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LessonLesson 1717 LetsLets gogo shopping!shopping! PeriodPeriod 1 1 Contents:Contents:A: Words: pencil caseB: Structures: I want a new ball.I want a new umbrella. That ones big.This ones nice.C: Functions: Counting up to one hundred. LearningLearning tagets:tagets:BasicBasic aims:aims: Listening:Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.Speaking:Speaking: Use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate withReading:Reading: Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.FurtherFurther aims:aims: Add some other information as many as possible.LanguageLanguage focus:focus:1. Using the simple present tense to express interests.2. Using attributive and predicative adjectives to describeobjects.3. Using indefinite pronouns to refer to objects.StepStep ContentsContents MethodsMethodsPre-task preparationWhile-task procedurePost-task activityConsolidationSongReviewWordsSentences:1. Sing a song2. Use classroom objects toreview attributive andpredicative adjectives.1. Use the Word andPicture Cards tointroduce: pencil case.2. Play the recording: Sayand act. Studentslisten and follow in theirbooks.3. T: What does Kittywant? Whichumbrella does shelike? The orange oneor the yellow one?Why?4. T: What does Alicewant? How much isthe green one? Howmuch is the orangeone? Which one doesshe like? Why?5. Play the recording again.Students listen andrepeat.6. Divide students intopairs. Ask them topractise acting thedialogues in Say and act.Encourage the more ablestudents to usedifferent objects in thedialogues.7. Invite pairs of studentsto act in front of theclass.8. Ask the students look atthe pictures in Point andsay.9. Students work in pairs tofind out what theirpartner likes and whythey like or dislike anitem, using the dialoguein Point and say.10. Invite pairs of studentsto report back.11. Ask the students to puttheir cut-out pictures ofdifferent objects ontheir desks.12. Ask the students to seta price for each item.The students stick aprice tag onto the backof each picture.13. Divide students intogroups. Ask them to puttheir pictures on thegroups desk. Studentslook at each otherspictures. Remind them tolook at the price of eachitem as well.14. Students take turns toask one member in thegroup.15. Walk around the class.T: What does he/shewant? Which onedoes he/she like?S: He/She likes the one.Workbook page 201. Ask the students to readthe first dialogue.2. Divide the students intopairs. Give them a fewminutes to complete theother dialogues orally.3. Invite pairs of studentsto act out the dialogue infront of the class.4. Students complete thetask individually.5. Play Which one do youwant?S1: What do you want?S2: I want a S1; Which one?S2: The one.Grammar Practice Book 5Apage 29
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