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通用二星口语考试通关秘笈发布时间:2009-12-15 作者:黎华 来源:上海新东方学校通用二星口语考试共有 7项, 它们分别是:看图说词, 听说相反,快听快答,听听做做,看图回答,朗读儿歌/短文,看看说说。通过 5项为合格。在这里各位家长们需要注意的是每一项考试都允许有两个错误,所以应提醒孩子如果遇到不会的,不要太紧张而影响考试。要准备参加二星口语考试,首先要挑选针对该考试的教材,共有两本:一本为通用少儿英语口语星级考试-听听 说说 做做 ;还有一本为考试辅导教材(白皮书)。据历年的口语考试发现,70%的考试内容都来自于该两本书,所以这两本教材是基础。只要把这两本书内的内容搞熟练了,并能灵活地运用,我想小朋友肯定能轻松通过考试了。二星口语考试作为一次口语考试,它并不是一次人对人的考试,而是录音机对考生,所以在复习阶段,要让小朋友多对着录音机练习,以习惯录音机的口音。再者作为口语考试,需要的是小朋友讲出来,所以小朋友在考试的时候一定要声音洪亮,语速适中。下面我来分别讲一下每一项考试在复习和考试过程中的注意点。1看图说词:要研读教材并非常熟悉教材中的 188个单词及附在书当中的三套卡片,充分利用这些卡片。这一题的训练非常重要,平时要用多种方式去记忆单词, 例如:1. 看卡片说单词; 2. 听单词的录音(当快听快答中出现该词时能迅速反应);3. 分不同类别朗读单词(按物体分类,按字母表顺序等)。2看看说说:这一题物品的选择一般是在看图说词的词汇当中。所以这一题可以说建立在看图说词的基础上,小朋友们碰到动物、水果、蔬菜、餐具、食品等内容的单词时,必须学会用四到五句话进行连贯描述。当然这四到五句话也是有一定的模板的。譬如说:第一句,This is . 还可以顺带接上一句 this is a kind of 以提高档次。第二句:介绍外观(颜色、大小、新旧): It is new/long/yellow.第三句:从哪里来/什么时候用: I can buy it in supermarket/I eat/drink/use/play it everyday/.第四句: I like it very much. 如果能够加上喜欢的原因那就更棒了。For example: I like it very much because it is very useful in daily life. (物品类) Jinchutou.combecause it is good to my health.(水果类等) because animals are our friends/ my father gave it to me as a present.(动物或动物玩具类)3快听快答:在考试中问题的形式一般为三大类:日常对话(表示感谢,赞扬等);一般疑问句;选择疑问句。对各个类别问题的答句都有它一定的规律,所以平时要多训练,并进行归纳总结。在这里我就不展开了。在考试的时候,千万不要拖时间,因为你的答题时间也录在磁带里,不会的问题就让它过去,也不要请老师重复。不要简简单单用yes/no来回答,一定要具体完整。Yes, it is./No, it isnt。4听听做做:1.方位词和动作词如 left、draw 等要练熟,复习阶段除了练习教材上的听听做做,父母可以试着用英语指挥孩子完成生活中类似指令。2.在问题放完后再开始动作。3.动作要快,关键时也要懂得放手。4.动作要规范,不要有多余的动作。5朗读短文/诗歌:这一部分看似简单,小朋友们需要注意的是单词的发音和语音、语调,但是万一在考试中出现小朋友们从来没碰到过的单词该怎么办呢?首先,记住你被允许犯两个错,所以不要过分紧张;其次,在平时复习的时候,可以学些单词的发音规则,以不变应万变。6看图问答:复习阶段一定要熟悉该项中经常问到的问句(一般疑问句的回答,特殊疑问句 when、 what、 where、how 等的回答),要特别注意反意疑问句的回答。在考试的时候,一定要认真看清楚图片里的人物或实物,拿到题后要抓紧时间浏览下图片。比如:一共有多少人,有几辆车等等;图中的人物或动物在干什么等,一般问题都围绕这些展开。7听说相反:先是要记忆反义词,一定要滚瓜烂熟。难点在后面的句子。平时针对不同的反义词要做各种灵活的训练。在考试过程中,可以分两步走:首先,要准确定位反义词;其次,换反义词。其它部分依葫芦画瓢读出来就可以了,如果碰到未听明白的单词,可以模仿该单词的发音发出来,可以稍微轻声点。对于许多考生来说,考试并没有太大压力,而且考试本身还有点游戏的成分。但要取得好成绩一定要沉着冷静,还要注意一些技巧,以给考官留下良好的第一印象。要有礼貌,一个鞠躬或一句How do you do?就可以给自己加上一些印象分。Jinchutou.com2011年 4月二星口语真题及解析发布校区:绿光教育 | 作者: | 来源: | 发布时间:2011-05-09A 朗读儿歌 Read Aloud考生根据材料朗读。考试时间为 0.5分钟。评分标准:单词读错率不得超过一个。其他内容朗读流利,表达流畅,语句通顺,语音语调基本正确。Set 1Im a little teapot, short and stout.Heres my handle, heres my spoutWhen the kettles boiling, hear me shout.Tip me up and pour me out.Set 2On the banks of ponds and riversAll day men sitLetting a line down into the waterTo catch a fishJinchutou.comB 看图说词 Look at the picture and say the word评分标准:展示 9张卡片,考生说对 7个就算通过C听说相反 Listen and say the opposite考生听录音说句子。