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1高三年级(上)英语一轮复习周回顾高三年级(上)英语一轮复习周回顾 第一部分第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 60 分)分)第一节第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。A Check out these stories of some animals. The cat Homer Homer the blind cat weighs only four pounds. Gwen Cooper adopted him when he was three weeks old. One night his growling(狂吠) wakes up Cooper. Hes never growled before. Surprised, Cooper opens her eyes. A burglar is standing at the foot of her bed! Cooper reaches for her phone to call 911. “Dont do that!” the burglar says. The sound of his voice shows his exact location, and blind Homer leaps. No match for a cat with sharp claws, the would-be robber flees. The dog Geo Geo follows 10-year-old Charlie Riley everywhere. One day Charlie, his mom, and two younger brothers are standing at a street corner. Geo is sitting at Charlies side. Suddenly, an out-of-control truck is heading straight for Charlie! But Geo makes a flying leap. “He hits me so hard that I fall over,” Charlie says. The speeding truck hits Geo instead. Geo is rushed to the animal hospital. “My dog could have died,” Charlie says. The dog Teddy Its 3 a.m. in West Jordan, Utah. A mother and two children stand outside as firefighters hose(用软管浇)water on their burning house. “Is anybody inside?” the firemen ask. The mom says no, because she feels certain that her older son escaped out the back. But just to be sure, Don Chase and his partner plunge(冲入) through the flames to look. And what do they find? Teddy the pet dog standing by the door. Chase reaches for him, but Teddy runs down the basement stairs. Midway down, he stops and waits. But just as the firemen reach him, he takes off again. “Im really maddened,” Chase says. “were wasting time chasing a dog when we should be searching for human victims.” Then they see himthe older son, unconscious on a basement couch. Grabbing his legs and chest, the astonished firemen move him to safety, as Teddy runs behind. 1. How does Homer know where the burglar is?A. cooper shows him. B. He sees the burglarC. Through the burglars voice D. Through the burglars actions 2. Geo knocks Charlie to the ground_.A. to ask Charlie for help B. to protect Charlie from the truckC. because his temper is out of control D. because he is frightened of the truck 3. The underlined word “maddened” can best be replaced by “_”.A. interested B. surprised C. excited D. annoyed24. According to the text, Teddy _.A. saves one of the firemen B. proves that the mom is wrongC. disappoints the firemen finally D. helps the firemen find the mom B When Haben Girma was in college at Lewis if the cafeteria refused to do this, I would sue(起诉).” The manager found her during mealtime the next day and apologized, and from then on she received the menus each day. Girmas parents and teachers taught her from an early age that her life need not be limited by her disabilities and that each problem had a solution. At her local public school in Oakland, calif, she learned sign language and Braille. She tried rock climbing, skiing, biking and dance. Yet her parents initially hesitated when, during high school, Girma told them she wanted to volunteer in Mali with a group building schools. “I was 15 and I was traveling outside the country without family,” she says. “And it was amazing. It really helped develop my confidence. If I can go build a school in West Africa, I can go to law school.” Girma is right because she is now a student at Harvard Law School. 5. What does the underlined “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?A. girmas teachers B. Girmas classmates C. Disabled students like Girma D. The staff in the school cafeteria 6. Girma got the menus as required soon after_.A. she put forward the plan B. she visited the cafeteria managerC. she declared that she would sue the cafeteria D. she wrote to the cafeteria manager to complain 7. Through the volunteer experience in Mali, Girma _.A. became more confident B. developed an interest in lawC. realized the importance of traveling D. was determined to build more schools 8. What can we learn from Girma?A. Never complain B. The customer is always right3C. Actions speak louder than words D. God helps those who help themselves. C Parents do need to teach their kids financial responsibility and that money is earned. Still, many child-development experts agree that tying a childs allowance to chores can be a slippery slope. Heres why. Susie Walton, master instructor at Peace in Your Home advises to keep chores and allowances totally separate. “Allowance is one thing. When it comes to chores, life skills, responsibilities-that is a whole different thing,” says Walton. Walton says, “When kids arent doing a chore, you dont say, Well, there goes your allowance. You are going to seat them down and ask thats going on. We are a team. We are a family. Weve got to have them done.” Besides,
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