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(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案 Lesson 9 How long may I keep the book?这一课我们谈论的仍然是在图书馆里借书的话题,但侧重于用英语谈论我可以借多长时间的书以及如果在限定时间内还不了书该如何处理的话题。学会询问时间长短的句型 How long may I keep? 以及掌握情态动词 must 的用法。教学目标和重点难点分析:1. 理解会说会用会写以下单词和短语Keep a book, finish, renew a book2. 理解会说会用以下一些常用句型How long may I keep ?What must I do if I cant?You must come and renew it.3. 能准确理解本课对话内容,并能在实际生活中和别人进行练习。课前准备:教师准备录音机和磁带 以及上节课用 CAI 准备的故事书封皮及英文名称。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师和学生一起唱歌或 chant, 鼓励学生加上动作来活跃课堂气氛。然后用 CAI 出示不同英文故事书的名称,要学生复习。教师将学生分组,分角色朗读对话,为本节课的学习做铺垫。对话导入新课:主页图上的人物 A: a librarian B: Li DongA: What can I do for you?B: I hear The Moonstone is very interesting . Id like to borrow it.A: Here you are.B: Thank you. How long can I keep it?A: Three weeks.B: Oh, thats enough.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师在上一节课学习的基础上,进一步学习在图书馆借书的基本句型。教师在黑板上出示两个单词。borrow 借 return 还教师引导学生用上面两个单词造句。例如:I want to borrow a book. Please return it tomorrow.I want to borrow your pen. Please return it next week.教师讲解,在图书馆借书时,管理人员会要求我们在规定时间内还书。这时我们会经常用到句型 Youd better return 这是比 Please return 更为委婉的说法。教师引导学生将以上句型进行转换,例如:I want to borrow a book. Youd better return it tomorrow.I want to borrow your pen. Youd better return it next week.借书时,管理员会嘱咐我们 Youd better return the book in two weeks. (你最好在两个星期内还书)所以也就是说我们可以借这本书两个星期,我们还可以用另一种方法来表达 You can keep the books for two weeks.(出示图片 keep the book 拥有这本书)教师可以引导学生再一次将以上两个句型进行转换I want to borrow a book. You can keep the book for one day.I want to borrow your pen. You can keep the pen for a week.教师将答句写在黑板上。T:So do you know how to ask a question? 那么你们知道怎么问吗?在这里我们要学习一个用来询问时间长短的疑问副词how long ,表示多长时间 For example,How long may I keep the book? 这本书我可以借多长时间?How long do you go to zoo ? 你多长时间去一次动物园?How long does she go to the library? 她多长时间去一次图书馆?教师在黑板上的答句中的时间状语下画出横线,引导学生对画线部分提问。How long can I keep the book?How long can I keep your pen?回答时,我们除了可以用had better to,还可以用情态动词 must。当然 must 比 had better to 的语气更强硬,更有命令性。For example,You must return the book in two weeks.所以以上的答句还可以说成You must return the book tomorrow.You must return the pen next week.T: What must we do if we cant finish it? (出示图片 finish, 完成)For example , finish the homework (写完作业)finish the books (读完书)还可以说 finish reading the books(读完书)finish doing the homework. (写完作业)如果我们在规定的时间里不能按时还书,我们应该怎么办?If we cant finish the book, we must renew the book. (出示图片, renew the book, renew 是刷新的意思)3.小结本节课我们在前一课学习的基础上,进一步学习了在图书馆借书时的一些基本用语,包括询问“书可以借多长时间”以及如果在限定时间里还不了书该如何处理。本课我们学习了询问时间长短的问句“How long?”.,学习了情态动词“must”用法,以及一些常用短语, 例如 keep the book finish (reading) the book.4.巩固练习教师和学生之间进行对话,教师为图书管理员,引导学生复习本节课和上节课所学过的重点句型。T:What can I do for you?S: I want to borrow a book.T: (指着课件上的白雪公主故事书) Which book do you want?S: I want to borrow the Snow White.T: Would you like a Chinese one or an English one?S: I like an English one.T: Please show me your library card.S: Here you are. How long can I keep the book?T: Youd better return it in two weeks.S: Thanks.T: You are welcome.5. 听录音学习课文 Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.A: What does Li Dong want to borrow?B: He wants to borrow Sleeping Beauty.A: How long can he keep the book?B: He can keep the book for two weeks.A: What must he do if he cant finish the book?B: He must come and renew it.6. Do the exercise.Lets practise ()A: This is a context exercise. 这是一道情景题。要根据 If 引导的条件句来推测后面主句的内容。If you want to borrow a book, please go to the library.If you want to buy an ice cream, please go to the shop.If you want to play computer games, please go to the net bar.If you dont want to be lost in the forest, please buy a map.If you dont know the way, please ask for others.If you want to have some coffee, please go the cafe.If you want to visit Beijing, please go to the airport to take a plane.
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