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肇源蒙中 20112012 学年度第一学期高一英语必修二导学案Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits我们的身体与健康的习惯我们的身体与健康的习惯编写人:耿雪飞 审核人:郑宝 包红岩 辛淑霞 审批人:郑宝 包红岩 Introduction 导学案导学案 【学习指导】 课前预习有关食品,疾病,运动等单词和课本 113 页单词,课本第一页内容,并 独立完成相应的习题。 【学习目标】 (1)学会关于生活习惯,饮食起居,健身运动和疾病症状的等英语表达法。(2)通过自主学习,合作探究,培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。(3)学会健康饮食 ,加强锻炼,关爱他人,注意身心健康提高全民素质。 【学习重难点】培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧熟能生巧 【预习案】 I .Words A . Revise the words that are connected with food,illness a . Food b. Vegetable c. Meat rice potato pork noodles tomato beef bread pea fish dumplings cucumber chicken steam bread egg plant mutton mooncakes pumpkin duck hotdogs cabbage ham swandwiches carrot lamb hamburger onion goose pizza green pepper d.Fruit e.Illness f.Exercise apple cold soccer/football pear flu basketball orange headache volleyball grape stomache swimming watermelon cancer jogging banana fever surfing知识必备熟悉掌握激情背诵peach toothache skiingstraw berry dizzy skipping ropelemon heart attack gymnastics mongo sore thoat horse raceBWordsread and recite1. diet n/v 饮食 6. toothache n. 牙痛2. fat n. 脂肪 7. unhealthy adj 不健康的 adj 肥的,胖的 8. wealthy adj 富裕的 ;有钱的3. fit adj 健康的 v wealth n 财富富裕 4. flu = influence 9. rarely 稀少地 流行性感冒 10. proverb n. 谚语5. rare adj 稀少的,罕有的 rarely adv 稀少地合作案合作案探究一探究一: Look at these words and expressions. Which of them are connected with illness? P1Answes: 1 _ 2 _ 3_ 4 _ II Phrases:Translate into English 1感冒 _ 6.俩小时的锻炼 _ 2发烧 _ 7.例如 _ 3至少 _ 8.许多甜品 _ 4三份 _ 9.健康的思想 _ 5一周一次 _ 10.远离 _探究二探究二: Read these sentences. Tick the sentences that are true for you. 1.Read through the sentences and make sure thestudents understand them all. You may need to explain “portions” and “fit” for them.激情背诵细读课文 画出所给 短语并根 据课文翻 译阅读回答 part1 并 回答问题细读教材 part2 根 据实际情 况找出情 况符合自 己的句子肇源蒙中 20112012 学年度第一学期高一英语必修二导学案2.Pair them to ask and answer: (1) Do you often eat fruit and vegetables ? (2) Do you often eat fatty meat ? (3) Do you sometimes get cold and flu ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (4) How often do you eat fish ? Once a week. / Twice a week. (5)How long do you take exercise in a day ? More than twenty minutes a day. (6) You eat a lot of sweet things, dont you ? (7) Do you rarely get toothache ?探究三:探究三:Read through the four proverbs, put them into groups of four to discuss what the proverbs mean. Translate them into Chinese. 1.You are what you eat. 2 .Healthy mind in a healthy body. 3. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy. 4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.探究四探究四:1.Think of some Chinese proverbs connected with health.3. Choose four of them change into English.提升案提升案Language points 1. Which of them are connected with illness? connectwith 把与联系起来。 许多人把金钱与幸福联系起来。be connected with 与有联系/关系 e.g. 他与这件事无关。 Can you tell me some diseases _ with smoking? be connected to 与相连 我的电脑可以连上网络。俩人活动 学生利用 所学知识 互相就饮 食健康方 面的内容 进行回答进行小组 讨论,为 什么 You are what you eat全班活动, 汇集小组 讨论内容, 看一看学 生能回忆 多少谚语 并选出几 个译成英 语Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧熟能生巧2. I sometimes get colds and flu. Fill in blanks with sometimes, sometime, some time. (1) They _ go skiing in winter. (2) Well meet again _ next week. (3) I bought it _ last spring. (4) Ill be away for _. have/ 3. I eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day . a portion of : 一 份 我每天吃一份美味的水果。 I eat _ a day. 你每天吃几份新鲜的水果和蔬菜? How many _ and vegetables _you _a day? 4.I take at least two hours exercise a week.exerciseu锻炼,运动 take exercise 锻炼 c体操,练习 do exercises 做练习 do morning exercises 做早操 do eyes exercises 做眼操 Many people, especially young women go on a diet and take more _ to get slim. (苗条) 5. I rarely get toothache. rare adj.稀少的;罕见的 rare animals 稀有动物 eg. 在南方雪很少见。Snow is quite rare in the South. rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地 Rarely _we _ them nowadays. 我们现在很少(能)见到他们。 Fill in blanks with rare, rarely, seldom, I saw a _ butterfly. He is _ ill. = It is _ that he is ill. = It i
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