录音中共有 5句话,要求考生听到每句话后立即说出与其意思相反的句子。评分标准:考生听录音中的 5问题,说出相反句,说对 3句算通过。Set 11) Its a story about a young man. (Its a story about an old man)2) Did you see anybody there? (Did you see anybody here?)3) Lets put the heavy bag on the floor. (Lets put the light bag on the floor.)4) He is washing dishes slowly. (He is washing dishes quickly.)5) Some kids in the room are laughing. (Some kids in the room are crying.)Set 21) There is a dirty ball on the floor. (There is a clean ball on the floor.)2) Mr. Smith works in an old hotel (Mr. Smith works in a new hotel.)Jinchutou.com3) It gets dark around six oclock (It gets bright around six oclock.)4) The boy dresses himself slowly (The boy dresses himself quickly.)5) You may get on the bus at the park. (You may get off the bus at the park.)D 听听做做 Do what you hear考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列的动作。考试时间为 1分钟。评分标准:活动中有 6个指令,完成 4个指令规定的动作即通过。Set1道具:二星级教材(新教材),一支铅笔,一块橡皮。Are you ready? Now lets begin.1) Open the book and turn to Page 36.2) Look at this page and show the teacher the picture of a duck.3) Look at the picture and count the Chinese words on it.4) Now read the words aloud.5) Put the pencil on Page 37, between the picture of China and the picutre of New Zealand.Jinchutou.com6) Close the book and stand up.Ok. Thats the end.Set2道具:一叠白纸,一支铅笔,两支水笔(橙,黑),一个盒子注:盒子用来盛放考生写画过的纸片Are you ready? Now lets begin.1) With the pencil, draw a big square on a piece of paper.2) Draw two small stars in the top right-hand corner of the paper.3) Color one of the stars with the orange pen.4) In the middle of the square, write the word “good”.5) Under the square, write your English name.6) Fold the paper and give it to the teacherOk. Thats the end.E 快听快答 Listen and respond quickly评分标准:考生听录音中的 7问题,答对 5句算通过。Jinchutou.comSet 11) Are elephants big and tall? (Yes, they are.)2) What shoes do you wear to climb mountains? (Sneakers/Hiking boots.)3) What are the two colors of swans? (Black and white)4) Does your mother have an overcoat? (Yes, she does.)5) Where do you wash your face at home? (In the bathroom)6) How does shampoo smell? (Sweet)7) What do people do in a cinema? (They see movies.)Set 21) Are both deer and giraffes brown? (Yes, they are.)2) What do you read in the evening? (Story books/magazines/newspapers)3) How do candies taste? (Sweet.)4) How many meals do you have each day? (Three.)5) Does your father have a mobile phone? (Yes, he does)6) Where do you brush your tee
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