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新世纪版三年级英语下册教案新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 10 Musical Chairs 教学目标教学目标一、能力目标:1.能简单介绍自己能做事情。2.能用提问的方式来了解其他人能做的事情。3.听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。 (pair work)二、知识目标:1. 学习掌握单词 8 个。2. 能用 8 个单词造句。3.学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识Come and.4.听、读后能理解课文内容,完成 Language Lab 中的练习。5.了解 Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。三、情感目标:通过学习,教育学生积极参加体育活动。四、学习策略目标:在学习过程中做 pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。五、文化目标:了解 Come and.的用法。 难点分析难点分析1. 动词的具体用法。2. Come and. 第一课时第一课时 Wonderland: Things we do 教学目标教学目标基本目标: (1) To learn how to pronounce and spell the new words properly (come, go, play, get, dance, sing, clean, wash)(2) To understand these words.(3) To be able to make phrases or sentences with these words.发展目标:To put the new words into the practice. 教学过程教学过程Pre-task preparation1. Say the rhyme: Crossing the road2. Daily talkWhile task procedure1. come, go1)Present the words in the communication. Ask a student to come to the board: Come here. XXX. Go to your seat.2) Imitation3)Make some dialogues.e.g. 1.Tom is late for class. May I come in?引出: come in2. There is a birdie in the box .引出 :Lets go and see. Come out.3. School is over引出: go home 2. play, sing, dance1)Present the words in the communicationT: I can play yo-yo. Can you play yo-yo?What can you play?S: I can play ping pong/football/computer games/ fishing games.T: Do you like playing.?S: Yes, I like playing.2)XXX Can you sing? Please sing a song for us. She sings well.Come and sing.3)Ask the students to dance.T: Can you dance? Come and dance.3. clean ,wash1)Present the words in the communication.T: The blackboard is dirty? Who can clean it? Come and clean the blackboard.S: The blackboard is not dirty. Its clean now.2)Your hands are dirty. Pease go and wash your hands.Make some phrases and students with them. Have a match.T: Which group is the winner?4. 活动1)由游戏引出:Group X get the first place/ second place /third place.2) 出示图片引出:get on /off3)设置情景引出:Go and get it.5. Books open: Pupils read the words together.Post-task Activities1. The teacher give the orders and pupils do the actions.2. English evening. 第二课时第二课时 Grand Theatre: Music Chair教学目标1. Basic aims: (1) Learn new words: only ,bathroom(2) learn new sentences.Come and play with us.Go and get it.There is.There are.(3) Mime and act out the dialogue.2. 发展目标:Have the students to make new dialogues and play the Music Chair in groups. 教学过程教学过程Pre-task (learn Farmland)1. Sing a song.2. Review the words and present the new sentences. Come and./ Go and.T: Come and clean the blackboard.Go and wash your hands.Go and get a book.Learn Farmland3. Learn the new sentences. “There is.”,”There are.”T: 出示食物(apple, chair)There is an apple here.There are two apples on the desk.There is only a chair here.There are three chairs in the bathroom.S: Practice4. Learn Grand theatre(1)Lets play a game : Music Chair.(ask three students to play the game)(2)Listen to the recording(3)Read after the recording(4)Read the dialogue together.(5)Act out the dialogue(6)Questions and answers.Post-taskPlay the game in class.
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