本书他花了十元钱。He spent _ the book.He paid _the book.The book _.It takes_.6 他走出教室,很多学生跟着他。He walked out of the classroom and many students followed him._, he walked out of the classroom.Many students walked out of the classroom ,_. 7 我们应该采取措施保护环境。We should_ protect the environment.Measures _ protect the environment.
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