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1Exercise for Mid-term Exam Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city park. 60Class_ Name_ Number_ Score_I. Fill in the blanks with the first letter given. (1*8=8)1. The poor old man was b that he cant see anything.2. You cant i how difficult the math problem was.3. My bike is broken. Can you help me to r it?4.John is d , so he can hear nothing.5. You wont win the race if you dont work hard in the t .6. Your brother seemed different from before. He c quite a lot.7. He usually v to help give out the food at the food bank. II. Prepositions and adverbs. (0.5*8=4)1. John put _ some signs asking for old bikes.2. We can each call _ up ten students to he party.3. We cant put _ making plans. Im leaving tomorrow.4. Betty failed in the exam and she must be sad. Lets go and cheer her _.5. Its great that weve come _ _ quite a lot great ideas to help poor kids.6. Jimmy fixes _ broken bicycle parts, like wheels.7. We will give _ the money from the sale to homeless people.III. Multiple Choice. (1*8=8)1. - Bob, you need _ your bedroom. Its dirty. - Sorry, mom. Ill do it right away.A. clean up B. to clean up C. cleaned up D. cleaning up2. We are sure that well _ an idea to solve the difficult problem soon.A. put up B. give up C. come up with D. give out3. - _ a volunteer is great.- I think so. Some of us want _ volunteers for Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympics Games.A. Being; being B. To be; being C. Being, to beD. Be; to be4. The man works hard _ much money. He wants his son to get a good education.A. make B. to buy C. buy D. to make5. Please tell the boys _ making noise. My baby is sleeping.A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped6. Steve _ his elder brother. They are both friendly.A. looks after B. takes after C. looks like D looks at.7. - What are you doing, Uncle Bob? - I am sorting out old bloods and Ill _to kids who have no money to buy books.A. give them away B. give away them C. give them up D. give up them8. Attention, please! The plane will _ in a minute. Passengers please fasten your seat belts.2A. take up B. take off C. take over D. take down. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words in the chart. (2*5=10)fix up, give away, set up, make a big difference, change ones life1. The movie star _ 100,000 yuan to the village school three days ago.2. We think the Internet is_ these days.3. We need _ the house before we sell it.4. The guide dog _ to the disabled man.5. Billys dream is to live in Tibet and _a primary school there. . Fill in the blanks. (0.5*12=6)1. 她花光了钱,还向我借了一些。She her money and borrowed some from me.2. 非常感谢你帮我学习英语。Thanks a lot me with my English.3. 李斌长得像他父亲。Li Bin his father.4. 你的帮助使我们按时完成工作成为可能。Your help for us the work on time.VI. Sentences. (2*4=8) 1.你想跟你的朋友说你很乐意帮助无家可归的人,你可以这么说:_ 2.Jimmy 想告诉他的朋友他的钱已经全花光了,他可以这么说:_ 3.妈妈告诉 Susan,圣诞节距今只有两周的时间了。_ 4.Bill 告诉他的朋友他每周一次在图书馆里帮助小孩子学习阅读。_ VII. Fill in the blanks according to the context. (1*8=8) What would it be like to be blind or _? Many people would never _ about this, but many people have these difficulties. Ben Smith cant use his arms or legs well, so normal things like _ the phone, _ and closing the doors, or carrying things are _ for him. A friend of his helped him out. She talked to Animal Helpers about _ him a special trained dog, Lucky. Lucky is very clever and _ many English words. He can understand me when I give him _. For example, Ben Smith says, “Lucky! Get my book,” and he does it at once. VIII. Passage writing. Underline the following words in your writing. (8”)volunteer, help, kids, once a week, satisfaction _ _ _ _ _3Keys to Exercise for Mid-term Exam Unit 2. 60I. Fill in the blanks with the first letter given. (1*8=8)1. blind 2. imagine 3. repair 4. deaf 5. training 6. changes 7. volunteers II. Prepositions and a
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