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小兔请客小兔请客教学课题:教学课题:小兔请客 Little Rabbits treat教学目标:教学目标:在实际情境中,进一步体会加减法的意义。能正确地进行整十数的加减法的计算。To strengthen kids understanding of addition and subtraction Enable kids to calculate correctly. 教学重点:教学重点: 在实际情境中,进一步体会加减法的意义。To strengthen kids understanding addition and subtraction.掌握整十数加减法的计算方法。Master the method of doing addition and subtraction.教学难点:教学难点:能正确地进行整十数的加减法的计算。Do addition and subtraction correctly. 课前准备:课前准备:课件。courseware 小学资源网:www.xj5u.com教学过程:教学过程: Procedures:Procedures: 一、出示课题:一、出示课题:小兔请客 Present the title: Little Rabbits treat. 请客要准备什么东西呢?What should we prepare for a treat? 1.小兔准备了什么?(果子)小学资源网:www.xj5u.comLets see what Little Rabbit has prepared. 小兔先拿出了几盘果子?(3 盘)How many plates of fruits has Little Rabbit taken out at first? 你知道这 3 盘一共有多少果子吗?(小猴说:“每盘 10 个果子” ,3 盘就有 3 个十,就是 30 个。 )Do you know how many fruits there are in these 3 plates? (Little Monkey says: There are 10 in each plate. So there are 30 in three plates. )小兔又拿出了多少个果子?How many more fruit does Little Rabbit take out? 你想提什么问题?(一共有多少个果子?)What question do you want ask? ( How many fruit is there all together? 怎样解答?你会写算式吗?How to work it out? Can you write the calculation? 用小棒代替果子摆一摆。Use these small sticks as fruits, place the right number. (先摆 3 个十,再摆 2 个十,一共是几个十?)(First , place 3 groups of sticks , Each group has ten sticks. Then 2 groups with 10 sticks in each. How many tens do we have all together? ) 2.看看发生了什么事?(小刺猬拿走了一盘果子。 )Lets see what happened? ( Little hedgehog takes away a plate of fruit. ) 你想提什么问题?(还剩下多少个果子?)What kind of question do you want to ask? ( How many fruit left there? )怎样解答?你会写算式吗?How to work out? Can you write the calculation? 用小棒代替果子摆一摆。小学资源网:www.xj5u.comUse these small sticks as fruits, place the right number.(先摆 5 个十,拿走 1 个十,还剩下几个十?)First, place 5 ten. Take 1 ten away, how many ten left there?这两个算式有什么特点?(每个数都是整十数)Whats the characteristic of these 2 calculations? 这样的加减法会做吗?Can you do this kind of addition and subtraction? 二、练一练:二、练一练:Practice:Practice: 1.看图,你看到了什么?你想提什么问题?Look at the picture, what do you see in the picture? What question do you want to ask? (桌子上有 40 根小棒,女孩子又拿来 20 根,一共有多少根小棒?)There are 40 sticks on the table. The girl brings another 20, how many sticks are there now? (桌子上原来有 60 根小棒,男孩子拿走了 20 根,还剩多少根小棒?)There are 60 sticks on the table, the boy takes away 20 sticks, how many left? 2.自己算一算 Do it by yourself. 3.母鸡在找自己的孩子,请你帮帮它们,连线。The hen is looking for her children. Please help them to connect. 看图:图上画的是那里啊?(果园)Look at the picture: Where is it?果园里水果真多,都有那些水果?有多少?There are so many fruits in the orchard, what kind of fruit do we have? How many fruit are there in the orchard? ? 你想提什么问题?What questions do you want to ask?
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