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初一英语写作课的教学案例和反思 Unit7 Topic1 When is your birthday? 一、背景 Birthday 涉及的内容由于中西方文化的差异以及城市和农村的不同会相应的有些不一样。我校地处农村大部分学生特别是家长没有庆祝生日的习惯或者是庆祝方式比较单一。因此本节写作课的设计结合学生实际情况充分发挥以学生为主体作用以期做到教学相长使教学效果达到最优化。 二、教材分析 1话题 本节写作课选取自仁爱版英语教材 Unit7 Topic1 When is your birthday通过讨论,写一篇关于准备如何庆祝父母生日的小短文。 2语言点 1When was your mother born? She was born on April 1st, 1972. 2Where was she born? She was born in Fuqing. 3I want to buy a birthday cake for her. 3目标 1引导学生谈论有关生日的话题启发学生的思维。 2掌握谈论此类话题的基本词汇、句式。 3使学生了解关于如何庆祝生日养成关心他人孝敬长辈的优良品德。 三、教学设计 Step 1 Review 让学生按生日日期从大到小逐一汇报,复习序数词和月份。 T: Now, Lets report the birthday dates from January 1st to December 31st one by one like this: Example: S1: My birthday is January 1st. S2: My birthday is January 3rd. S3: My birthday is January 10th. S4: My birthday is January 10th, too. S5: . Step 2 Lead in T: How do you celebrate your birthday? 先通过表达如何庆祝自己生日再过渡到父母 S: I usually have a birthday cake T: Do you get any presents? S: Yes, I get many presents from my family and friends. Step 3 Key word 假设明天是我母亲的生日,引出生日礼物。 T: Today is March 31st. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. My family plan to celebrate it. I want to buy a beautiful light bluesweater for my mother. I also want to cook a special dinner. My father would like to buy a birthday cake and some candles. We want to give her a surprise. 板书划线部分,英汉对照。 light blue 浅蓝色 special 特殊的 candles 蜡烛 surprise 惊奇 Step 4 Outlines 假设某位学生的父母亲生日即将来临,让他们说一说各自的计划,先呈现一些动词短语,板书在黑板上。 cook a big dinner 做一顿美餐 make a cake 制做一个生日蛋糕 buy some flowers 买些花 do some cleaning 做清洁工作 make a birthday card 制作生日卡片 sing a song 唱首歌 T: If your mothersfathers birthday is coming, What you can do to celebrate hisher birthday. S1: If my mothers birthday is coming, I want to do some cleaning for my mother. T: Good! We must help our parents. S2: If my fathers birthday is coming, I would like to make a birthday card for my father. S3: If my fathers birthday is coming, I would like to. 老师把学生们用到的另外一些动词词组板书在黑板上。 T: How do Marys family plan to celebrate her mothers birthday? Read the text carefully. Mark TrueT or FalseF for the statements. 让学生认真阅读短文,判断正误。 将关键词写在黑板上让学生朗读课文范文。 talk to plan to celebrate buy a sweater cook a special dinner buy a cake and candles give a surprise T: Close your book, look at the blackboard and retell the passage by yourselves. Step 5 A composition 假设明天是你父亲母亲的生日,写一份你的庆祝计划。学生完成写作过程中进行个别指导。 有部分学生的句子是I very love my mother. 引导学生进行纠正 I love my mother very much. T: Whod like to read your composition? 邀请学生朗读自己的文章其他同学注意听听看是否有错误进行修改。有没有可以借鉴的地方哪些句子写得比较好可以学习。 Homework 订正好自己的文章上交。也可以重写准备怎么为自己的朋友、爷爷奶奶、外公外婆等庆祝生日。 四、教学反思 1重视小组合作学习今后写作教学要多让学生在小组合作中加强交流集思广益要充分挖掘学生的英语潜能创设自主学习的机会使不同层次的学生都能顺利地完成写作同时发挥自身优势又互相取长补短。 2更新教学观念新课程下的写作如果还沿用以往传统的教学模式势必会限制了学生的思维无法达到理想教学效果。因此现在教师要作为课堂的促进者和引导者让学生成为课堂的主体调动他们所有的积极性为英语学习服务。 3正确的评价手段学生在写作中本就紧张、惧怕甚至厌恶教师应及时给予鼓励、肯定使学生有成就感给他们提供实践的机会让他们不断进步。 4在反思中成长反思是实践的一面镜子每次教学反思都能折射出教学的成功和不足。只有吸取经验教训才能不断提高教学质量圆满完成教学任务。
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