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(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案 Lesson 5 Thank you for having me!本节课和上一节课在内容上有所联系,谈论的都是到别人家做客的话题。但是本节课更侧重于“对别人的热情款待表示感谢” 。Thank you and your for having me. It was really nice and delicious. 教学目标教学目标:1. 通过听录音和朗读学习,能够很准确理解课文内容,并能够仿照对话内容进行模拟对话练习。2. 理解会说会用会写以下重点单词。A big dinner, nice, delicious3. 能够理解会说会运用对别人的热情款待表示感谢的句型。Its time I must go now.Thank you and your for having me.It was really nice and delicious. 教学重点和难点分析教学重点和难点分析:1. 理解会说会用会写两个短语A big dinner, nice and delicious2. 在学习课文对话内容的基础上,能仿照对话进行运用。3. 能够会说并且熟练运用对别人热情款待表示感谢的句型。 课前准备课前准备:教师准备录音机,单词卡片和磁带。 教学过程:教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)1) 通过手偶之间的对话引出本课的学习内容。After dinner, A is watching TV in the living room. B takes some fruits for her. They are talking to each other. 吃过晚饭以后,A 在客厅里看电视。B 给她端来了水果。他们在一起谈话。A:Help yourself to some fruits, please.B:Thank you. Im very full. Today we have a big dinner.A: It was really delicious.B: Im glad you can say like that.A: Oh, I think its time for me to go now. Thank you and your parents for having me. Its nice of you.B: You are welcome.A: Thank you and your parents again.2.新课展示(New Presentation)1) 本节课我们将要在上一节课的基础上,学习如何对别人的热情款待表示感谢,首先让我们一起来复习一下上节课的内容。在招待客人时,我们经常会用到短语 Help oneself to (出示短语,Help oneself to,自己随便用点)Help yourself to some fruit, please. 请随便吃点水果。For example, Help yourself to this dish.如果你已经饱了,但还是要对别人的款待表示感谢. No, thanks. Im full. We had a big dinner.这是一个常用语,我们在别人家吃饭或是在餐馆吃饭都能经常用到。 (出示单词full 饱的, a big dinner, 表示丰盛的晚宴)在这里我们要强调的是关于吃饭的单词:早饭 breakfast午饭 lunch晚饭 supper 一日三餐 meal丰盛的宴会 dinner2) 当我们接受了别人的款待,一定要当面表示感谢或者事后打电话表示感谢,这是一种礼貌的做法。Its nice and delicious. (出示生日蛋糕的图片,美味好吃)我们还可以说 Thanks for having me. 在这个句子里, have是招待的意思。所以我们还可以说 Thank you and your parents for having me.3.小结 本节课我们主要学习了西方人的一个重要礼仪,那就是在接受了别人的款待以后,我们一定要记得事后通过打电话或是其他方式表示感谢。这里我们学习了几个比较简单但是非常实用的表达法。Its a big dinner.Its really nice and delicious.Thank you and your parents for having me.4.巩固练习教师可以结合上一节课邀请别人做客的内容和本节课对别人的款待表示感谢的内容,让学生编对话来进行练习。5. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. 听录音学习课文 (播放课文录音)A: Did Alice and Li Shan have a big dinner?B: Yes, they did.A: Was Alice grateful?B: Yes, she was. She was very grateful for Li Shans parents having her.6. Pair work. Do the exercise of Lets practise ().A: Read the model carefully and watch the pictures. Then make dialogues according to the context.(1) A: Hi, Jack. Are you free this afternoon? Im going to play volleyball with my friends. Would you like to go with me?B: Its great. Id like to.A: So when should we meet?B: What about 4:30?A: So we need to go now.B: Lets go. I cant wait.(2) A: Hi, Tom. Are you free now? Im going to go fishing soon? Would you like to go with me?B: Its wonderful.A: Oh, its 5:00. Its time to go now.B: Lets go. I cant wait.7. Do the exercise of Lets practise () .Dear Jack,Im really happy that you can write for me. I felt glad when you were at my home. The food we had together was so delicious and the days we spent together were so happy. Im looking forward to meet you again.Welcome to come to our city again. Li Xiao
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