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1时代观点时代观点 保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。Protect the earths environment -the homeland of all mankind.治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天!Control air pollution and bring back citys blue sky!污染者应该承担污染的代价。The polluter should pay.珍爱生命,永不沾毒。Value your own life-stay away from drugs.只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it. 读书对心灵有益。Reading does good to our mind.我们期望有一个更加光明的未来。A much better and brighter future awaits us. 务必熟记的英语作文重点句式务必熟记的英语作文重点句式1. It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.2. It can be seen from this that 3. It is to.4. There is/are5. As the saying goes, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.6. Now in China, more and more families can 7. No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.2中考英语写作专练中考英语写作专练-Letter假设你是 Li Ping,深圳中学的一名学生。 请根据提示写一封 100 个词的英文信。信息提示: 受信人的姓名 Jim 写信人的姓名 Li Ping 写信人的地址中国广东深圳市宝安北路 180 号 写信的内容简介深圳中学,学校生活,个人生活,个人爱好,家庭情况等。 写信的日期 2004 年 6 月 19 日 下面是你的笔友给你的一封来信。 请你根据信的内容,给你的笔友写一封回信。要求:意思连贯,表达正确,语言流畅,必须充分表达书信中要求所要表达的内容,格式正确。(你叫李华,住在广东省深圳市红岭路 175 号,邮编:518102 日期:2004 年 8 月 19 日。)100 字左右。Dear, I havent heard from you for a long time. How are you?I have just finished the exams. Now I am glad I have time to write to you. Our teacher tells us that China is a large country. It has the largest population in the world. It is very far from the USA. It is on the other side of the world. Now the sun is shining brightly while I am writing to you. But perhaps you are sleeping in the dark night. How interesting it is! Im becoming more interested in China. I wish to know more about your life. Could you tell me what kind of food you often have for meals?Please write me soon! Best wishes to you! yours,Catherine 3例文: North Baoan Road Shenzhen,Guangdong,China June 19,2004 Dear Jim, How are you ?Im very glad to write the letter to you. My name is Li Ping. Im a Chinese boy. Im from Shenzhen,China. Do you know Shenzhen? Its a beautiful modern city in Guang-dong. I study in Shenzhen Middle School. Our school is very large and beautiful. Im in Class One,Grade 3. There are 45 classes in our school. We study Chinese,maths,English and other subjects. I like English very much. I like playing computer games,football and watching TV. I have many friends. We help each other and learn from each other. There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother and I. I want to make friends with you. Please write to me soon. Hope to hear from you soon/ Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes. Yours sincerely,Li Ping中考英语写作专练中考英语写作专练-Announcement/Notice(1) Announcement 根据下面的汉语提示写一个 60 字左右的口头通知: 假如你是班长,你们要举办英语讲座(lecture)。 1 时间:3 月 1 日星期五下午 3 点至五点 2 地点:阶梯教室(lecture theatre) 3 讲座人:北京大学李平教授 4 报告的内容:怎样学英语 5 要求大家准时出席 (attend),并且可以向他咨询有关英语学习的问题 例文: Announcement Girls and boys / Ladies and gentlemen, 4May I have your attention,please ? / Attention,please. Ive got announcement to make./ Im very glad to tell you that an English lecture will be held in the lecture hall / theater from 3 p.m .to 5 p.m. on Friday,March 1st.It will be given by Professor Li Ping from Beijing University. The topic is “How to learn English well”. You may take notes if you like. And you may ask any question on English learning / study after the lecture. Please attend the lecture on time / dont be late. Thats all,thank you.中考英语写作专练中考英语写作专练-Notes (1)根据下面的提示内容写一篇 80-120 词的短文。 假定现在是 5 月 7 日下午四点,星期日。 你的名字叫李华,是某中学的学生。你到一位加拿大同学 Mike 的住处邀请他和你一道去看电影。可是他不在家。你留意个便条说明情况。 1 今晚 7:30 人民电影院放映白求恩(Bethune),是关于一位来自于加拿大的医生的故事。六十多年前他来到中国,为中国人民的革命事业(revolution)做出了贡献。 电影票已经买好。 2 人民电影远离学校大约 2 公里,两人最好骑自行车前往。 3 你让他吃晚饭就出发,7:00 在学校门口等他。 例文:Message Left / Leaving a message (4:00 p.m.) May 7th (Sunday) Dear Mike, There will be a film called “ Bethune” at the Peoples Cinema at 7:30 p.m. It is a story about a Canadian doctor. He came to China and helped Chinese revolution sixty years ago. I have bought the tickets. It is two kilometers away from our school to the cinema. Wed better go there by bike. As soon as you finish your supper,please go to the gate of our school. Ill wait for you there at 7:00 oclock in the evening. Yours, Li Hua 5(2)根据中文意思提示写作。)根据中文意思提示写作。 假如你叫李明,因患重感冒今,明两天不能上学。请你给你的外籍英语教师写一张请假条,说明你这两天不能上学的原因。60 字左右。 例文:Written Request for Leave / Asking for Leave Sick Leave Dear Mr. Green, Im very sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a/ the doctor and he told me that I had caught a bad cold. He also asked / told me to stay in bed for two days. So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope to go back to school as soon as I get well. Please dont worry about me . Ill make up for the lessons that I have missed when I am back at school. Thank you. Yours, Li Ming (3)根据提示内容写一张)根据提示内容写一张 6080 字的请假条。字的请假条。 赵老师您好: 今天张芳患病不能前去上课,我要带她去医院。 向您请病假三天。 学生家长:王丽2004 年 6 月 10 日 例文: Sick Leave July 10,2004 Dear Miss Zhao, Zhang Fang is
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