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一教学课题一教学课题 Unit4 Going about Lesson 1 二学生素质发展二学生素质发展目标目标:LanguageLanguage focus:focus: UsingUsing nounsnouns toto identifyidentify transport.transport. 三教学重点和难点:三教学重点和难点:TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1.1. TeachTeach thethe newnew words:words: planeplane ferryferry traintrain taxitaxi carcar busbus van.van. 四主要教学方法:四主要教学方法: 1 1 ReadRead andand say:say: 2 2 Look,Look, readread andand learn:learn: 3 3 LookLook andand say:say: 4 4 ThinkThink andand guess:guess: 5 5 LookLook andand read:read: 五教具:五教具:TeachingTeaching aids:aids: tapetape recorder,recorder, tape,tape, wordword andand picturepicture cards,cards, somesome objects.objects. 六教学过程:六教学过程:TeachingTeaching procedure:procedure:ProducesProducesContentsContentsMethodsMethodsPurposePurposePre-task preparation1.1. Greetings:Greetings:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Very well. Thanks.2.2. WarmingWarming up:up:Let some Ss to give the commands and others listen and do.Clean the desk, please.Come and play with me.3.3. FreeFree talk:talk:T: What do you like?S1: I like apples.T: What do you like to do?S2: I like to dance.Play a game:One S ask and another answer. Then ask one by one.Greetings in the class.Listen and do.Work in pairs.T and S.Play the game by ask and answer quickly.互相问候,创造英语气氛。激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。通过对话的形式来复习句子,并为下一步教授打下基础。While-taskprocedure1.1. TeachTeach thethe newnew words:words:1)T: Down by the road waiting for the busLet Ss repeat.T show the word cards and Ss look at the word then read. 2).Teach the words car bus van by the same way.2.Listen2.Listen andand say.say.3.Practices:3.Practices:Take out the word cards and ask some individual to read them out. Teach the words with songplane ferry train taxi car bus vanBy the same way.Listen and say.Look and read.通过教授歌曲新的单词,一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高,三,知识也能在玩的过程中学到。听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。锻炼学生的认读能力。Post-taskactivities1 Play a game:S1: Is it a plane?S2: Is It a car?S3: Is it a taxi?S4:Is it a bus?S5:Is it a ferry?(All of the words they have learned should be use in this part.)Play a game in the class.最后猜单词游戏游戏再次巩固单词和句子,并能很好的吸引他们的注意力, 加深他们的印象。Assignment板书:教学后记:教学后记:通过唱歌的形式,学生掌握良好,但对个别单词 plane, ferry 的读音和 play very容易搞混。Unit4 Going aboutplane ferrytrain taxi car bus van一教学课题一教学课题 Unit4 Going about Lesson 2 二学生素质发展二学生素质发展目标目标:LanguageLanguage focus:focus: AskingAsking HowHow questionsquestions toto findfind outout means.means. e.g.e.g. HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto thethe parkpark ? ? UsingUsing prepositionsprepositions toto indicateindicate meansmeans e.g.e.g. I I gogo toto thethe parkpark byby bus/taxi.bus/taxi. UsingUsing formulaicformulaic expressionsexpressions toto taketake leave.leave. 三教学重点和难点:三教学重点和难点:TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1.1. TeachTeach thethe newnew instructions:instructions: HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto thethe parkpark ? ?I I gogo toto thethe parkpark byby bus/taxi.bus/taxi.四主要教学方法:四主要教学方法: 1 1 ReadRead andand say:say: 2 2 Look,Look, readread andand learn:learn: 3 3 LookLook andand say:say: 4 4 ThinkThink andand guess:guess: 5 5 LookLook andand read:read: 五教具:五教具:TeachingTeaching aids:aids: tapetape recorder,recorder, tape,tape, wordword andand picturepicture cards,cards, somesome objects.objects. 六教学过程:六教学过程:TeachingTeaching procedure:procedure:ProducesProducesContentsContentsMethodsMethodsPurposePurposePre-task preparation1.1. Greetings:Greetings:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Very well. Thanks.2.2. WarmingWarming up:up:Let some Ss to give the commands and others listen and do.Play ,play, play. I like to play. Come and play with me. (run /swim/sleep)3.3. FreeFree talk:talk:T: How do you go to the park?S1: I go to(several times)Greetings in the class.Listen and do.Ask and answer.互相问候,创造英语气氛。激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。引出下一步教授内容。While-taskprocedure1.1. TeachTeach thethe newnew instruction:instruction:1) T put out the wall-chart and tell a story (English and Chinese) and ask the questions:.l Whom did Sam and his mother meet on the way to the park?.l What did Sams mother ask Ann?l How did Sam go to the park?l How did Sam go to the park?l Whats on the road?2) Ask and answer:T: I go to the park by bus? How do you go to the park? S1: I go to by(引导性).(Ask until Sss answer is right.(several time).3) Listen to tape and ask Ss to listen and follow the tape.Look at the wall-chart and listen, then answer the questions.Ask and answer.Guess.Listen and follow the tape together.通过学生最喜欢的形式讲故事来引出教授内容可以活跃气氛,让学生即享受到又学到。之后通过问答的形式来了解他们是否掌握。再通过对话的形式巩固所学知识,扩展学生思维。听录音让学生把所听到的句子说出来,是锻炼的他们的听力。Post-taskactivities1. Make the
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