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The Second PeriodContents: Look and say (P7)Basic Aims:1. Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses2. Asking Wh- questions to find out which person something belongs to3. Using pronouns to indicate possessions4. Using possessive forms of nouns to show possessionsDeveloping Aims: Can make a new dialogue.Education Aims: To like folk music and pop music.Main points and difficult points:1. Asking Wh- question to find out which person something belongs toe.g. Whose guitar is this?2. Using pronouns to indicate possessionse.g. No, it isnt my violin.Materials: some toy musical instrumentsTeaching procedure: 教学意图一、Warming-up.Sing: The music man二、Pre-task preparation.Have students hide their toy musical instruments intheir drawers. Invite a student to go outside and stay in the 承上启下,新旧知corridor for a moment. Ask one of the students to act out 识之间合理过渡。how to play his/her musical instrument and the noise thatit makes. Tell the other students that they have to pretendto makes. Tell the other students that they have to pretendto be playing their musical instruments as well, but thatthey be playing their musical instruments as well, but thatthey should make no noise. The student who comes backwalks around the classroom to find out who is making thenoise.三、While-task procedure1. To teach: Can you hear a noise?1) T ask student to play a musical instrument. 由听入手,培养学Then ask: What can you hear? 生基本能力。Can you hear a noise?2) Listen and say: Can you hear a noise?3) Show: Can you hear a noise?4) Read the sentence.2. To learn: Whose_ is this? Its _. (Listen and guess.) 突破难点,突出重3. To learn the whole dialogue. 点,由浅入深,递1) Listen to the tape. 进教学。2) Listen and repeat.3) Invite groups to read the dialogue for the class.4. Have students play the game introduced in the Preparation section again.5.Read after the tape.四、Post-task activity1. Form groups of seven, act out the dialogue. 在练习巩固中,2. Listen, colour and match. 由动手做,开口说3. Make a new dialogue. 的同时加强思想五、Homework. 品德教育,让学生1. Read after the tape. 接受情感体验。2. Grammar Practice Book 4B, page 6.附:板书设计板书设计 教学随笔教学随笔Look and say _In the music room _Can you hear a noise? _Is it your? _No, it isnt my _(Yes, its my) _
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