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学科网备战学科网备战 2011 届高考英语(通用版)一轮复习届高考英语(通用版)一轮复习专题专题 10 省略句省略句【A【A 组:基础过关组:基础过关】1、I hope youve read the instructions. Yes, of course _. A. I did B. I will C. I do D. I have2、Id like to spend my weekend in upstate NY, but I have some problems with transportation. _. Ill drive my mums car. A. What if B. Take your time C. What a pity D. Its no big deal 【答案】D 【解析】考查英语省略答语。答语中说话人对对方面临的交通问题的反应。根据下一句“I ll drive my mums car”可知空白处应选 D 项, “那不是大不了的事”, 其他选项意思与这里的 语境不符。 3、It is said that the poet drowned when he fell into a river while _ hold of the reflection of the Moon. A. trying taking B. tried to take C. trying to take D. tried taking 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查省略。本句的意思是“据说那位诗人努力去抓月亮的倒影时掉进河中淹死 了”。本项前面省略了 he was。 try to do sth. 表示“努力去做某事”。try doing sth. 表示“尝 试做某事”, 因而 A 项不恰当。 4、 If I am admitted by a famous college this summer,my parents will take me toHong Kong and MacaoIf ,they Anot;wont Bno;dont Cnot;havent Dno;didnt 【答案】 A 【解析】考查省略。If not=If I am not admitted by a famous college this summer;they won t=they wont take me to Hong Kong and Macao英语句子中常省去与前文相同的部分。难度 适中。 5、Comparison my make something appear more beautiful than it is when alone. Ato see Bseeing Cis seen Dseen6、Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just _. Aas much Bso much Cas many Dso many【答案】C 【解析】考查省略句。句意为:女孩过去接受的高等数学要比男孩少得多,但是现在他们 接受和男孩一样多的高等数学课程。as many 后省略了 advanced math courses as boys。因为 course 是可数名词,所以用 many 而不用 much。 7、Will you go home tomorrow evening? No,I am going to a lecture,or at least I am planning_. Aso Bto Cit Dthat 【答案】B 【解析】考查不定式符号 to 的省略。用不定式符号 to 代替整个不定式 to go to a lecture。 8、I hear Sarah was badly injured in the car accident. _, lets go and see her right away.来源:学 if you keep silent, you may not feel happy. Shakespeare once said, “To be or not to be, thats a question. If you dont want to face such problems, please follow my suggestion: be careful when shopping online and dont make profits from friendship. 57What mainly made the writer become interested in e shopping? AMany choices, lower prices and great convenience. BThe intention of following the fashion. CMoms satisfaction with the cosmetics bought on line. DThe curiosity about shopping online. 58The writer cant fully trust e shopping because . Aa few e shoppers sell low quality goods and cheat customers of money Bthe goods in e shops are too expensive for customers to buy Cthere are few choices of necessities for people to make Dsome people have turned to a new platform for e shopping 59From the text we can infer that the writer is most likely to be a . AschoolboyBschool teacherCschoolgirlDcollege student 60Following the writers suggestions, which of the following should we students do? ASet up a e store and do business online. BKeep silent if you are not satisfied with what youve bought from your friends. CReturn your purchases if you are not pleased with the goods from your friends. DBe careful when e shopping and avoid making money from your friends on line. 【文章大意】 本文为介绍类文章。作者通过自己的亲身体会给我们介绍了网上购物 的好处和社交网络购物的一些情况以及使用这个平台应该注意的问题。 57A 推理判断题。从 A big attraction 部分可知,作者与她母亲用过母亲通过因特网 购买的化妆品后觉得满意,于是就到淘宝购物网站试试,不久发现那里是购物的天堂,因 为网上商品繁多,价格低廉而且购物方便,所以真正使作者对网上购物产生兴趣的应该是 A 项内容。 58A 细节理解题。在 A new platform 这一部分中,作者在 but it doesnt means that I can fully trust e shopping.一句后陈述了原因:在许多论坛上,网上购物者强烈谴责一些网 上商店出售劣质商品,骗取购物者的钱。 59C 推理判断题。由最后一部分可知作者认为高中生和同学做网上生意不合适,而 没60D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句中的 please follow my suggestion: be careful when shopping online and dont make profits from friendship.可知 D 项正确。 Compared to adults, children seem to be moving constantlySo its no surprise that most parents who are quizzed about their childs physical activity level describe their children as fairly activeBut a new study of nearly 2,000 British school children suggests that many parents overestimate the amount of physical activity their children are really getting The researchers equipped 1,892 British school children, ages 9 and 10, with accelerometers that measure all physical activity during a given time periodThe research, known as the Speedy study collected the exercise data from children at 92 schools in Norfolk, England, between April and July 2007 A child was regarded inactive if he or she recorded less than an hour a day of physical activityAlthough the majority of children studied were getting enough physical activity, a sizable minority of children were notOverall, 39 percent of girls and 18 percent of boys studied were getting less than an hour of physical activity each day But if you asked the parents of the inactive children to describe their childs activity le
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