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1 Unit 4 Rhetoric TranslationLesson 15 Translation of Figures of Speech 1. Translation of Zeugma 靳梅林( 1995: 248-250 ) Zeugma (轭式搭配法)轭式搭配法格式是用一个动词或介词支配两个名词,一个 形容词修饰两个名词,或者两个名词主语合用一个动词,而这 两个名词在意义上往往毫不相干,或者第二个名词与动词或者形容词不能构成自然搭配,仿佛用扼把一对牲口套在一起拉扯 似的,称为扼式搭配。这种修辞格在英语中广泛运用,因为它 可以使语言诙谐,具有讽刺和感染力。翻译时,可直译或用别的修饰格,或其他方法译出。A 直译1 She dropped a tear and her pocket handkerceif.(Dickens) 她掉下了眼泪和手绢。2 Mr Pockwick took his hat and his leave.(Dickens) 匹克威客先生拿起帽不辞而别。3 She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart.(O.Henry) 他有两颗假牙和一颗富于同情的心。4 The man stood in a high place and a high manner. 那人站在高处,态度傲慢。B 加词分译1 We ate a bun and a glass of milk. 我们吃了个小甜圈面包,喝了杯牛奶。2Side by side for seven years we took photograph and other things, (O. Henry) 我们共同度过了七年,一起拍照,也偷窃人家的东西。3 Kill the boys and the luggage ! 宰了那些小子们,毁掉他们的行李。4 She was dressed in a maid s cap, a pinafore, and a bright smile. 她戴着女仆帽子,扎着围裙,脸上露出欢悦的微笑。5 Smelling of musk and of insolence.(Tennyson) 嗅出了香味儿,也觉察出来面临无礼额度处境。C 用别的修辞格译出1 She always wears the clothes that fit her and the times. 她总是穿既合体又合时宜的衣裳。2 She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 她对这个无家可归的孩子打开了自己的心门,也打开了自己的 心扉。(重复,排比)3when I and my sorrows are dust(Dickens) 等到我的尸骨化为灰烬,我的悲哀也烟消云散时(排比,对 偶) 4 Ten minutes later, the coffee and Commander Danaarrived simultaneously. (J.P. Bachman) 十分钟之后,咖啡上来了,达纳司令员也上来了。 (重复,排 比)D 把其中的一个借此短语译作状语,另一个译成谓语1 Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.(Dickens) 波洛小姐 泪如雨下地坐着坐了轿子径直回家去了。2 They have gone with weeping eyes and hearts. 他们眼泪汪汪地怀着悲痛的心情走了。3 Old people gathered in the social hall for comradeship and lunch. 老人们为了友谊聚集在交际厅共进午餐。4 She hurried here with his child and all doubts. 她疑惑重重地带着孩子冲冲赶来。5 Mrs Smith got out of bed and humor. 史密斯夫人郁郁寡欢地起床了。6 The general lost the town and his head. 那位将军因为失了城池而被斩首。2. Translation of rhetorical question 张春柏 (2003:262) 反问 反问( Rhetorical Question)指有意提出不答自明的问题, 以达到加强语气的效果,通常叫直译。例如:1)Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate Justice of the people ?Is there any better or equal hope in the world ?In our present differences,is either party without faith of being in the night ? 人民是最公正的,我们我们为什么不对这点抱有最坚定的 信心呢?在世界上,我们还能对别的什么寄予同样的或更 大的希望吗?在目前的南北分歧中,难道有哪一方不坚信公理在自己方面?2)Why stand we here idle?What is it that gentlemen wish ?What would they have ?Is life so dear ,or peace so sweet,as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? 为什么我们还无所作为地站在这儿?诸位究竟希望什么? 又会得到什么?生命当真如此可贵,和平当真如此甜蜜,竟值得以枷锁和奴役为代价去换取吗?3)Can t you just leave me alone? 你就不能别来烦我吗4)你的心过去是苦的,你怎么能闻到红叶的香味?Your heart was bitter in the past ,so how could you sense the fragrance of the red leaves then? 5)谁愿意和手上有鲜血的同志握手呢?Who would shake a hand stained with comrades blood?3. Translation of Irony 张春柏( 2003:257-259) 反语 反语( Irony )就是使用与本意相反的词句来表达本意,一般用于讽刺嘲弄。 为了保留原文的讽刺效果,通常采用直译的方法。 例如:1)He stated a truth,and did it in such a pleasant way,and salved over my sore spot so gently ,that I was rather glad I had committed the crime ,for the sake of the letter。 他说出了一个真理,而且说得那么令人愉快,帮我顺顺当当 地下了台阶, 使我甚至庆幸自己亏得犯了这剽窃罪,因而得到了这封信。2) Had I interfered in the manner which I admit ,and which I admit has been fairly(for I admire the truthfulness and candour of the greater portion of the witnesses who have testified in this case) had I so interfered in behalf of the rich,the intelligent ,the so-called great,or in behalf of any of their friendseither father,mother,brother,sister,wife ,or children,or any of that class and suffered, and sacrificed what I have in this interfere,it would have been all right;and every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment。 我在法庭上所承认的事实已经得到相当充分的证明,我对于 证人提供的大部分事实的正确和公认是很钦佩的,但是,假如我的作为是代表那些有钱有势,有知识的人或无所谓大人2 物的利益, 我是代表他们的朋友、父母、兄弟、 姐妹、妻子、儿女或他们所属的阶级其他任何人的利益,并因此而受到我 在这件事上所受到的痛苦和牺牲,那就会万事大吉了。这法 庭上的每个人都会认为我的付出不但不应受罚,反而值得奖赏。3)You gave her good advice,and broke her heart。That was the beginning of your reformation 。你给了她忠告、 撕碎了她的心。 你就是这样开始你所谓的自 我改造的。4)You and the girls may go,or you may send themselves,which perhaps will be still better , for as you are as handsome as any of them,Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party 。 你带着女儿们去就行啦。要不干脆打发她们自己去,那样没 准更好些。 要知道你的模样跟她们一样标致,宾利先生兴许 倒会看上你呢。5)你感冒了?叫你多穿点你不听,我还以为你真的不怕冷呢! So you have caught a cold?You turned a deaf ear to me when I asked you to put on more clothes, and I thought you were really not afraid of the cold 。 6)当她听说自己被解雇了,她生气地说:“好极了!”When she heard that she was fired,she said angrily , “That is great! ” 但是,当直译可能会引起误解时,就往往需要采用意译的方法,以免适得其反,例如:7)瞧瞧你干的好事! Look at what you have done!8)The French and the English were so about art that they sent their armies to search for invaluable paintings and sculptures all around the world。 英国人和法国人号称热爱艺术,不惜派出军队在世界各地搜 罗珍贵的绘画和雕刻作品。练习 Translation of zeugma 傅敬民( 2005:9598)1.He picked up his hat and his courage. 2.Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father when they are old. 3.Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair. 4.Clean your breath while it clea
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