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长沙市第六中学英语组第 1 页 共 2 页 2018-3-13牛津高中英语教学设计牛津高中英语教学设计教教 材:材:牛津高中英语(模块五)高二上学期 文档内容:文档内容:教学设计教案 单单 元:元:Unit 2 The environment 板板 块:块:Task (Period II page35-37) 授授 课:李定华课:李定华 Thoughts on the design: 本单元的 Task 是设计一份与沙漠化有关的海报,而本课是 Task 的第二课时,主要通过听、说、读 的形式获取制作海报的更多相关信息,并写一篇短文。内容上首先将第一堂课所听的一段报告改成了水 平考试难度的练习,对上节课内容进行有效复习。然后学习功能句型,练习表达自己的观点;最后就已 有信息,鼓励学生发表他们对于沙漠化以及防治的观点及建议,并写成短文,为课后完成海报做好知识 上的准备。 Teaching aims: After learning this section, the students will be able to 1.present their points of view. 2.know how to write an article about desertification. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision 1.Revise the lecture in the last period. 1. Ask students to listen to the lecture again and fill in the missing word. Desertification happens when land that can be used for farming turns into desert. It affects around two hundred and fifty million people every year. About a third of all the earths land suffers from this problem.Although desertification can happen everywhere, it is an especially big problem in Africa and parts of South America. It is a problem in China as well. Even people who dont live in desert areas can be affected, because the sand from the deserts gets carried by the wind to other areas. They may lose their homes and farms because the land is too dry to use. Many families starve, and others move to the cities to find work. There are many reasons why this is happening. Some parts of the world are becoming drier because the weather has changed. However, the actions of humans are making the problem of desertification much worse. People plant too much on the land without giving it a rest; too many animals depend on the same land for food; and people cut down trees for energy and to make space for more farmsall of this dries out the land. When it gets too dry and there are no trees to stop the wind, the soil blows away. Explanation 由于学生上节课还未能很好完成书本上 P35A 部分的内容,故将听力材料进行了重新设计,并做了适当删 减,为写作提供素材。 2.Ask the students to review information about desertification by asking the following questions: What is desertification? Where does it happen? Why does it happen? How are the people affected by it? What steps has China taken to stop it? Explanation 回顾上一课时通过听、读、说所获关于沙漠化的信息,促使学生更加熟悉相关内容,为写作做好准备。长沙市第六中学英语组第 2 页 共 2 页 2018-3-13Step 2 Listening to 2 speeches made by students and a news clip. 1.Two classmates give short presentations about desertification. Then they ask other students questions according to what he/she said. 2.Play a news clip and ask students following questions: What happened in the news? What conclusion can we make? 新闻稿原文 Drought continues to affect the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, one of Chinas major grain- producing areas. Dongting lake in Central Chinas Hubei Province has now shrunk by two thirds. The drought has seen the water level fall by about 5 meters, hampering breeding and migration. And no rain is expected for the next week. Chaohu Lake in east Chinas Anhui Province is also experiencing its lowest water level in 5 years, with some parts drying up. Meanwhile, the continuous drought has turned Poyang Lake, the countrys largest fresh water lake in Jiangxi Province, into a prairie. The lake is now its smallest in history, just one-tenth of the size of last year. Fish production in the area has also fallen sharply.Explanation 本环节由两名同学来做准备好的关于沙漠化的报告,在增加信息输入量的同时,也能增加学生的参与度。 后面的新闻为接下来的教学步骤起过渡的作用,并开拓学生的思路,为写作做准备。 Step 3 Skills building 3 -Presenting your point of view 1. Ask the students to read the guidelines in this part. Make sure that they understand each point. 2. Ask the students to have a discussion about which thing we can do to stop the desertification. 1)Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth. 2)Recycle paper and glass. 3)Use the underground or buses instead of cars. 4)Walk or ride a bike everywhere. 5)Turn off the lights when you leave a room. 6)Take a bag with you when you go shopping. 7)Get something repaired rather than buy a new one. 8)Use both sides of a piece of paper. Explanation 在通过听力以及阅读环节获取关于沙漠化的一些信息之后,本环节的设计提供机会给学生,通过讨论、 思考,由学生根据自己的理解,提出对于沙漠化问题的一些建议。同时教师提供一些有用的词汇短语, 帮助学生在陈述观点时语言更严密、符合逻辑性。 Step4 Write a short article about desertification 1.Ask students to write an article by answering the following question. What is desertification? Why does it happen? How are people affected by it? What can we do to stop it? Explanation 本环节旨在训练学生的写作能力,一方面是对本节课内容的总结,另一方面提高学生对环保的认识。 Step5 Presentation Presentation of some works. Explanation在实物投影仪上展示学生的短文。本环节内容视学生写作完成情况而定,也可放至下一课时。
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