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1任任务务型型阅读阅读全攻略全攻略江江苏苏省泰州中学省泰州中学 袁翠萍袁翠萍 自2008 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)说明提出“任务型阅读”这一题型至今,该 题型不论是从命制还是从解题方法反面,都已经逐渐走向成熟。笔者 08 年高考前两个月与 所有当年的高三师生一同经历过心理上的困惑与迷茫,面对“任务型阅读”,当时的我们没有 任何经验,没有任何练习和参考资料可以查阅,硬是凭着一股“在摸索中前进的劲头”,引领 学生参加高考。好在 08 年高考任务型阅读题不算太难,所以学生得分还不错。但是随后的 几年,任务型阅读题型难度加大,自我归纳总结题的比例增加,词形变换形式多样等诸多问 题难倒了很多学生,导致任务型阅读的得分一直不容乐观。虽然考试说明对任务型阅读的题 型做了很大调整,删除了比较难把握正确答案的题型,但是很多同学仍然存在畏难情绪,感 到难以把握,导致失分严重。笔者参考了 2012 年考试说明样题,对任务型阅读进行了深度 剖析,以便更好地提供解题思路和指导。一、任一、任务务型型阅读阅读的来源的来源 在阅读过程中,信息的获取要靠读者的“图式”知识。理解涉及文本和图式两方面因素, 信息的获取不仅取决于文本本身,还取决于学生的背景知识、语体知识和语言解码能力,运 用已有知识帮助理解的过程。任务型阅读(task-based reading)主要依赖于“形式图式”的能力, 而“内容图式”和“语言图式”起辅助作用。二、任二、任务务型型阅读阅读的特点的特点(1)任务型阅读侧重语篇分析,剖析文章的“脉络”,即文章的结构或者框架。在阅读教学 中,“英语语篇”按照文体可分记叙文(narrative)、描述文(description)、议论文(argumentation)、 说明文(exposition)。各类文体各有其写作特点,任务型阅读后题目常具备一定的逻辑顺序展 开。 (2)阅读材料后题目设置多样化,考查学生多种能力。任务型阅读虽然有考查学生的单 词拼写能力,但是和“单词拼写”以及“对话填空”有着本质的区别。任务型阅读考的是语篇分 析能力,对学生能力的考查更全面,要求也更高,包括考查学生的思维能力、分析能力、词汇 能力以及其他的语言深层挖掘能力等。 (3)阅读题目设置有梯度,答题要求简练和规范。任务型阅读题目设置旨在围绕不同的阅 读技能和语言应用而展开,涉及词性转换、词语释义、同意替换、语法结构、归纳演绎、结构 分析、细节理解等。任务型在表达部分也暗含有一些要求,诸如大小写、答题的一致性及词 性等等,这些隐性的规范需要学生自己去揣摩。三、任三、任务务型型阅读阅读的的解解题题步步骤骤: : 总体来说,任务型阅读的解题步骤大致可以归纳为 “略读”“比较” “对应”“理解” “解 题”“复核”等六步战略。第一步:“略读”。快速浏览短文每段首句,了解文章大意是解题的第一环,也是关键的 一步。只有文章大意,才能顺利地在表格中填出相关的信息。值得注意的是:如果表格前提供 了小标题,要特别注意小标题,它通常是段落和表格的主题句。读懂了标题有助于理解短文 和表格的大意和结构。第二步:“比较”。众所周知,任务型阅读的表格是前面短文的简写和浓缩。所以了解文 章后比较这两部分,一一搭配,理清表格主体结构与短文的写作思路和线索结构,有助于加 深对篇章内容的理解,做到有的放矢。第三步:“对应”。通过前两步的知识储备,可以将是个空格所在的句子与原文对应起来, 进一步摸清出题者的出题思路,做到准确回归原文,尤其是占七成的细节题 部分。即便是归 纳题,通过对应原文也能更加准确了解该填的内容。第四步:“理解”。找到与空格一致的句子正如找到阅读理解细节题的源头一样,只是给 解题提供了范围,如若不能准确读懂其含义,便很可能望文生义,从而找错单词。只有认真2理解句意,才能确定答案的关键词语,或者提炼、转换已得信息,从而确定正确答案。 第五步:“解题”。单词或词组确定后,则需要关注更加细节的内容,如:词和词组间的合 理转换,单词词性,所充当的成分,单复数形式,时态,各种搭配,单词拼写,大小写以及表 格中并列部分的内容的一致性,如近义词、反义词、因果关系,句型句式等,避免因简单的形 式错误或拼写错误而导致前功尽弃。 第六步:“复核”。在注意语言规范和书写工整,形式正确后,有必要将前面的第三、四、 五步在复查一遍,杜绝任何导致失分的隐患。四、例四、例题题透析:透析: 示例示例 l Traveling on the Information Superhighway In the early 1990s, few people outside of governments and universities had ever heard the term internet. The World Wide Web was in its infancy(初期), Back then if you said to someone, ”Send me an e-mail with directions to your house,” all you would have received is a puzzled look . Technology has come a long way since those days. Today, the Internet connects millions of computers around the globe, making a worldwide exchange of information possible. The Internet is often called the “information superhighway.” Thats because vast amounts of information travel over it. If you searched the word grasshopper, for instance, you would have thousands of sites to look at. Some sites would give information on these insects. Other sites would be companies with “grasshopper” in their names. Still other sites might want to sell you books about grasshoppers. In addition to information, the Internet also offers one of the greatest inventions in communications, electronic mail, or e-mail for short. E-mail is the brainchild of a shrewd(精明的)man named Ray Tomlison. He developed the program and sent himself the first e-mail in 1974. He isnt sure, but he thinks his first message was QWERTYUIOP ( the top row of letters on a key-board). As a result of Tomlinsons invention of e-mail, the way in which the world communicates has changed.Thanks to e-mail, you can communicate with a student in London and find out how his weather experiment is going. E-mail has also changed the speed with which we exchange information. In minutes, you can contact another person who shares your love of kites or stamps. Your aunt and uncle can send you pictures of their new puppy without ever leaving their home. If you are sick and cant attend school, your teacher can e-mail you the assignments you have missed. You can even send e-mail to a grasshopper expert and ask questions for a research paper. However, there is one big disadvantage when you use e-mail. Unlike a letter you send through the mail, e-mail is NOT private. It can be reviewed by anyone with access to your receivers computer. Your receiver could also forward it to other peopleso be careful. Do not say anything in an e-mail that you wouldnt say in front of crowd!The internetThe internet offers information to us.The internet enables us to (1) _ in a new way. We can (2) _ information throughout the world, because the internet can connect millions of computers.The internet is often called the “information superhigh-way”, because vast amount of information travel over it.Thanks to (3) _ , we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.3It has changed the(4)_ of talking. Through it, we can talk with our students in London about the weather experiment.It has also enables us to exchange information at (5) speed than traditional communicative methods. Within a short time, it lets us (6)_ mother person who has internet in (7) _ . It also helps us to send information without leaving home.(8)_ th
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