第1页 / 共2页
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第 1 页 共 2 页.Look,read and write. (看一看,仿照样子写一写.) 1. This is the computer room. That is the library.2. What time is it? Its two oclock.3. Is it snowy? No, it isnt. 4. These are Amys pants.IX. Look, choose and write.(读一读,选词,看图模仿写句子。读一读,选词,看图模仿写句子。8 题题) glasses six nine computer cheap expensivecool nice rainy cloudy gloves1. This is the scarf. . 2. What time is it? Its six oclock.3. Is it rainy? No, it isnt. ?Yes, it is.4. These are sheep. They are very cute.Look, choose and write.( 看图,选择所需单词并完成句子看图,选择所需单词并完成句子。) ) 1.2.3.library playground sunny windy rainy music shoes Johns tenteachers office computer room expensive cheap cloudy sunny四年级下英语句子仿写练习卷四年级下英语句子仿写练习卷第 2 页 共 2 页.Look,read and write. (看一看,仿照样子写一写(看一看,仿照样子写一写.) 1. This is the computer room. That is the art room.2. What time is it? Its two oclock.3. These are Sarahs pants.4. They are very cheap.5.This is Amys . These are Amys .These are .Those are . They are very .Is it ?-Yes, it is.shoes playground library expensive music room dress Johns Amys twelveexpensive sheep pants shoes hat cows horses cheap snowy windy sunnyWhat time is it? Its oclock.
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